News and Comment.
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A. further article of the series on 14 Superheated Steam " will appear in our next week's issue.
Dennis Brothers, Limited, is building a 14h.p. 1-ton postal van for use at Dereham, Norfolk.
The Hon. C. S. Rolls is on a visit ta America : he is noz expected back in London until the end of November.
Those who are interested in the question of self-propelled utilitv vehicie.3 should make a point of inspecting the exhibits at the Brewers' Exhibition tomcrrow (Friday); which is the last day.
C. and R. Light, Limited, furniture manufacturers and timber merchants, of Curtain Road, E.C., is open to hire' several 3-ton motor lorries, petrol-pro. pelled for choice, and will be pleased to hear from any likely contractors.
Messrs. Mann's recent 5-ton wagon deliveries include : two to the Midland Railway Company (making three in all); one to Messrs. E. Osmond and Son, Cardiff ; and two for the Cobden Flour Mills, Wrexham (making three").
The shareholders in the Road Carrying Company, Limited, of Liverpool, have accepted the recommendation of the directors to authorise the sale of the whole undertaking and assets of the company. Negotiaeons to this end are now in progress.
Amongst the owners of motorvans who were unable to send any detailed account of their vehicles for inclusion in our special motorvan section of last week, was Mr. Richard A. Boardman, of the Broadway, Stratford, E. Mr. Boardman is, however, one of those who have promised to furnish particulars at a later date. The van in question is a 24cwt. Lacre of thh.p. A Reuter's telegram announces that, after 32 hours' deliberation, the jury engaged upon the caseof the State Of Ohio versus the Standard Oil Company, has returned a verdict of "guilty of conspiracy to restrain trade, since July lith, 19n3." The maximum penalty is A.;1,000 a day, but, of course, the Standard Oil Company will take the case to the higher courts.
The fifth International Motor Exhibition of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders will shortly engage the attention of the motor world. Two special issues of " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR " will, as announced, *deal with the accessory, component and tire exhibits, which are of interest to owners of vans, lorries, tractors, or public-service vehicles. Many improvements have been effected in the main building and annexe, for the comfort of exhibitors and visitors, and an elaborate scheme of decoration has been adopted. Catering will be in the hands of J. Lyons and Company, Limited, and Lieutenant Charles Godfrey's band has been engaged to
provide the music. The exhibition, which will be opened • on the isth proximo, is under the patronage of His Majesty the King, and fl.R.H. the Prince of Wales._
The Executive Committee of the Motor Van, Wagon, and Omnibus Users' Association met at t, Albemarle Street, W., on Thursday last, the r13th inst., at 5 o'clock p.m. The chair was taken by Lieut.-Colonel R. E. B. Crompton, C.13. (Chairman of the Association), and the attendance included : Messrs. Arthur J. Clay (Bass, Ratcliffe and Gretton, Limited), F. C. A. Coventry (Great Western Railway), T. NV. Staplee Firth (Solicitor to the Association), S. D. Gilbert (London Motor Omnibus Company, Limited), Dr. H. S. Hele-Shaw, F.R.S., M. Inst.C.E., W. G. Lobjoit (Hounslow), H. Thomson Lyon (Metropolitan Asylums Board), Douglas Mackenzie, J. C. Mitchell (London Road Car Company, Limited), R. R. Robbins (Viewsley), E. Shrapnel! Smith (Hon. Treasurer), and NV. Rees Jeffreys (Secretary).
Letters of apology and regret were received f rbm the following : Messrs. L. H. Baxendale (Pickford's, Limited), A. A. CampbeliSwinton (London and District Motor Bus Company, Limited), W. Dalziel (Glasgow), Laurence G. Oldfield (London Omnibus Owners' Federation), and Arthur Paterson (Carter, Paterson and Company, Limited). The principal business transacted was as under :— Commercial vehicle trials.—The Chairman explained the action taken taken since the last meeting of the Committee, and a considerable. discussion ensued. Attention was -directed to the large-type announcement of the Automobile Club, in the Club journal of September 27th, to the effect that it would hold the commercial vehicle trials about February next, but it was pointed out that this announcement seemed to have been made without any authority from the Club Committee. After a long debate it was left in the hands of Colonel Crompton and Dr. Hele-Shaw to make a further communication to the Automombile Club.
CommEacim. N10ToR " La put a certain sum of money at the disposal of the Committee, -annually, for a period of five years, was received, and it was directed that the thanks of the Association should be conveyed to Commercial Press, Limited. Messrs. Coventry, Lobjoit, Mackenzie and Shrapnell Smith were appointed a subcommittee to formulate a scheme of administering and awarding the money each year.
Dates of meetings. —Mr. Clay and other members of the Committee drew attention to the inconvenience of the existing arrangements. It was very awkward for country members to have committee meetings called on other than fixed dates, and he proposed that a regular monthly meeting day be agreed. It was then resolved :
" That monthly .meetings of the
• Committee be held at 2.30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month."
Forbidden bridges.—Mr. Howard Humphreys wrote calling attention to notices recently issuedby the NorthEastern Railway Company, in regard to the weight of heavy motorcars passing over certain bridges in Cambridgeshire. After discussion, this matter was referred to the Extraordinary Traffic Committee, with power to act.
Metropolitan water supply.— Mr. Shrapnel] Smith explained the scheme for the supply of water which had been submitted to the Association by the Metropolitan Water Board. He also reported that this proposal for the supply of water from the Board's mains, at numerous points in the Metropolitan area, had been approved in principle on behalf of the Association. It was expected that a special committee of the Board would shortly meet a sub-committee of the Association, and it • was resolved that the Chairman, with Messrs. Baxendale, Paterson, Lobjoit, Mackenzie, and Shrapnel] Smith, should be authorised to deal with the matter on behalf of the Association, It was generally felt that the Board's schedule of charges would determine the response from users of steam wagons and tractors.
Change of tii/e.The Secretary reported that he had received various letters drawing attention to the clumsiness of the Association's title, It was resolved, after some discussion, on the motion of Mr. Douglas Mackenzie, seconded by Mr. Coventry : " That the nec7enary steps be taken to alter the present title of the Association to Commercial Motor Users' Association.' "
Dr. Hele-Shaw further moved, and it was resolved :
"That the above motion, and the question of registration of the Association, be circulated to members for suggestions in writing, and that the matters be decided at a general meeting of members."
Stage-carriage licenses.—The Secretary reported that a number of local authorities had refused to grant licenses for the running of motor omnibuses. Further action was left in the hands of the Traffic Committee.
Metropolitan Police regulations for motorb-uses.—The Secretary reported that everything necessary had been done, in conjunction with other bodies, • as regards proper rePresentalions.. •
Smoke a Ppeals.—The Secretary reverted to the successful appeal, at Winchester Quarter Sessions, in respect of the conviction of the Isle of Wight Motor Express Syndicate, Limited, for the emission of smoke by one of its petrol omnibuses. It was recommended that the Motor Union should be asked to 'make a further grant of .;s, in view of the importance of the appeal, and its successful issue.
Roads Improvement Association.—A grant of was made to the funds of this Association.
Celebration on November 1:41h.—It was felt that the Committee could not do better than to join with the Motor Union, by supporting the dinner at the Hotel Great Central. It was also resolved, on the motion of Mr. Thomas Lyon : " That an expression of appreciathm on the part of Commercial Motor Users be conveyed by the Chairman of the Association to the Chairman of the Motor Union, and that it be stated that the Association had decided to do nothing apart from the Motor Union on that occasion."
Damaged lamp posts.--On the suggestion of Mr. Douglas Mackenzie, it was agreed that a legal opinion should be obtained in relation to the demolition. of lamp posts by motor omnibuses, and that an effort should he made to trace the clause requiring such erections tobe placed IS inches from the edge of the kerb. If necessary, in view of the frequency of these mishaps, further steps will be taken to prepare suitable defences for owners and drivers,