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Four Models of the Wilson Chassis Shortly Being Introduced.
WILSONCHASSIS, although they have been made and known in the States for over seven _ years, where they are manufactured by an engineering firm of over 35 years' experience, are not. known in this country at all, beyond a few who are in touch with American matters. American Motors, Ltd., of Audrey House, Ely Place, Holborn, RC., who are acting as manufacturere agents for this company, tell us that they are preparing to do big business in this country with these, chassia, so that we may expect very Shortly to make good our deficient education in respect of 'this vehicle. Meantime, a brief description of their characteristics may not be out of place.
The range is fairly complete, including four sizes1-ton, 2-ton, 34-ton, and 5-ton. These' are nominally, -of course, American tons of 2,000 lb. each, but the makers, point out that the chassis are in the first place, constructed to stand rough usage on American roads ; in the second place, in order to meet a predominant American trait in the use of the commercial motor, that of consistent overloading, they have all been designed specifically to meet that condition, and are from 25 per cent. to 50 per cent, stronger than they really need to be, even in American circumstances, for their rated capacities. With the former claim there can be no dispute. Some of our illustrations show the sort of conditions
that are met with on American roads. For the policy outlined, providing against consistent overloa,ding, we are of opinion that no condemnation can he too strong. However, these are the factors constraining the design of this chassis: with the policy underlying it we are not at the moment concerned. .
As might be expected, in general design the four models are similar. Four-cylinder engines are, of course, standard, and the suspension of the power unit is, in each case, three-point ; the cylinders are of the L type, with valves in line along one side and operated by a single camshaft ; three-bearing crankshafts are fitted, and the lubrication is by positive pump to main crankshaft bearings, the overflow maintaining a sufficient depth of oil in troughs to provide for the splash lubrication of the other moving parts. All the engines are governed.
In the 1-ton chas-4is the radiator is of the honey. comb type, and the circulation of the codiag water is natural thermo-syphonie. In the heavier chassis a gilled tube radiator with top and bottom cast boxes is embodied, and the water circulation is by centrifugal pump.
A difference of construction is also notable as between the 1-ton chassis and the remainder as regards the gearbox. In the former it is -built up as one unit with the engine ; in the others a separate three-point suspended gearbox is slung amidships in the chassis, the connection between engine and box being by means of the usual universally-jointed clutch shaft. In all cases is the final transmission by worm and wheel. The torque and radius rod thrust are taken by the rear springs. Both brakes act on drums in the rear wheels, and wooden wheels, artillery type, are fitted as standard. Below, in tabular form, are dimensional details of this range of chassis.
We understand that American Motors, Ltd., are desirous, of appointing agents in this country for the Wilson chassis. Details are not yet decided. The agency May take the form of a single sole distributer, or several distributers, with large areas, may be ap • pointed. Tt is important to note that such distributer will obtain hi-s chassis at the price at which • they are sold at the factory in the States; phis, of course, the cost or carriage, insurance, •6nd freight. Further, if desired, any necessary arrangementS for financing will be made by American Motors, Ltd This appears to be an excellent opportunity for a l'eal live agent to get hold of a first-class line of. American . chassis.