City of London Motor Volunteers.
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Formation of Heavy Squadrons by C.M.U.A.
The revival of the Mechanical Transport Column of the City of London National Guard, under the wgis of the Commercial Motor Users Association, the Court of Lieutenancy for the City of London, and the City of London Territorial Force Association, as part of the official War Office scheme for the establishment of Motor Volunteer Corps, is to be noted. Mr. Bristow, as acting adjutant to these heavy squadrons, is proceeding with their formation at the present moment, as may be gathered from the copies which we now print of letters and particulars which he issued recently. The following is a copy of the letter addressed to owners of motor vehicles already approached who have promised to register one or more of their vehicles for the Heavy Squadron :— City of London Motor Volunteer Corps.
(National Guard Heavy Squaarons.)
Dear Sirs, • The Association is now authorized by the War Office, the Court of Lieutenancy for the City of London, and the City of .London Territorial Force Aseociation to proceed with the . registration of vehicles and the enrolment of men for the above.
You will recall that I last addressed you concerning this on the 7th November last, at which date the matter had to be treated informally, but I now • desire to hear that you are agreeable to assist in this official organization for Home Defence, to the extent which you, in reply, indicated, viz., to register one or more vehicles, and to encourage your drivers to enrol as Volunteers.
A summary is attached in relation to : (a) use of vehicles ; ,(b) petrol ; (c) duties, uniform and subscription for the men. • I enclose a form of registration for vehicles, which I shall be pleased to receive back at your early convenience duly completed, together with the names 'and addresses of those of your drivers who are willing to enrol, in order that I may communicate direct with them and furniSh them with the necessary forms. Yours faithfully, F. G. BRISTOW, Acting Adjutant.
P.S.—I hope you will let me hear by the 24th instant, as the first report of our " strength " has to be reported to the City of London Territorial Force Association on the 25th: To -those commercial-motor owners who have not yet acquiesced to the proposal, the followin paragraph is inserted in lieu of the second paragrap in the foregoing letter " I shall be pleased to hear that you will help this official organization for Home Defence by registering one or more of your vehicles, and by encouraging your drivers to enrol as Volunteers." Accompanying each letter are a summary of particulars and a form of registration, each of which is reproduced below.
Summary of Particulars. (a) Use of Vehicles.
The use of each'vehicle, apart from any compulsory requirements in the event of attempted-or threatened invasion, is estimated not to exceed one day a month (generally a Sunday.) The class of work covers :— (1) Conveyance of troops to working points, for trench digging; field exercises, musketry and other training.
'(2) Conveyance of arms, stores and equipment. (3) ALT. practice in convoy running and march discipline.
(4) The provision qf the necessary Regimental transport for the City of London Volunteer Regiment generally.
(5) Participation in any processions or reviews organized by and in the City of London, (b) Petrol.
. The issue of petrol will, it is anticikted, be sanctioned for all official work. There may be a few occasions (as for Corps practice) when this will not be the case, but the War. Office is understood to be prepared to view reasonable applications favourably.
(e) Duties, Uniform and Subscription for Drivers.
Motor Volunteers are excused nearly all the infantry drill, but efficiency is naturally enhanced by occasional ,drilling, for which the Corps will have at its disposal the services" of .competent instructors, much to the advantage of the drivers who enrol. The Corps expects members, to provide and wear uniform, , towards which there is no Government grant. The estimated cost for cap, tunic, breeches and puttees is 21 10s. The annual subscription to the Corps is 2s.. 6d. per driver, whilst owners may enrol as honorary members by subscribing El is. each per annum. NO.TE.—For forms of enrolment apply in writing to Mr. P. G. Bristow, Secretary, the 'Commercial Motor Users Association, 83, Pall Mall, S.W. 1,...the Acting Adjutant of the Corps.
Form of Registration of Motor Vans and Lorries.
To Mr. F. G. Bristow, Acting Adjutant, National Guard Heavy Squadrons, City-of London Motor Volunteer Corps, 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W. • We are willing to register the following vehicles :— Make. Load Capacity. Type of 'Body: (I) The following of our drivers are willing to enrol Name. Address.
Name and Address of Owner Tel, No. Tel. Address Date Authorising Signature The form of enrolment for drivers issimply one embodying on one sheet name, address, and all particulars of each man, together with a form of declaration to be made by the candidate for enlistment, the oath to be taken by the Volunteer, the certificate of the Lieutenant of the County, or an alternative authority, and the certificate of enrolment.