NEWS of the WEEK When a C Licence is Not
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Needed A POINT of interest to many farmers rAhas been clarified in the course of a licensing dispute which recently arose. The vehicle involved in this case was a private car, the property of members of the National Farmers' Union and Chaniber of Agriculture. For the purpose of carrying such goods as potatoes, oats and milk, the cushions were removed from the seats of the car, and when passengers were being carried these cushions were replaced, so that the car was again as purchased. It was contended by the Union members that their car could not be regarded as one "constructed or adapted for use for the carriage of goods." The local police, however, through the Licensing Authority, main
Sates Assistant Needed.
An assistant to the sales manager of a large commercial-vehicle sales business in North-west London is required. A man with a good personality, between the ages of twenty-five years and forty years, is needed, and there are prospects for advancement. Letters, marked " Sales," should be addressed to the Editor and they will be forwarded to the proper quarter.
Liverpool's Milk—By Road. Approximately 75 per cent, of the gallonage of milk consumed in Liverpool daily is brought in by road trans. port. This fact is mentioned in the annual report of Dr. W. M. Frazer, the city's Medical Officer of Health, who has given the following analysis:—Milk brought into the city by road vehicles, 35,518 gallons per day; brought into the city by railway, 5,590 gallons; produced within the city, 9,210 gallons.
Display of German Roadbuilding Machines.
.Those who are .concerned with the development of machines for the con *25 tained that a C licence was inecessary, and informed the members that, in failing to exhibit such a licence, they were guilty of an offence under the Act.
The contention of the members had the support of the legal adviser of the Union, and it was pointed out that the Minister of Transport had previously expressed his agreement with the view that an ordinary car could not be regarded as having been adapted for the carriage of goods unless some bona fide constructional alteration had been made for that purpose.
The Authorities have now conceded that the members were justified in their case, and have agreed that, in the circumstances, a C licence is not necessary.
struction of modern roads will be interested in an exhibition of roadmaking machines to be held at Munich from September 15 to 25. This is in connection with the Road Congress which is to take place in that city. Information regarding the show can be obtained from Fachgruppe Aufbereitungsund Baumaschinen, Berlin, W.50, Marburger Strasse 3. or Eric Collinson, 29, Comiragh Road, London, W.14. DETAILS OF OUR LIVESTOCK • POPULATION.
Some idea of the importance to this country of the agricultural industry and of the transport opportunities which are afforded can be gauged front a reference to the " livestock " popula• tion of England and Wales as given by the National Farmers' Union.
There are here nearly 7,000,000 cattle and 17,500,000 sheep, 3,500,000 pigs, 850,000 horses and 56,000,000 fowls, geese, etc. There have been considerable fluctuations, particularly with regard to sheep, for whilst the total shows an increase of 378,000, there is a drop of over 650,000 in those under one yeas old. Under the Pigs •Marketing Scheme, pigs show a drop of over 86,000. There are slight increases in the dairy herd, and in horses for agricultural purposes, the latter numbering 558,000.
Addition to Dewandre Braking Manual.
Loose leaves, devoted to the. newtype tractor and trailer brake controlvalve assemblies, made by the Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Lincoln, have just become available for insertion in this concern's Vacuum Braking Manual. They can be obtained on application to the company and should be added to the trailer-brake section after page 22. This manual is an excellent work, recently published, which deals in full detail with all Dewandre vacuum-brake gear.
Removing a Misconception.
A recent case referring to the shooting of a bank manager involved the name of a company resembling, in some respects, -that of R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., of Liverpool, and the latter concern has asked us to mention that this affair had no connection with it, and that it has been somewhat embarrassing to a company established for over 100 years, and which has built up an excellent reputation.
No mention of the matter in question was included in this journal, but it has been dealt with in many organs of the daily Press. PERSONAL PARS.
MR. H. F. MaxnEw, assistant to the chief engineer of the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., Harrogate, has been appointed chief engineer +(motorbuses) of the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., Swansea.
SXR CHARLES BRESSEY, a former chief engineer of the Ministry of Transport, is to perform the official opening of the new Colchester Fire Station, off the by-pass road, on September 15. The brigade is already installed there.
MR. L. R. BRELSFORD, Whose portrait appears on this page, has been appointed manager of the Manchester depot of Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., at "Olympia," Knott Mill, and will be in charge of sales in that area. He was formerly at the company's Bradford depot.
Rro Motors, Ltd., announces that MR. F. W. Dams, sales supervisor, whose portrait appears on this page, is shortly being transferred to the Roo Sales Corporation, which handles the world export of Reo commercial vehicles. He has been with Reo Motors, Ltd., since the formation of the company 91 years ago, and is well known to its dealer organization and to many Reo operators.
MR. R. f. JAMES, who has been, for the past five years, general manager of the East Midland Motor Services, Ltd., with headquarters at Chesterfield, will take up a new appointment in September as general manager of the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., Torquay. His assistant will be the present local manager, Ma. W. H. GEERE, while MR. F. B. Low, of the London office, will, for the time being, act as secretary of the company.
Ma. MAX HOFMANN, export sales manager of the Waukesha Motor Co., of Wisconsin, U.S.A., is making a
business tour of European and Near East countries to study the lines along which trade expansion may be predicted. Amongst the countries he will visit are England, Germany, France, Italy, Egypt and Palestine. It is believed that personal contact at this time will tend to strengthen the company's position in overseas markets, as well as to establish plans for increasing future trade.
How to Assess. Your :Tyre Costs.
In the article " How to Assess Your Tyre Costs," published in our issue for last week, the cross-heading in column three referred to pounds avoirdupois; this should, of course, have been 41 sterling.
We know of a vacancy with an old established, highly reputable commercial vehicle manufacturer for a senior salesman. A man (*about 40 years of age with a good connection
in the London area is required and the salary is attractive. Letters addressed to the Editor and marked "Senior Salesman " will be forwarded to the company concerned.
Trailer Bodies Required.
The Director-General of the India Store Department, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London, S.E.1, •requires tenders for the supply of 14 all-metal bodies for stores trailers; the closing date is August 30.