The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the parcelcar, the military tractor and the steam lorry.
The Urgency of the Driver Position.
The driver question transcends all others at the moment.
Industries in all parts of the country are threatened with suspension, due to interference with road transport, this interference being caused by the withdrawal of drivers for military service.
There must be a minimum of men to be left, as we have pointed out on earlier occasions beyond which i
it s unsafe to go. The country at large will lose more, by the withdrawal of additional men, than it will gain from their military servAce.
Cases of cessation of active transport are being reported all over the country, whilst at Bristol, only a few days ago, the military authorities had to come to the assistance of local millers, and to carry their wheat from the docks by W.D. lorries, in order that the production.of flour might continue. lists were issued on Saturday last, by the President of the Local Government Board, dealing with the appointment of local tribunals under Lord Derby's recruiting scheme. The principal duty of these tribunals will be to decide how many men, and which men, are to be excused military service on the ground that they are indispensable in trade, or for personal reasons, business or domestic. The schedule to this notice places in the first category (list A) men who are required for the transport of munitions, including contractors' and sub-contractors' men ; we are surprised to see that it only places " public utility services " in the fourth category (list D of reserved occupations). Here, too, there is no specific definition of motorbus services, but only on "tramways." Apropos the position of motorbus undertakings in the country, many of these have entered into contracts with the War Office in respect of the contingent transportation of troops and supplies, how is it imagined, we ask, that these contracts can be fulfilled, if the vehicles are left standing, either wholly or in part, without drivers? That situation is imminent, even in London, notwithstanding the enormous resources of the L.G.O.C.
Local tribunals must be urged, and they no doubt will be by the Commercial Motor Users Association (which is now in direct touch with the L.C.4.B.), and by local owners, to disabuse themselves of the idea that the railways of the: country are available as an effective alternative to road haulage. The railways are notoriously understaffA and congested, whilst they are additionally liable to being monopolized for varying terms by Government traffic, which traffic must at all times have precedence. Road transport is fundamentally deserving of maintenance, and the men must be left to maintain it. We hope that every reader of THE COIVIMERCIAL MOTOR will explain these views to members of local tribunals under the Derby recruiting scheme, or will, in those cases where they are members of such tribunals, act upon the definite state of affairs which we have indicated.
Proposals and Purchases by Local Authorities.
Shoreditch Highways Committee has now resolved to buy two Laffiy motor road-sweepers, at £671 each.
Aberdeen Town Council will shortly order another motor fireengine.
The War Agricultural Committee of the West Sussex County Council (Horsham) is seeking to purchase a motor plough, subject to the approval of the Board of Agriculture. The L.G.B. has refused sanction to the proposed purchase of a motor fire-engine by the Epsoni U.D.C.
Mr. A. H. Bassano, of Rowley Regis, is taking active steps to secure local subscriptions to cover the purchase of a motor .ambulance, for war service, with a view to its being returned for the use of the district afterwards.
The Lindfield (Sussex) Fire Brigade, having been recently handicapped in attending fires for want of horses, seeks to acquire a motor fire-engine by local gift or subscription.
'Recent Registrations.
The Auto-Car Bus Co., Ltd.. (X2000), with its offices at Rumbling: Well, Dunfermline.
Oliver Wheel Syndicate, Ltd.' (R3000),with its office at Friars. House, New Broad Street, E.C.
James Smith and Co. (Wigan),Ltd. (X5000), to carry on the business of manufacturers of motorbuses, motor chars-à-bancs, and motor wagons.
Motor Freight Exchange, Ltd. (X2000), with Mr. J. C. Moth as managing director, to take over a business now carried on at 34, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.
The Bell Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (21.000), with its office at 50, Oxford Street, W., to carry on a motor business as contractors for the British and Allied Governments.
The B.O.B. Co., Ltd. (X2000), with its office at Ivy Works,' Sheffield Road, Tinsley, to acquire from H. Stanbridge the business for the manufacture of safety startinghandles.
The One-ton Acason-Ford.
The Ae.ason-Ford one-ton chassis is being sold in this country by the British-American Import Co., Ltd., of 14-15, Cockspur Street, S.W. Members .of the R.A.C. will please support the Campaign Cornfurls Fund, by dining at the. Club on Thursday next, the 2nd December, and taking tickets for the concert which begins there at 8.45 p.m.
Mr. Frank Little at Leeds. We are interested to learn that Mr. Frank Little, AILI.A.E., who through ill-health had some years ago to sever his connection with his old firm, has now recovered his former good health, and has accepted an appointment as the Ole eoncessionnaire for the sale of Albion vehicles in Leeds and dis trict. Mr. Little will trade under the style of " Little's Motors," and his address is Standard Buildings, City Square, Leeds. Mr. Little possesses a wide knowledge. of commercial-motor vehicles and their uses, acquired during the past 10
or 11 years His fresh identification with the Albion interests should be mutually beneficial,
Wooden Tank Wagons for Wine. There will undoubtedly be a demand, from the wine-producing countries, both of the eastern and western hemispheres, for motor tank-wagons for the conveyance of
wine. The tanks, of course, will require to be constructed of wood throughout.Certain railway companies, in America and Australia, are moving in the matter of pro
viding such special trucks. The tanks are made of tongued and grooved wooden staves, with wooden heads, and the manhole or dome is also of wood. The tanks require to be insulated with felt or other suitable material, in order to preserve a uniform temperature.
Visibility of Pedestrians.
Dr. F. .T. Waldo, the City of London coroner, recently made some valuable suggestions as to how pedestrians may improve their chances of safety in London's darkened streets. He was immediately concerned with a fatal accident near the Elephant and Castle public-house--one of the mostdangerous districts in London.. A motorbus driver, who was admitted to be going slowly, and with reasonable care, was exonerated. Dr. Waldo stated he was convinced that the most experienced drivers could not avoid accidents, with the subdued lighting now enforced. The police constables on point duty in Lordon were now wearing lanterns, affixed to their belts_ behind them. The general public, the police said, were not allowed to carry lights at night, or to use electric torches. He thought pedestrians should make a point, whenever possible, of using the refuges, subways, and pointsmen which were provided at great Cost for their protection, They should seek out a, lamp, at night time, and cross within its rays. Alternatively, they might wear light-coloured clothing, or carry a white handkerchief.
To Protect Patentees.
In the House of Commons last week Mr. Pretyman (Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade) moved the second reading of the Patents and Designs Act (Partial Suspension) Bill. In the Patents and Designs Act of 1007, he explained that there was a valuable clause which enacted that any patent which was granted in this country could be revoked if within four years of the date it was granted, the patentee did not manufacture the patented article in this country. The object of the present Bill was to prevent any patentee having his invention voided, because of his inability to obtain manufacture owing to the changed conditions of industry. The Bill has now become an Act.
A Johnnie Walker Caledon.
Our illustration (page 252) is of a four-ton Caledon lorry which has recently been delivered by W. Rinman to the well-known whisky distillers, John Walker and Co., Ltd. It will be seen that the bodywork is of a somewhat exceptional design. The sides have been constructed in one piece and have been finished in green paint lined with gold, which gives an effect similar to that obtained on a pleasure car. The lighting system has received special attention ; a C.A.V. electric lighting set is installed. The glass screen Las a polished mahogany frame ; provision is Made for side curtains, and a special waterproof sheet which runs on a roller fitted in the top of the canopy is provided in order to cover the load.
Institute of Metals.
Anybody who desires to join the Institute of Metals should write to Mr. G. Shaw Scott, M.Sc., secretary, Caxton House, S.W.
Petters, Ltd.
The directors of Petters, Ltd., of Yeovil, have declared the usual dividend on the'preference shares, less tax, for the nalt ycar et.ded the 30th September last, and an interim dividend on the ordinary shares, at the rate of five per cent. per annum, less tax, payable on the 1st prox.
Cycle and Motor Benevolence.
The annual general meeting cf supporters of the above fund will take place on Wednesday, the 15th prox., at 5.60 p.m., at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, W.C., and will be followed by a meeting of the Council. The date has been fixed to coincide with other meetings in London, and par ticularly with that of Agents Section, Ltd.
No Coachmakers' Competition.
The Worshipful Company cf Coachniakers intimates, through its clerk, Mr. Henry Smith, that the Master Wardens and Assistants have reluctantly decided to suspend for the year 1916 the competitions which the company has annually held for many years past. This is because of the disruption-of business, and the interference with technical studies, due to the war.
L.G 0 Appeal for Recruits.
The Underground Electric Railways, Ltd., in conjunction with the L.G.O. Co., has issued a series of interesting posters appealing -for recruits, which, it is hoped, will make an effective display and incidentally form a contrast to the many stereotyped posters now to be seen on the hoardings. They take the form of quotations from some of the past great figures in history, who have inspired their countries at a time when they were menaced by wars of oppression similar to that which this country has to face.
Munitions Transport, Vickers, Ltd., the big armament company, ha.s placed yet another order for Albion three-tonners, in connection with its several works in England. The orders from this one company now reach a total of no fewer than 46 vehicles of the make and capacity indicated.
We are interested to know that many of the vehicles will be used for the conveyance of workmen between outlying villages and one or other of the company's works, as this is a methcd of saving money which we have consistently advocated. If only 20men whose time is worth is. an hour each, can be so conveyed, anything between 14s. and 16s. an hour can be saved by motor conveyance.
B40 Next Year's "Royal."
The 77th annual Show of the Royal Agricultural Society will be held, next year, at the Alexandra Park, Manchester, from the 274h June to the 1st July, inclusive. The provision in the Implement Section for the accommodation of commercial-motor and allied exhibits will be on a larger scale than usual.
"No Driver."
If "No Driver" will send his name, address and age to the Editor, he may be able to help.