Answers to Queries.
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Volunteers for National Service.
[4198] (Employer).—We quite agree that any undue urging of appeals to drivers or other men, in the service of users to transfer to other work can only add to existing disturbances. Commercial-motor users who are. allowed to continue their work with motor vehicles are practically all engaged on national service themselves.
Lists of British Makers.
[41993 (Dealer).-Our list of advertisers, and our list of useful names for users, both of which appear weekly, should be of assistance to you. We do not • publish any other lists but you might!iaddititnally care to address the lists, Tyre Co., Ltd. 117, Golden Lane,' E.G., for a, book which is entitled " Commercial Vehicles of Great Britain." .
Conversion Sets for Fords.
[4200] (One-tonner).----There is not enough experience in this country for anybody at the present time to lay down definitely a ruling about thelife of a conversion unit. such as the one about which you make inquiry. So far as we are able to gather, there is no reason to doubt ,that useful s,Qrvice will be rendered on the conversion. There are advantages in haying, one of these conversion sets fitted which justify risks that may be attached to its employment.
Hawking Oil and China.
(4201] (S. Wales).--You will only make a motor pay on the class of work which you mention if you can buy one in good condition, second-hand, at ii cost ef not more than £,I00, and drive it 'Yourself. You should' buy:acar with not less than a 15 h.p. or 20 h.p. engine, and in no circumstances load it beyond 10 cwt. of goods. It is important that you should have, a big gear reduction between the engine and • the hack axle. It will, of course, be preferable if you can find a, second-hand commercial vehicle, but it will have to he of oonsiderably-strong-er build than the-Ford or other American vans.of that type. There will certainly be difficulty in the way of obtaining
, petrol at the. present time.
Concerning the Bates Steel Mule.
[4202] (Somerset).—So far as We are in touch with work which has been perforrned by the Bates steel .. mule, we can give you a good report upon it, and we consider it a sound investment., having regard to war conditions, at 2395, We know of nothing from an English maker of a like type at-a like price which. is (available for delivery, unless you address yoitrself to Martin's Cultivator Co., Ltd., "Lincolnshire Ironworks, Stamford,. Lincs. As, regards the effect on prices of the termination of .the war, whenever that date may prove to be, we are afraid that it will be a matter of at least twelve months or two years before prices are appreaably reduced. The chaintrack method of driving is unlikely to give much trouble. Canning Pttrol from a Steel Barrel..
[4203] (Wolverhampton).—You should be able to get a lift-poinp, for delivering petrol out of a barrel, • from W. H. Willcox and C.. Ltd., 33, ,Southwark Street S.E. There is very little waste, if ordinary care is exercised..
Buying and Using in Birmingham.
[4204] (Cabinet).—We advise you to see Mr. George Heath, of -Heath's Garage, Birmingham, and Mr. H. Garner, of H. Garner, Ltd., Moseley Works, -Birmingham. Dealing through a local agent is always . best, ig View of the possible necessity of what may be termed " following-up " service.
Wants Ford Chassis in a Hurry.
• [42051 (London).—We can only suggest the 'expediency of seeking quickdelivery of Ford chassis by advertisement. • We ' have no speeifie information or register or the position of individual agents. A small advertisement in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR at the end of the pages can beinserted at .a low charge (1d. per word, with a minimum of 1s. 6d.).
Agrimotor Addresses, and a Boring-bar.
[4206] (Arbroath).—The addressed for which you
inquire are the following :—Emerson Farm i Tractors, Brainsby's, Ltd. Broadway, .Peterborough; Ivel Agricultural MotorsLtd., Biggleswade. The Mogul tractor is handled by the International Harvester Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., the address of which company is 80, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. You might be able to get an adjustable boring-bar from C. D. Phillips and Co., Ltd.,, of 'Newport, Mon.
Driving the F.W.D.—No Instruction Book Issued.
[4207] (Soldier).—A description of the F.W.D. chassis was published in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR on the 19th Atirst, 1915. This is now out of print, but out of consideration for your special difficulty, we have had pleasure in mailing direct a file copy of the description, w.bich you may keep. You may obtain some further Titerature dealing With this chassis by communicating with Gaston, -Williams and Wig-more, Ltd., Alexandra House, Kingsway,, London, W.C. 2.
Transferred from A.S.C., to Infantry.
{4208] (Rislitcri).—The rights of your husband are that by Act of Parliament the Army may transfer any .man frorn any Corps to any other. Any. Act of Parliament, passed by the House of Commons as this was, can F et aside any 'existing arrangement or agreement, so the alleged grievance about which you have made inquiry is net a qu,estion of legal rights. War conditions mast of necessity lead to the setting aside of relinerous agreements in all walks of lire, and not cnlv in -business undertakings,. but also in respect . of individuals, although there may appear to be, and
may in fact be, hardship involved. • Seeking an Agrimotor Agency for a British Product.
[4209] (County).—All the deliveries of agricultural Motors are at the moment controlled. You may be able to get a, district agency later on for some reeog• nized tractor of which deliveries can be given. Wei would refer you initially . to Wyles Motor Ploughs, Ltd., of 5, Carr Street, Manchester, and John Fowler and Co., Ltd., Stearn Plough Works, Leeds. The point is not So much the plough to recommend for handling, but the great difficulty of getting delivery. You might possibly be able to make some arrangement with the Culti-tractor department of the Kustin Motor Co., Ltd, Petters, Ltd., Nautilus Works, Yeovil, is also worthy -of a letter. The Ford tractor is now to
be made by some British firms also. .