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British Grader with a 12-ft. Blade

25th November 1949
Page 48
Page 48, 25th November 1949 — British Grader with a 12-ft. Blade
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AOST of the heavy equipment IVIeniployed in this country for site clearing and similar work is of American origin, which makes the introduction of the all-British Blew Knox BK 12 grader the more interesting. This machine, which incorporates a 12-ft. grader blade, has been designed to tackle the toughest jobs, as is indicated by its weight of 91 tons.

Power is supplied by an A.E.C. 7.7-litre oil engine, which gives 94 b.h.p. at 1,700 r.p.m. The gearbox provides six forward ratios and two in reverse, the top-gear ratio giving a road speed of 2025. m.p.h. as a maximum. Rearwheel drive is by chains, which are totally enclosed and run in an oil-bath.

Despite its size, the grader is highly manreuvrable, having a turning radius of 35 ft. 8 ins. Means are provided for adjusting both the blade and the scarifier over a wide range to meet all

conditions of operation. In ditching, bank cutting. or similar work, the wheels can be made to assume an angle of up to 30 degreesfront the perpendicular in order to hold the front of the grader against the load. Were this not provided for, the grader would probably skid out of line. The blade pressure, without sea rifler, is given as 10.250 lb. It has a lift above ground of 18 ins, and can be adjusted to within I-in. 'Fite leading dimensions of the BK12 grader are: Overalliength,•25 ft. 6 ins.; overall width. 8 ft.; height. with cab, 9 ft. 9 ins.. height.. without cab...8 ff.; front track, 6 ft. 8 ins, and rear track 6 ft. 61 ins. The maker is Blaw Knox, Ltd., Clifton House, Euston Road, London. N.W.I.