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Small Types of Passenger-carrying Vehicle, which are Most Suitable for Use in Areas where Traffic is Light.
IN RURAL areas and in other districts where passenger traffic is light at certain periods cd the day, the small bus to seat up to 18 to 20 passengers is becoming very popular. Under certain conditirms of service this type of vehicle undoubtedly possesses distinct advantages, in so far as it enables remunerative results to he obtained on routes which, if served by larger vehicles, might invalvo some working loss. '417,e illustrate on this page two examples of the type of small saloon bus for which a detnand is being experienced by Messrs. Spicers Motors, 89, Eastbourne Road, Birkdale, Southport. One of these vehicles is for the proprietors of the Richmond Bus Services of Tipton, Staff., and comprises one of three vehicles which have just been supplied to open up a new service in the district.
This particular bodY is mounted on
a 30-cwt. 15 Ter. Fiat chassis, and is el the front-entrance type, in which the passenger door is under the control of the driver. This bus is arranged to seat 18 passengers, inclusive of the driver, and the seating arrangement follows conventional lines, transverse seats (each to accommodate two people) being disposed on both sides of a central gangway, from which access is given to a separate compartment at the rear. The seats are framed up in selected wood and are securely bolted to the frame as well as being fixed to the body sides. There is also a seat to the left of the driver, and this is hinged so that it can be tipped up when passeng.ers'are alighting from or entering the Interior. Due attention has been given to the question of passengers' comfort and the cushions are built up on spring frames and upholstered in leather, whilst deep and springy hack squabs are fitted to the seats.
The framework of the body is constructed of good quality ash and all the joints are mortised or half-lapped and well screwed. • The body is mounted On longitudinal runners . and adequate rigidity is given to the structure by bolting to the cross-runners. The panelling of the lower half of the 'body is carried out in sections of sheet steel, these being securely fixed to the framing, and a neat effect is given by the use of aluminium mouldings to cover the joints. The rear corners of the body are rounded, and buffer mouldings are carried right round the body above the waist rail, in order to protect, the 'panels from damage. The roof is constructed of 4-in. match. a
boarding, which is carried on ash hoopsticks strengthened at vulnerable parts with steel brackets: The roof .boards are covered with waterproof canvas and a drip moulding -extends round the complete contour of the roof. Although the driver is actually accommocipted in the main seating cornpartmerit, he is screened off from the passengers by a partition to the rear of the driving seat.
The equipment of this vehicle is most complete, and includes a C.A.V. lighting set (two lights are provided in the ,interior), swing-down ventilators above each window, lifeguards and a bell ;placed within easy reach of the passengers. The bus presents a most hand: some appearance and is finished in crimson lake up to the waist line, the top structure being painted white.
The vehicle is capable of a good turn of speed and comfortable travel is realized by the use of pneumatic tyres of 880 mm. by 120 mm. dimensions on all :wheels, The other vehicle which we illustrate is a standard type of Ford 16-seater, of which the body has also been built by Messrs. Spicers Motors. This type of vehicle represents a good investment at the reasonable price of .£260 complete.