Dismay at Chancellor's ElOOm road cut-back
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• The Chancellor's announcement of a £100m cut-back in the road-building programme for one year has come under bitter attack from the RHA and the British Road Federation.
The road haulage industry had expected an acceleration of the road programme in the interests of an expanding economy and of the environment, says the RHA.
Only deep misgiving and disappointment could be expressed at the announcement, the statement continues, of a savage cut in one year in national and local expenditure on roads.
The Association is also concerned that "illusory economies of this kind can only add to the difficulties of moving the country's goods, including exports, and to the ill feeling towards the lorry which has developed largely because of the lack of an adequate road system".
The BRF has told the Environmeni Secretary, Mr Geoffrey Rippon, that it iE incomprehensible that the Government which has consistently stressed the importance of adequate roads, should now do "an about turn".
Nationalized road haulage and bus operations will be only marginally affected by the Chancellor's call for a £10m cut-back in the transport sector as part of the planned £60Orn savings in the public spending, writeE our Parliamentary correspondent.
Vehicle renewal programmes seem to be the most likely candidates for cuts but nc firm decisions have been taken. The Govern. ment is anxious that nothing should be dont which impairs the quality or frequency 01 services. The chairmen of British Roac Services, National Bus Company anc British Rail have been invited to meet Mi Peyton to discuss the areas where savings car best be made.