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,"The wheels of wealth will he slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it ritras."—.John Beattie Croeicr.
'Cheaper Petrol?
So soon as the summer touring season eases off, a redaction in the price of main spirit is generally looked for, provided the conditions of output and supply are favourable. As it happens, the output of crude oil in the United States has increased and no means has, so far, been discovered of restricting the production, each well-owning interest being keen to make money. The output of crude petroleum for the last week in July was at the rate of 2,030,811 barrels per day, which shows an increase of 11,000 barrels a day over the previous highest figure, which bad been reached a month earlier, and during the past two months fresh oil-producing sands have been discovered in old fields. With a high output, the prospect is inevitable of large stocks during the winter months, not only of crude but of refined oil, and the operation of the law of supply and demand will thus bring down prices. In addition, there has been a reduction in freights, so that everything would seem to point to an early fall in the price of spirit in this country.
A Popular Parking Place.
In the first week of the levying of a charge upon motor vehicles using the Smithfield Square, Aberystwyth, as a parking place (in accordance with the recent decision of the town council, reported in these columns), some -300 drivers paid the toil. This number is held to justify the decision of the council to appoint a whole-time attendant for the vehicles, the receipts amounting to £16 for the week.
One amendment has been made to the rules, to the effect that those vehicles corning to Aberystwyth several times during the day are to be subject only to one payment of the parking fee.
1500,000 for Roads.
A Ministry of Health representative presided at a recent public inquiry held at Cardiff into the town-planning scheme of the city council, which is scheduled
for immediate putting into force. The scheme involves extensive borrowing, and the sum is to include approximately 00,000 for construction and improvement of roads.
The main-road scheme embraces the making of an alternative east-west traffic route through the Bute lands, whichwould obviate the present necessity for traffic passing 'through Queen Street, the city's Main bushiest thoroughfare, and which would effect a great. saving of mileage to those vehicles coming from the north.
There were some objectors to the proposals, and the Ministry's decision as to countenancing the scheme will be made known later.
Cardiff Orders Bus Bodies.
The Cardiff City Council has placed orders with local body builders for new 25-seater bodies for motorbus chassis. Messrs, William Lewis and Sons, Cardiff, have secured part of the order, as have John Norman, Ltd., Cardiff.
A Colliery Ambulance Station, The Consett Collieries Welfare Organization has opened a large and wellappointed ambulance station complete with two up-to-date Vulcan motor am• bulances, which have been supplied at a cost of £500 each. The buildings have cost £1,000.
Karrier's Trading.
The report of the directors of Karrier Motors, Ltd..' which has recentlybeen issued, reveals that the company were involved in a further loss on last year's trading, the actual sum on the debit side being £60,351. The total debit balance. now stands at £410,539. The loss is slightly greater than that incurred. during the 'previous year, and although at the beginning of 1923 some improvement was recorded in trading activity, this was not maintained during the latter portion of the year.
The issue of the report had been some, what delayed in the hope that a settlement of the dispute with the Inland Revenue authorities in respect of liability for E.P.D. would be reached.
Spa Commercial Models.
In our last issue we mentioned that Mr. A. E. Tapper had recently been appointed by the SPA Co., of Turin, to be their representative in Great Britain and Ireland, and in amplification of the details which we then published we would add that the range of comtnerciat vehicles of this make which he will handle will be as follow: 30-40-cwt, pneu-inatic-tyred chassis, £515. 40-50-cwt. chassis, similarly equipped, £595.
50-cwt. chassis on pneumatics, £695.' 4-5-ton model, which can be shod with giant pneumatic or solid-tyre equip.
moot, £795.
In the ease of the last two models, four.wheel braking, as well as a transmission brake, is included in the chassis layout.
Mr. Tapper informs, us that he has secured the services of Mr. L. R. Freeman, who has had much experience the commercial-vehicle side of the industry, and that he is shortly starting on a tour throughout the country with the object of appointing distributors for
SPA commercial chassis. Particulars of -those districts for which agents are still required can be obtained from 244, Earl's Court Road, London, S.W.5., Scheduling Unfit Traffic Roads..
At a .recent meeting of the Beverley Corporation the town clerk submitted a fetter from the county council stating that it was considering the question of making application to ths Minister of Transport for an Order under Section 7 (4) of the Roads Acts, 1920. prohibiting the use of -certain roads by heavy motor traffic, and inqiiirina. if there were any roads in the borough which the council was of opinion should be closed to traffic of this nature.
The tvn clerk reported that the council had previously included Butcher Row and part Of .Toll Gavel in this. category, but the corporation expressed the opinion 'that, it is no'i necessary for any further roads in the borough to be closed to heavy motor traffic.
In Cheshire lait year the yield of the road fund licence duties totalled £257.000, an increase for the year of £27,000.
Devon Roads Banned.
As the result of an Order made by the Ministry of Transport, some 60 narrow and dangerous roads in Devonshire will be closed, as from September 1st neat, to heavy locomotives, heavy motorcars and motorcars with seats for more than 14, and, in some cases, 20, passengers. The order does not apply to vehicles used in connection with agricultural work, timber haulage and certain other operations.
The closing of these roads follows an inquiry held by .the Ministry upon the application of the Devon County Council and a number of locarauthorities, and the districts are mainly in the Exmouth, Tiverton, Dawlish, Newton Abbot, Tavistock, Totnes, Barnstaple and Ashburton areas.
The Rival Services at Woking.
In connection with the efforts of the Woking Urban District Council to prevent rivalry between the services of different proprietors and consequential erratic bus activities, Mr. Robert Mossop, clerk to council, is now able to report that a time-table has been prepared, lamed upon the different schedules sub-, milted by the omnibus proprietors.
Correspondence has taken place with different proprietors upon various points and also concerning certain complaints which have been made, and the council trusts that the omnibus proprietors are settling down and endeavouring to provide good and punctual services for the public, and also avoiding friction between one another.
Gas-producer Trials in Belgium.
Towards the end of next month the Royal Automobile Club of Belgium will carry out trials of a number of gasproducer plans suitable for use on commercial vehicles. The trials will extend over a period of two days,. and any producer plant constructed in an allied or neutral country will be allowed to compete and be fitted on any type of goods vehicle or tractor. The trials will take place over a course of 1(10 kilometres, and the running of each machine will be subjected to the strictest observation.
A New Exide Service Depot.
That business in relation to batteries for motor vehicles and other uses is expanding rapidly is evidenced by the growth of the Chloride Electrical Storage
Co. Ltd., whose headquarters are at Clifton junction, Manchester.
This company, it will be remembered, opened a large Exide battery depot in London a few years ago, and the Midland districts were similarly catered for by the opening of a depot some 18 months ago at 58, Dale End, Birmingham. We now learn that a central depot, located at 32, Victoria Street, Bristol, has been opened for the benefit of users of Exide batteries in the West of England. This depot will carry large stocks of all types of battery for vehicle starting, lighting and ignition, etc. It will be under the control of Mr. A. C. Stewart, who for many months past has been representing the company in the West of England, prior to which he was the manager of the service department of the company's factory in Manchester.
Salesmen-demonstrators Wanted.
A prominent company of British manufacturers of commercial vehicles are on the look-out for two salesmen-demonstrators who can handle and demonstrate vehicles up to 6-ton capacity. Letters marked "C.," addressed care of the Editor of this journal, will be forwarded to the proper quarter.
A Successful Appeal.
The Yarmouth Corporation recently refused to grant licences to the United Automobile Services, Ltd., for six motor coaches, but on appeal to the ,Ministry of Transport this decision has been reversed, and the Ministry also ruled that the company should be permitted to ran their vehicles to Trafalgar Road, not more than three buses being allowed to stand there at any time.
The Ministry objected to the proviso that licences should be deemed to expire when there was a breach or nonobservance of the conditions relating to their issue. The licences have been issued for a period of three months, and the company have given an undertaking to observe the conditiOns stipulated by the authorities.
Institute of Metals Meeting.
The annual autumn meeting of the Institute of Metals will be held in London from Sept. 8th-llth. Tickets admitting to the meeting, also to a lecture to be given on "Recent 'Developments in Non-ferrous Metallurgy in the United States," by Mr. W. M. Course, of the National Research Council, Washington, can be obtained from the secretary of the Institute at 36-38, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. In all 14 papers will be presented on the occasion of the meeting.
New Kentish Road.
It is expected that in the Course of a few weeks work in connection with the improvement of road communications between Maidstone and Folkestone, to which we referred in our issue for August 12th, will be commenced. The scheme will cost approximately £400,000 and it has to be completed within 18 months. The width of the road in the neighbourhood of Maidstone and Folkestone will be 30 ft., and in other districts 20 ft.
Wakefield Bus Station. Wakefield City Council has received from the West Riding Automobile Co., , Ltd., a plan showing suggestions for the utilization of the Bull Ring by the company as an omnibus stand in place of Cross Square and the construction of an island refuge therein. The matter has been referred to the watch committee for consideration.
. For .Milk Transport.
The S.D. Freighter, which is manufactured by Shetvoke and Drewry, Ltd., of Letchworth, is proving a most useful type of transport unit in numerous classes of trade, but in no direction have its merits been more appreciated than perhaps in the milk trade, where the use of a vehicle with a low-loading line dispenses with the laborious efforts required to load and unload empty or full churns. The S.D. Freighter, which we illus Irate on this page, has been delivered to the Express Dairy Co., Ltd., and is one of two similar machines of which they have just taken delivery. The bodies of the vehicles were made by T. II. Lewis, Ltd., of 122, Gloucester Road, Chalk Farm, London, N.W. They are actually 14 ft. in length, which certainly provides unusual loading space on a vehicle of 2-ton capacity ; moreover, the wheelbase is only 9 ff. 6 ins., whilst a complete turn of the vehicle can be made in a radius of just under 16 ft.
Thirsk may Want a Fire-engine.
The question of providing more adequate fire-protection facilities for the Thirsk neighbourhood has recently been receiving attention, and vigorous representations are being made to the•district council with a view to the authority purchasing modern equipment, the present engine being a very old and out-of-date machine. An alternative suggestion is that arrangements should be entered into with the Ripon authorities for the use, in cases of fire, of the new machine recently bought by the joint authorities of that area, but in view of the distance separating the two towns this plan has serious drawbacks.
Road Contributions by Bus Companies. At a meeting of the roads committee of the Cheshire County Council the chairman of the committee reported that he had held a conference with representatives of the Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley and Dukinfield Tramways Board and the • Mottram and Hollingworth Urban District Councils as to the running of omnibus services by-the board under the provisions of its Act of 1923.
The clerk to the county council submitted a letter from the tramways board to the effect that it was not prepared to contribute anything towards the cost of adaptation of roads, having regard to the existing user thereof by other omnibus, char-a-bancs and heavy traffic without any obligation to contribute.
B9.2 The chairman stated that he had informed the board's representatives that he was not prepared to accept the responsibility of relieving it from the obhgation imposed by the Act of Parliament as to contributions towards the cost of adaptation of roads if it desired permission to run omnibus services. He further reported that services of omnibuses were now being run on the roads concerned by a private company.
The committee decided that it was not prepared to recommend consent to the running of omnibus services by the tramways board except in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Parliament relating thereto, having regard to the fact that the needs, if any, of the public are now • being met by private enterprise.
Dr. Waklo's View.
Dr. Waldo, the City Coroner, has recently expressed the view that, whilst the time is not yet ripe for tests of driving ability to be made a sine qua non for the granting of motor licences, a declaration of physical fitness on the part of the applicant would be most useful.
Rotherham Bus Services.
Rotherham Watch Committee has arranged to discuss with representatives of W. T. Underwood, Ltd., the question of a licence for a bus service from. Dinnington to Rotherham. An application from Mr. D. Rowley, of Maltby, for a licence for a bits to run between Rotherham and Maltby is to be considered later.
Useful Garage Equipment.
" Mann, E'gertori and Cu., Ltd., 5, Prince of Wales Road, Norwich,' have just added to the range of garage equipment which they market a universal-beariws° boring machine and a re-metalling outfit.
The boring machine has been specially designed to meet the demand for a umversal tool capable of boring in line the main bearings of internal-combustion engines. It consists of a heavy-geared operating head, carrying a long, drilled cutter bar and two guide supports. Two heavy cast-iron bridges are mounted at. that they are free to slide, thus enabling the machine to be bolted rigidly to the cylinder block. The tool is specially jigged to suit Ford and Fordson engines. The re-metalling outfit comprises a machine base piate, surrounded by a trough to prevent loss of metal during use, and a machined angle bracket complete with four sets of whole and half cores, and the necessary bolding-down frogs.
Cape Town Wheel Tax.
The finance committee of the Cape Town Corporation has considered the question of the levy of the vehicle tax for the year 1925 at the rate of 7s. 6d. per wheel, and recommends that the administrator be advised that it is the council's desire to continue to levy this tax, and to request that the necessary proclamation may be made.
The revenue accruing to the council from the wheel tax for the current year is estimated at £4,150.
` Hotel Location Maps.
The Automobile Association has just prepared and issued hotel location maps for England and Wales and Scotland, on which are shown the actual locations and classifications of the hotels appointed by the Association. The maps, which are supplied free to members, serve as a territorial key to the alphabetical list of towns given in the A.A. handbook.
A Change of Title. The title of the Midland Rubber Goods Manufacturing Co., Ltd., has been changed to that of the Midland Rubber
Co. (1923), Ltd. We learn that -Mr. Robert Young, late of the Dunlop Rubber Co, Ltd., has been appointed general massager of the company, and his many years of technical experience should prove an invaluable asset.
South Shields Motorbuses.
The Durham County Council has considered an application from the South Shields Corporation for permission to run services of buses through the continuaLion of the road from Boldon Lane to East Boldon and thence from East Bel
• don to West Boldon, until such time as the reconstruction of the new road from Bolden Colliery is completed. It has given the necessary permission to the corporation, subject to it agreeing to contribute towards making good any serious damage caused to the section of road referred to, as it Is only a waterbound road and if exposed to heavy motorbus traffic
would rapidly deteriorate.
Tractors For Hauling Rubber in Brazil.
A Brazilian firm recently purchased a tractor for hauling rubber along the Jacy-Parana River, in the inland State of Matto Grosso. If this experiment in traction in an unroaded country proves successful, several more tractors of a similar type will be purchased. It is stated that this experiment is the first of the kind undertaken in Brazil, and its success should afford a strong sales argument to British tractor manufacturers who may be represented in the country.
Special Tyres to Obviate Vibration.
At a meeting of the Stretford Urban District Council reference was made to complaints as to vibration in Urmston Lane due to the speed of the motorbuses of the Mid-Cheshire Motor Bus Co. This company have stated, however, that every effort is being made to eliminate the trouble' and that it is their intention to re-tyre the vehicles with N.A.P. cushion tyres as early as possible.
L.G.O. Garage Improvements.
The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., have just carried out certain alterations to their. garage at Merton. The main entrance to this depot was formerly very narrow and, in consequence, much congestion occurred when the buses were entering and leaving. The main entrance has.been much enlarged, and upon the completion of the work in hand it will be increased to 55 ft., thus providing a six-way track for the simultaneous working of omnibuses in and out.
The main building of the Alerton garage, which was erected in 1913, covers en area of 54,500 sq. ft. and provides accommodation for 173 buses. The area of the original garage was increased to
33,900 sq. ft. early this year, thus providing tor an additional fleet of 120 omnibuses.
The omnibus services provided in south-west London will be improved as a result of these alterations.
Biyth's New Fire Station.
Blyth Corporation's new fire-brin'ade station will he opened on September 3rd. The fire-fighting appliances include a 75 h.p. Halley motor engine with a 60-ft. Ajax escape.
To Check Overloading.
Cheshire County Council has authorized the counfy surveyor, on certain days to be arranged periodically, to weigh goods vehicles in order to ascertain whether they are carrying weights in excess of the legal limit.
Indemnity Insurance.
Mr. H. P. Beaver, town clerk of Adelaide, has, at the request of the corporation, obtained legal opinion as to indemnity insurance and finds that it has
no power to make the taking out of a policy to cover third-party risks a condition ofthe granting of licences to motor vehicles plying for hire, The corporation is, accordingly, now 'considering the desirability of approaching the Government in the hope of inducing it to introduce legislation empowering the corporation to insist on such insurance, which should aim embrace all types of motor vehicle.
Bus Stands at Truro.
Truro Hackney Carriage Committee recently met representatives of the companies running motorbus services in the district and discussed matters relating to bus stands, and eventually temporary arrangements were agreed to. It is suggested that a boundary wall at the Green should be removed so that the area may be used by motorbuses which now stand in Boscawen Street and to which traders have objected on the ground that it interferes with their business.
Slippery Road Liability.
The markets committee of the Glasgow Corporation has considered a claim from Messrs. Cowan and Co. in respect of damage to a lorry owing to the slippery condition of the road in Fruit Market, and has instructed the town clerk to repudiate liability.
Aluminium for Road Wheels.
In our last issue we published a para. graph dealing with the successful experiments that have been conducted by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., with aluminium alloy road wheels, and it is interesting in this connection to learn that H. G. Burford and Co., Ltd., use road wheels of this description as standard equipment on their 50-cwt. Colonial model, of the type which is to be seen on the company's stand at the British Empire Exhibition. They tell us that examination of the material after severe tests over long periods has proired that the metal retains its features of strength and durability.
Lanclaulets Without Taximeters.
At a meeting of the Dover Watch Committee a letter was received from Mr. Alfred Gibbs asking that he might be granted hackney carriage licences in respect of two motor landaulets without the condition as to the provision-of taximeters, the grounds of his application being that the charge for the hire of a taximeter is too heavy, and that at Canterbury, Deal and Folkestone the issue Of a licence is not contingent on the provision of a taximeter, The committee asked the town clerk to obtain information from other towns with regard to the licensing of hackney carriages of this class.
Agricultural Transport.
In a circular drawing attention to the necessity for encouraging and developing agriculture in every possible way, the Ministry of Agriculture suggests to the county agricultural committees that sound schemes should be promoted for the improvement of the facilities for marketing agricultural produce by co-operative organization, by transport developments or other means, and that for this purpose it. is of the first importance to obtain the co-operation of the farmers themselves.
Bus Licences at Wakefield.
Wakefield Watch Committee has considered the question of the renewal of bus licences and decided that they be renewed for a period of three months as regards those vehicles using Cross Square and that if the number of buses in service be increased it be on the understanding that no additional use be mede of Crross Square.
Rationing Bus Licenses.
in connection with the scheme of the Paignton Urban District Council for the rationing of bus licences, the Torquay and District Motor Coach Owners Association has nominated the following applicants for licences for one omnibus each on the Paigoton-Brixham route :— Messrs. W. H. Dalton, G. W. Heath, S. Cooper, W. Tucker, G. H. 11darlks, Soul and Sanders The Paignton Council has accordingly granted the licences.
Substituted Vehicles: At a meeting of the Truro Hackney Carriage committee the inspector reported that it had come to his notice that a licensed hackney carriage proprietor in the city was using two motor vehicles, the licensee only holding a licence for one hackney carriage.
The inspector read a copy of a letter he had written to the licensee and of the reply thereto, in which it was stated that the unlicensed vehicle referred to was used when the licensed vehicle was undergoing repairs.
The committee decided that in all cases in future where it is desired to substitute an unlicensed vehicle for one licensed for a temporary period that per. mission must first be obtained from the hackney carriage inspector.
Parking Facilities at Ripon.
In view of the popularity of the City of Ripon as a destination for motor. coach tours, an idea was evolved some time ago for the construction of a motor. coach park and station, and during the current season the amount of traffic of this kind has inereased so enormously that the scheme is again being pushed forward.
A proposal at present before the city council recommends the purchase of an excellently situated site at Water Skellgate, covering about., an acre and a half, in order to establish such a park, and relieve present congestion in the Market B24 Place and leading thoroughfares. The site abuts on a good wide highway on the main road between Boroughbridge and York.
Tramway Abandonment.
The Sunderland District Tramways Co., propose to discontinue tramway services along the Houghton-Hetten main road between Houghton arid Easington Lane, Warburton Toll Bridge, • Cheshire County Council is negotiating with various local authorities and the Manchester Ship Caeal Co. with a view to arranging terms for the abolition of tolls over Warburton Bridge.
Licensing Categories. '
At a conference of local authorities in Leicestershire it was unanimously de. cided that ordinary licences should be granted to vehicles below a limited weight, to be specified by Parliament, and fitted with pneumatic tyres; and that vehicles above that weight and shod with solid tyres should, if licensed at all, be licensed under a different and much higher rate of duty.
Merthyr's Buses make their Bow.
The bus services of the Merthyr Tydfil Council were instituted on Mcmday of last week, when eight buses were put into commission on routes radiating from the centre of Merthyr tewn to Treharris, Dowlais and Troedyrhiw.
Wakefield's Char-a-banes Station.
Wakefield City Council, which opened char-a-bancs station in connection with the markets, reports that last year the receipts were only £16 18s., a decrease for the year of £43, the explanation being that the reduced receipts were due to the inereased facilities provided by the tramway company, which has resulted in private individuals giving up their business in this direction.
Local Proceedings.
Rotherham Corporation is inviting ten ders for four ratilless vehicles. .
Surrey County Council has empowered the county surveyor to purchase a new 2-ton chassis.
Stretford Urban District Council has replaced its stables committee by a transport committee.
Glasgow Corporation Tramways Corn. mittee has purchased a reconditioned four-ton Leyland motor lorry.
Rotherham Corporation has empowered its transport cos.mittee to purchase a motor ambulance for the health department.
Warrington Corporation is asking the Cheshire County Council to sanction three watering stations for steam wagons.
Woking Urban District Council has obtained sanction to raise a loan of £1,515 for the purchase of a motor lorry and a road.roller.
-Barnsley Corporation has obtained sanction for a loan of £1,233 for the purchase of a motor roller and a motor sweeping machine, Barnsley Watch Committee recommends the purchase of a Morris-Oxford motorvan for the fire-brigade at an esti. mated cost of £270.
Paignton Urban District Council has instructed the surveyor to prepare a scheme for the provision of a garage for the council's motor vehicles, Penzance Town Council has asked the town clerk to seek .permission from the Home Office for the engagement of reserve constables for traffic control duties.
West Bridgford Urban District Council has asked Mr. W. H. Redgate, the clerk, to communicate with certain ba$ proprietors with regard to plying for hire without licences,
The Sunderland Town Council has decided upon the purchase of two new police motor ambulances, to cost £595 . and £575 respectively, to replace the present fleet of vehicles.
Seaham Harbour Urban District Council has agreed to seek authority for the fixing of a speed limit for motor vehicles passing through thatown, and, if necessary, to prepare by-laws regulating road traffic.
Market Harhorough Urban District Council reports that its new Leyland motor fire-engine has been delivered andthat Mr. C. J. Bradley has been appointed as motor mechanic to the brigade at a salary of £5 per annum.
Cheshire County Council has agreed to the provision of a motor vehicle with interchangeable ambulance and lorry bodies for use at the tuberculosis colony, alternatively for the conveyance of patients and the transport of goods.
Applications have been made to the Surrey County Council for the scheduling of Mayfield Road, Sanderstead, Sandy Lane, Petersham and Alexandra Road, Wimbledon, as thoroughfares nor to be used by heavy motorcar traffic.
Barnsley Watch Committee reports in favour of a suggested service put forward by Messrs. Burrows and Sons, of Womb. well from Wath to Leeds, provided the requirements of the chief constable are carried out in the picking-up and setting down of passengers in Barnsley.