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Who's using vans for what —and when

26th August 2004
Page 8
Page 8, 26th August 2004 — Who's using vans for what —and when
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GOVERNMENT STATISTICS show that 35% of all trips made by company owned vans last year were in connection with the collection of delivery of goods.

The Department for Transport's Survey of Van Activity 2003 also reveals that nearly a third (32%) of travel represents trips between home and work. with a further fifth (19%) when vans are travelling between jobs.

Only 3% of the distance travelled is for personal use. compared with 17% for privately owned vans. The peak periods of travel during the week are between 7am and 9am and between 4pm and 6pm, when around 30% of vans are in use.

At weekends no more than 4% of vans are in use during any given hour. The transport of tools, machinery and equipment accounts for just over half of all travel (54%). The construction industry accounts for about a third (29%) of vehicle kilometres, and the wholesale and retail sector a fifth (19%).

• See Yardstick next week.