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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all diNculties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier, Electrically Controlled Garage Doors.
Garage doors that are opened and closed electrically, without the necessity for the driver leaving his seat when passing in or out, form the subject of a note from America. The electrical device that makes this possible consists of two plates set in the approach to the garage and the floor where the vehicle will pass over them, a few feet from the garage doors. One is inside the garage and the other outsid4. When the vehicle is driven on to one of these plates its weight depresses the plate and moves a switch which completes the electrical circuit. The doors either slide open or close as desired. Thus, the plate on the floor of the garage controls the doors from within, and the plate outside controls them when the vehicle has left or is approaching the garage.
Guy Models at a Somerset Show.
At the Somerset County Agricultural Show, which opens at Wells on June 23rd and remains open for the following two days, Guy Motors, Ltd., will be exhibiting five vehicles. These will comprise a 1-ton van with pneumatic tyres and electric lighting, a luxurious 16-seater eoaeh on the makers' latest drop-frame chassis, a 2i-ton lorry, a 26seater low load-line chassis of their latest design and a horsebox embodying a number of recent improvements in this class of vehicle. In the lastnamed vehicle the use of a drop-frame chassis enables the loading line to be reduced to 1 ft. 9 ins, from the ground, so that only a slightly inclined ramp to enable the animals to enter and alight from the vehicle is needed.
Three of the company's agents, the Bath Engineering Co., of Bath ; W. Pearce and Sons, Ltd., of Taunton ; and Messrs. Real, Median(' and Wills, of Bridgwater, will have members of their staff on the stand to explain the features of the various vehicles exhibited or to demonstrate them.
Orders for Karriers.
Vehicles of all types and sins are included In the list of orders which Karrier Motors, Ltd.' of Huddersfield, have recently received from various important transport users. One of the most intereSting is that for a number of rigid six-wheeled chassis for the South African Railways.
Amongst vehicles which are being built for municipal authorities are a batch of 30-seater buses for the Newport Corporation, which already owns a large fleet of Karrier vehicles, an R.S.C. type • sprinkler, sweeper and collector for the Corporation of Douglas • (I.O.M.), and a 30-cwt. lorry in the nature of a repeat order from the Tadmorden Corporation. Amongst cooperative societies which are buying Karrier Vehicles we can mention those of Bursiem and Liverpool, the former placing an order for 6-tonners and the latter for 3-ton chassis.
The 25-ewt. Karrier chassis is proving very popular, and a large order for this type of chassis has recently been received from Elder, Dempster and Co., Ltd., whilst Rotax (Motor Accessories), Ltd., are buying three chassis of similar capacity.
The company have received a number of other orders, but those which we have mentioned are sufficient to indicate the variety of models which, they are in a Position to supply. We might also direct attention to the fact that the company are building vehicles for service in Australia and New Zealand, whilst a fleet of 54-seater double-deck buses on the passenger model six-wheeler are passing through their works for a prominent bus company in Dublin.
Governor Makers Wanted.
We have an enquiry for a governor driven from a position behind the gearbox, and shall be glad to hear from any manufacturers of such devices. Particulars concerning it should be addressed " Governor," c/o the Editor of this journal.
An Auction of Spare Parts.
The auction of spare parts which is being held by Messrs. Goddard and Smith, to which we referred in our issue of May 4th, has been postponed until June 2nd, 3rd and 4th, when the sale will open at the Motor Auction Mart, 70, Seymour Place, London, W.1, at 11 a.m. each day. Forty tons of spare parts will be offered.
Droitwich and Worcester's Powers.
At the recent meeting of the Droitwich Rural District Council a letter was read from the Mayor of Worcester asking for general support for the city's proposed passenger transport service into rural areas around Worcester. The council, however, did not support the city authorities on the ground that it would mean a lever for extending the city's boundary, and that the corporation's vehicles would harass private enterprise. All opposition to the Worcester Corporation Bill has, after negotietions, now been withdrawn.
A Campaign to Popularize Electrics.
Aiming to educate prospective users in the economies of electric lorry operation and to enlist greater support on the part of central power station authorities, the electric lorry manufacturers represented in the American National Automobile Chamber of Commerce prepared a joint exhibit for the National Electric Light Association Convention, held in Atlantic City from May 17th to 21st.
The exhibit, which occupied a prominent position amongst others covering every phase of the electrical industry. marked another step in an extensive campaign which is being conducted by electric lorry manufacturers in America to emphasize the advantages of vehicles of this type when used in the field to which they are best adapted. Tests have shown that the electric lorry has from three to four times the speed of a horse and more than twice its operating radius in all kinds of weather.
An Outdoor Oil Barrel Cabinet.
The latest oil cabinet introduced by C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., 30-32, Cheapside, London, E.C.2, contains several new features, that which wi/l, perhaps, be of most interest to users being the Castro] recommendation chart, which is clearly printed on tinplate and affixed to the top of the cabinet. By referring to this chart, users are able to ascertain the grade of oil which is considered most suitable for any specific make of vehicle. The oil container is a standard Wakefield 50-gallon steel barrel, and over this is placed the barrel cover, which can be safely secured in position. This has a sliding canopy which effectually excludes dust and prevents tampering with the delivery mechanism.
Derby Co-operative Society's Coaches.
The Derby Co-operative Society is arranging g varied motor-coach service for the summer. It has two 28seaters and two 18-seaters, the makes being Albion (2), Leyland and Karrier. Day trips to Buxton, Castleton, Chester, the Dukeries, Malvern, Leamington and Skegitess ere being arranged, as well as half-day runs to Dovedale, Chatsworth, Alton Towers; Matlock and RudYard Lake.
In connection with the traffic depal meat the society has a fleet of motor broughams for weddings and for private hire, and has started an undertaking business with a motor hearse and motor carriages.
Bus Fares on Tram Routes.
At a meeting of the Wakefield Corporation a letter was received from the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., again urging an increase of 50 per cent, on all omnibus fares on tram routes, but the corporation declined to alter the minimum fares already fixed. Directions, however, were given for communications to be sent to bus proprietors who are not charging the minimum fixed fares.
Fish Supplies by Bus.
During the period of the industrial erisi.s the Provincial Tramways Co., Ltd. (Grimsby), Tramways Offices, Cleethorpes, had 14 vehicles, including a number of coaches and buses, 41elivering, fish to all parts of England, journeys up to 600 miles being undertaken. Nearly 150 tons of fish were transported during the period of the strike, and the mileage run by the vehicles on this work was over 17,000. Oee of the company's buses is to be seen in an accompanying illustration loading up at the Fish Pontoon, Grimsby, this particular vehicle being prepared for its fourth journey to Portsmouth from this .centre.
The "Fish from Grimsby" announcement on the side panel of the vehicle is explained by the fact that the vehicle was brought out of the paint shop in an unfinished condition, the body being in grey priming, and it was thought that by the use of this wording the staple industry of the town would be advertised.
It is interesting to learn that, apart from those vehicles which were used for carrying fish, the company maintained all their bus services from Grimsby throughout the period of the strike.
A Coil Ignition System.
Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., 111, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W.1, have just issued a booklet which gives a simple and detailed explanation of the working principles of the Delco-Remy coil ignition system. It also contains a spetion devoted to the best methods of tracing and rectifying any ignition trouble that may arise. Although the book is intended primarily as an instruction book for motor trade repairers and owners of vehicles equipped with the companPs ignition system, it'should prove of interest to those users who may be desirous of obtaining information on the manner in which the Delco-Remy coil ignition operates. The booklet contains a number of diagrammatic illustrations and a couple of wiring diagrams.
A Record in Cheap Coach Fares.
Motor-coach trips from Manchester to Bluckpool (92 miles) at 2s. 6d. return! This startling announcement greeted the Manchester public a few days ago. It arose from a dispute between the proprietors of vehicles in the Bradford and Clayton districts of Manchester.
The rate cutting which brought this low fare into force had its origin at Easter, owing to one firm desiring to adopt Manchester prices—i.e., 6,s. instead of the local return fare of 6s. 6d. Another co-operative coaching concern consisting of several local motor prorrietors contended that the fare to Black pool at 6s. would not be sufficiently remunerative, and a rate-cutting war resulted between the two companies. Hence rates tumbled down to 5s„ then to 4s., then to 3s. 6d., and finally 2s. 6d, Later both concerns advertised the tour for as. (id.
M.A.B. Ambulance Arrangements.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board is to provide new accumulator charging plant at five ambulance stations at a total cost of 1260.
The ambulance committee of the Board recommends acceptance of the tender of Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd., at £970, for the supply of pneumatic tyres for the next six months.
Parking Charges at Oxford.
Oxford Watch Committee has fixed the following charges for vehicles parked in the Cattle Market :-1s. for vehicles seating up to 15 persons, including the driver, and 2s. 6d. for vehicles seating a greater number of passengers. Bus Tenders for Hull.
In connection with the recent acceptance of tenders for three motorbuses, Hull Corporation had to invite tenders by public advertisement.
The corporation received seven tenders for top-covered double-deck buses
at prices ranging from i1,500 to £2,150, and eight tenders for one-man-operated saloon buses at prices ranging from £1,053 to £1,190. The makers of A.E.C., Bristol, Guy, Leyland, Mandalay, Thornyeroft. and Tilling-Stevens tendered for the double-deck vehicles, whilst the same companies, as well as the makers of the Halley vehicle, tendered for the single-deck buses.
The corporation has now considered the various tenders and has accepted that of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for two top-covered double-deck buses at £1,558 14s. each, and that of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for a one-manoperated single-deck bus at £1,190.
Inst. P.E. Meeting.
A general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be held in the council room of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, at 7.30 p.m., on May 28th. At this meeting Mr. A. Butler will read a paper on "Inspection Methods."
Pneumatic Tyres on Gradients.
The highways committee of the Hornsey Corporation reports that a question having been raised by a resident as to the use of pneumatic tyres on the single-deck omnibuses operating on a route from Finsbury Park to Mugwell Hill, via Forme Park Road, the London General Omnibus_ Co., Ltd., state that they had considered such equipment for the type of omnibuses employed. The gradients encountered, however, necessitate the vehicles being spragged, and it is found that it is not possible to sprag pneumatic-tyred omnibuses, hence the wheels have been fitted with deep-section semi-cushion tyres, which some authorities claim do less damage to the roads.
A.E.C. Chassis for Australia.
Amongst a number of important orders which has recently been received by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., of Walthamstow, London, E.17, is one from Australia for seven model 506 chassis, These vehicles will help to swell the number of A.E.C. vehicles in use in that part of the world, where they are giving satisfaction in many spheres of service.
American Bus Makers and Standardization.
Recognizing the rapid development of the motorbus business during the past two years, the American National Automobile Chamber of Commerce recently convened a meeting of all bus manufacturers to consider special problems pertinent to that branch of the
industry. Standard bus specifications to promote economy in manufacture was one of the leading topics. An effort was also-made to draw up a proposed code of regulations . or principles for bus operation, which may form a basis for different parts of the country. At present the rapid growth in this form of transport has led to many experimental regulations of considerable variety in the different States. The question of lower operating costs, through the provision of more adequate service stations, was also considered.
Penzance Petitioners.
At a meeting of the Penzance Watch Committee a petition signed by 22 licensed drivers against the granting of licences to persons who live outside the borough was produced, but it was made known that. having regard to the needs of the public, the committee was unable to meet the request of the petitioners.
A Weymouth Limit.
Weymouth Watch Committee has decided that the number of taxicabs to be licensed in the borough during the year ending April 306, 1927, be limited to 60, and the number of motor coaches to be licensed during the same period to 30. In each case an exception is to be made in the event of a current licence being surrendered.
Shropshire Road Improvements. It was reported to the Shropshire County Council at a recent meeting that improvement schemes were being carried out on the Holyhead road which would costi...,97,4135, of which sum £95,551 is being met by the Ministry of Transport. Included in the scheme is the erection of a bridge over the River Severn at Atcham at a cost of £50,000.
Trailers in Uruguay.
A decision has recently been given by the National Administration Council of Uruguay to the effect that the chassis of trailers for motor lorries are subject to the same duties and surtaxes as lorry chassis, namely, 29 per cent. ad valorem. When trailers are imported complete the duties, plus surtaxes, are 29 per cent. on 'the chassis and 62 per cent, on the body.
Blackpool's Successful Buses.
Blackpool's motorbuses carried 2754,750 passengers daring the past year, an increase of 1,094,233 passengers over the figure for 1924. The receipts were £11,324, an increase of 14,495, and the mileage 272,032, which is 112,865 miles above that for the preceding year. The receipts per bus mile were about 10d., as against just over Ibid. in the previous year. On the buses operating on Thornton-Cleveleys route the number of passengers carried was 330,901, an increase of 65,830, the bus mileage being 60,926 (an increase of 4,705 miles), and the receipts per bus mile just short of Md., a reduction of 1id. per bus-mile as compared with the figure for the previous year.
A Morecambe Appeal.
At a meeting of the Morecambe Watch Committee the town clerk reported the receipt of a letter from the Ministry of Transport informing him that Mr. L. E. Jenkinson had appealed against the refusal of the eommittee to grant licences for three chars-a-bancs to use the public stands. He was instructed to make representations to the Ministry in support of the committee's action.
The New Purfleet-Tilbury Road.
The new Purfleet-Tilbury road was recently opened to traffic, and this new highway marks an important step in the improvement of riverside communications on the north side of the Lower Thames, a district in which far-reaching industrial developments are foreshadowed, and Which, until now, has suffered from inadequate road access.
• The programme of arterial road construction in Thames-side Essex, in which the Ministry of Transport and • the local authorities have been collaborating during the past five years, includes about 20 miles of new or remodelled highways. Work on the
new road was commenced in May 1923, the contract being let to Sir Lindsay Parkinson and Sons, Ltd. The road is 6.34 miles long, i t a width being 80 ft. between fences. It has a central carriage-way 30 ft. wide, and a footway on the north side 10 ft. wide; the steepest gradient throughout its length is 1 in 22.4 for 883 yds.
The gravelly subsoil and the neighbouring c ement works had much to do with the use of a concrete foundation for the carriage;way, of which 63 per cent. has been carried out in t hi s material, strengthened with a layer of steel reinforcement. The total cost of the road has been about £315,000. . Recent Leyland Deliveries.
Amongst the various types of vehicle which have recently left the works of Leyland Motors, Ltd., at Leyland, Lancashire, the three that are illustrated On this page are now in service in different classes of trade. The first picture shows a platform lorry supplied to a Manchester company, who already own 13 vehicles of Leyland make and have four further machines of a similar type passing through the manufacturers' works. The chassis is an SQ2 model, and the platform body which it carries is 18 ft. long and 7 ft. wide; these dimensions are made possible without undue overhang by mounting the driver's position well forward. The vehicle is provided with a drawbar to enable it to haul a trailer, and trailer brake devices are fitted. A strong ladder is fixed to the near side of the driver's cab, and the machine is finished in bine, with which the wheels in red form a bold contrast.
The vehicle shown in the second illustration is of somewhat uniisnal design. It is a special brewer's model; built to the order of Joseph Holt, Ltd., who already own several Leylands, and the body is of curious construction.-The front part is boarded in and coveted with canvas, whilst the centre portion is opens without comings, the rear end consisting of latticed, work with -iron liars across the top. The -rear section is covered with a tarpaulin sheet and. the centre rails are of the sliding pattern. There are three gantry side bars --one on each side and a third at the rear--and a loading ramp is provided.
The third machine is a 6-ton tipper for a Bolton company—John Musgrave mid Sons, Ltd. The body of this machine can be tipped to either side or to the rear, and, being provided with high sides, it has a large cubic capacity. It is finished in a shade of light khaki.
Agents for Welding Rods.
Suffolk Iron Foundry (1420), Ltd., Gipping Works, Stowmarket, advise us that they have appointed -the British Oxygen Co. sole selling agents for their well-known brands of welding rods, viz., Ferro-silicon, Super-silicon and Sifbranze, The agency includes Great
Britain, Northern Ireland, the Irish Free State, India,. Australia and New Zealand. The company have made arrangements for their selling agents to hold stocks of their various specialities at numerous depots.
More Buses for the G.W.R.
We understand that the Great Western Railway Co. have just placed a further order for 18 bus chassis with the Mandslay Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry.
Guy Vehicles in Demand.
Darin a week prior to the recent industrial crisis Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, received orders, including a number of repeats, from well-known transport users, the contracts collectively amounting to over £35.000. In the list of municipal authorities which ordered Guy vehicles during this period we find the names of the Corporations of Newcastle and Bar
in -in-Farness and the Wombwell Cuban District Council, whilst amongst ,private companies some of the largest are the National Omnibus Co.; Keith and Boyle, Ltd.; Newcastle (Staffs.) Moroi. Co.; Westcliff-on-Sea Motor Services, Ltd. ; Win&ThiU 'Co-operative .Society ; and the Conservative and Unionist Association. A number of vehicles is also passing through the works for the company's South African and Australian depots.
National Benzole Co.'s Strike Activities. _ During the period of the general strike the National -Benzoic Co., Ltd., were kept extremely busy and almost every day and night at the head offices of the company and throughout their divisions organization was worked out and arrangements made for distribution to cope with the excessive demands for their products made from all parts of the country. To overcome disorganization of the usual transport facilities, many appropriate methods were adopted by the company and the .whole quantity of spirit distributed during the strike was maintained at its normal price. Local Proceedings. .
Glossop Corporation has decided to purchase a new motor lorry.
Merthyr Corporation is considering the purchase of further motor omnibuses.
Bolton Corporation has decided to run a service of motorbuses to Ainsworth.
Woking Urban District Council has authorized the purchase of a motor lorry at a cost of about £300.
Woking Urban District Council has authorized the purchase of a motor mower at a cost of about £85.
ICssex County Councilproposes to purchase a motor vehicle for the Harold Court Sanatorium at a cost of £250.
Bolton Watch Committee has granted a licence to Shell-Mex, Ltd., to store 12,500 gallons of petrol in a tank depot at Bridgman Street.
The tramways committee of the Sheffield Corporation is to consider the provision of a motorbus service instead of laying a tramway along Abbeydale Road and Abbey Lane.
Birkenhead Corporation has accepted the tender of Jenkins Bros. (Birkenhead), Ltd., at 1.365 for the supply and fixing of two 8,000-gallon petrol tanks and pumps at the Laird Street depot.
Swansea Watch Committee has asked the town clerk to inform applicants in future that where applications for bus licences have already been dealt with they will not be reconsidered during the current licensing year.
Chatiderton Urban District Council has acceded to the application of Manchester Corporation for licences in connection with the proposed motorbus service along the new road from Middleton Junction to Lightbowne Road.
Sheffield Corporation has asked the watch committee to give representatives of the tramways and motors committee the opportunity of appearing before them before considering any application for motor omnibus licences.
Hull Corporation has accepted tenders for the supply of petrol from the British Petroleum Co.; Ltd., for 25,000 gallons, from MessrS. John Wall and Co. for 25,000 gallons, and from the AngloAmerican Oil Co., Ltd., for 110,000 gallons.
A New I.E. Centre.
An enthusiastic and well-attended meeting of members of theInstitution of Automobile Engineerswas recently held at the Merchant Ven-7 turers' Tecla'nical College, Bristol, when it was unanimously decided to form a Western Centre of the Institution, covering all the West of England and South Wales. Prof. W. Morgan was elected chairman. Mr. J. C. Howell, Warwick House, Belle Vue Road, Eastville, Bristol, was elected hon. secretary, and all communications should be sent to him. This constitutes the ninth centre of the institution which has been established.
Licences at East Ham.
East Ham Corporation, reporting with regard to motor licences, says that the total amount received for the year 1925 was £28,699 13s. 9d., and the number of licences issued 11,150, as com
pared with £24,586 18s. 3d. and 9,076 licences for the year 1924.
During the year the number of licences issued to drivers was 4,652, and the fees received in connection therewith amounted to £1,163. The number of licences issued shows an increase of 659, to the value of £164 iris., in comparison with the year 1924.
More Municipalities Buying Guy Buses.
About 120 municipal authorities figure on the list of users of vehicles manufactured by Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, and quite recently this list has been expanded by the addition of the names of the Corporations of Northampton and Salford. The former authority is buying a number of 26-seater low-loading buses, and the latter a 32-seater sixwheeled bus—the first of its type for municipal work.
Preston's Growing Scrvices:
Notwithstanding the plenitude of its motorbus services, which are operated by large and small owners, Preston (Lanes) also has a busy municipal fleet. The returns for a recent period of five weeks are encouraging, the figures being as follow, those in parentheses being for the past year :—Bus miles run, 24,530.62 (22,071.74) ; receipts, £1,795 32s. 10d. (f 1,561 18s. 2d.) ; passengers carried, 285,364 (251,092) ; receipts per mile, 17.57 pence (16.98 pence).
The tramways committee has had under consideration the report of the tramways manager upon the running of the double-deck motorbus on the Flungington road route. It has been decided that the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of two double-deck motorbuses for £3,084 be accepted and that application be made to the Ministry of Transport for sanction to borrow the money.