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"The wheels of wealth willbe slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
A Prosperous Scottish Concern.
The 25th annual meeting of the shareholders of Rossleigh, Ltd., was held in Edinburgh a Sew days ago. In presenting the report, Bailie Sleigh said the profits of the company for the past year were a little behind those for the previous year, but that their position was financially secure.
He expressed the opinion that there were indications that, the coming. year's trading would not be hampered to the same extent as in the past, and that companies in a sound financial position Might look forward to considerable business expansion. The motor trade, be said, was still hampered by the Government's method of taxation, and he expressed the op /Mr that a return to the tax on petrol and a small tax on the horse-power of the engine would be more acceptable to motor vehicle users.
During the past five years the company have paid 125 per cent. in dividends, an average of 25 percent. menually., to their ordinary shareholders. On the motion of Bailie Sleigh, the dividends of 6 per cent, per annum on the preference shares, ender deduction of income tax, and 15 per cent. on the ordinary shares, free of income tax, also a bonus of 5 per cent, on ordinary shares, free of income tax, were unanimously adopted.
Thornycroft's Educational System.
At the Basingstoke works of John L Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., they have in operation a very thorough system for educating and training their engineering papas and apprentices. It is the outcome of cosiderable attention and experience which the company have given to the subject, and is arranged to allow of theoretical and practical training being given concurrently, which enables the student to understand the "reason why" of their work while their training develops.
Some months ago a number of the pupils passed the graduateship examination of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, and now the following have been successful in passing the recent associatemembership examination of the Institute :—J. A. G. Bowen, B. F. Caunt, B. M. Grace-White, B. C. Oldham (honourable mention), A. J. Romer, L. J. F. Rose, G. M. B. Small. AtThe samotime Mr. R. A. S. Physick passed the graduate examination of the Institute.
Thes.e secce,sses should be very gratifying to Messrs. Thornvcroft and a commendationof their efforts on behalf of *the corning generation of motor engineers.
Cardiff's New Bus Scheme.
A discussion on the advisability of extending the city's motorb.us service arose at a recent meeting of Cardiff City Council. The electricity and tramways committee minutes recommended the purchase of five new one-mail type -motorbuses to supplement existing services.
B12 Councillor Cowan moved that the recommendation be deferred for consideration for six months on the ground that further capital expenditiure was not warranted. It was true, he said, that the quarter's bus service working showed a surplus of 242, but in the same period the tram service revenue was 25,000 less than in the corresponding period of last year, and he contended this was in a measure due to the operation of the bus services, it was robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Eventually the recommendation to purchase was agreed upon, subject only to the proviso that the council be informed by the committee of the purchase price before finally arranging the transaction.
£20,000 for Lorries and 1. ractors.
The city aldermen having decided that, where possible, horse and manual labour should be. replaced by motor traction in the street cleansing and maintenance departments, a sum of 220,000 will be placed on the city of Sydney estimates for 1923 for the purchase of motor tractors and lorries. It is stated that tests are being made with a British road sweeper and garbage collector, which will do the work of a foreman and 36 hand sweepers. The cost of the machine delivered in Sydney was 22,600.
No Wholesale Speed Limits.
Regarding art application for a speed limit of 15 miles an hour throughout the city, the Ministry of Transport informs the Oxford City Council that it is net its practice to make orders restricting motorcars to a maximum speed falling between 10 and 20 miles an hour. Moreover, the Ministry is not prepared to consider any application for a speed limit to be applied to all roads in a, certain area. An order 'of thie nature can only be made on the grounds of public safety, and any such application should specify the actual roads to which it is to apply, so that the Ministry may be satisfied as to the necessity of an order in the case of each separate. road.
The Ministry makes allusion to the report of the Departmental Committee on the policy underlying the imposition of reduced speed limits in populous areas, and adds that the Ministry is not prepared to make any fresh order imposing a special speed_ limit of 10 miles an hour or extending the application of any existing order, save in eases where new and exceptional conditions have arisen, introducing elements of special danger to the public which cannot be mitigated by any other means under the existing law.
Mr. Rees Jeffreys, chairman of the Roads Improvement Association. left London on December 21st for India, Assent, Burma and Ceylon, with the intention of making some study of road and road transport conditions in those countries. Mr. Jeffreys (who is chairman of the British Committee) is arranging to be back to attend the Fourth International Road Congress, which opens at Seville on May 6th.
An . Idea in Loading Furniture.
To ensure proper aerie being exercised in the loading of furniture on motor lorries, a Manchester furniture manufacturer is having his three lorries fitted with a special typo of interchangeable body, which can be run off the chassis into the works, there to be loaded.
Furniture is one of the most fragile loads, and inadequate packing or careless handling may result in something more than merely scratched paint.. The cabinet maker referred to is haying a new fate tory erected, and here there. will be a special loading bay, so that when the body is run off the motor chassis, it can be pushed along on rollers to the packing department, there to be carefully and leisurely loaded by practised packers.
Although this manufacturer operates only three vehiCles—two Fiats and a Vulcan—a private Bowser pump installation has been erected outside his premises in the Cheetham district.
The Need for Modern Roads.
The traffic census that was taken at Ashton (Lancs.) a short time ago is useful evidence of the.need for roads suitable to carry modern traffic. On the average of sec week days, 448 horse drawn and 1,846 mechanically propelled vehicles passed a given point each day.
These figures amply demonstrate the great change that has occurred in traffic conditions. A still more important factor is the remarkable difference in the weight of the two types of vehicles in use. It is estimated that the average weight of the mechanically propelled vehicles was 31 tons each, whilst the horse drawn vehicles passing at the same time weighed only 14 cwt. each.
Add to these facts the additional but most important factor of the greatly increased average speed of the heavy vehicles, and it will be at once seen that the old methods of road construction are not adequate for present-day conditions.
An Efficiency Meeting.
Mr. H. E. Blain, C.B.E., presided at the efficiency meeting recently held at the L.G.O.C. training school at Millman's Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. Some 350 members of the administrative staff attended and listened to an admirable paper delivered by Mr. S. Newman, the company's claims agent, on "The Claims Department, its Activities, and the Lessons to be Learned from its Experiences."
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of 1923 wall and pad calendars and a diary from the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., who are almost first in the field with these useful reminders that the New Year is fast approaching.
In our next issue a special article. fully illustrated. deals with the subject of the overhauling of the engine and transmission of a Ford chassis, a subject which, to our knowledge, has not hitherto been dealt with.
Unic Trading.
The report of the directors of Unic 'Motors, Ltd.,, for the 12 months ended July 31st shows that the profit, after making provision for depreciation, income tax, corporation profits tax and other items, amounted to £21,800, as compared with £17,700 for the previous year, an increase of £4,100. The directors propose to pay a dividend on the 7 per cent, cumulative participating preference shares, but do not recommend any distribution on the ordinary shares, the balance -which will remain—i.e., £6,200--being utilized for the purpose of reducing the item of trade mark and goodwill. A. year ago, it may be added, a sum of £3,900 was utilized for a similar purpose.
Islington's Charging Plant.
In recommending sanction to a loan be the Islington Borough Council of £1,829 for electricity charging plant, the finance committee of the Condon County Council mentions that the borough council is gradually displacing the horse-drawn dust carts by electric vehicles, some of which are also adapted for street-watering purposes. There are at present in use 19 of these vehicles and the borrowing of £35,600 has been sanctioned by the council in connection therewith, in addition to £6,956 for charging plant. 'fhe existing charging plant is now stated to be fully loaded. The cost is reasonable and the plant, which will be capable of charging twelve vehicles, is suitable for the work,
Arterial Road for North Wales.
It was decided at a recent meeting of the Flint County Council to take active steps to reconstruct the Queeneferry Bridge, towards which a Government grant is anticipated. The Ministry of Transport recently wrate to the council asking it to consider the advisability of abolishing the present toll system, the perpetuation of which, it is stated, is not consistent with the general policy of the department.
A communication was read at the Same meeting from the Carearvon County
Council in which the cOnstruction 4i an arterial road through North Wats for the use of motor vehicles only, the widening of the most dangerous portions of the main road, was suggested. If the majority of the North Wales councils approve of the idea, it was suggested that representatives should be appointed to attend a conference on the subject.
Midland Auction Sales
Messrs. J. Cp. Severn and Co., of High Street, Alfreton, ask us to anneunce that they have arranged to co duct their motor auction sales in Lei ster fortnightly instead of monthly, cont. mencing January 4th, and that fortnightly sales will also be held in ernsley from January 11th.
Progress of the Deser Expedition.
According to advices from W rgla, Southern Algeria, the French expe ition headed by M. Haardt, which is att mpting to cross the Sahara Dese t in Kegresse-Citroan creeper-track ye idles, has accomplished the first lap of 200 kiloms., from Tugurt to Wargla, ith. out any serious difficulty.
Bus Control in Harrogat
At the monthly meeting of the Harrogate Town Council it was resolved to appoint a committee to consider regulations for the motorbus traffic. It is considered advisable to exercise better control over the services in the town as a result of considerable congestion which is taking place in some of the main thoroughfares,
Lorry Parking in Newport.
The provision of a lorry park now engages the attention of the Newport (Mon.) Watch Committee. The castle grounds are deemed a good site. and a suggestion that, they be considered was made at the last meeting of the borough council. A member, on being informed that this was only one of several sites now under consideration, remarked that he hoped decision would not be long deferred, as it was most important to provide for motor vehicles.
Australian imports.
Interesting statistics respecting the motorindustry in Agstralia were recently placed before the Adelaide trade. At a meeting of the South Australian Chamber of Automotive Industries it was stated that the value of the motor imports into the Commonwealth for the 12 months ended June 20th amounted to over £4,000,000, and for the month of June last the figures were £438,000. Twenty-seven thousand persons are employed in the industry, and there is now one motor vehicle in Australia to every 55 persons, South Australia having the highest ratio among the six States with one to every 35 persons. Sixty-five per cent, of the motors in use in Australia are owned by rural inhabitants..
The Brighton and Hove Taxicab Association has asked the Hove-Watch Committee to cease Issuing motor hackney carriage licences owing to the present number exceeding the needs of the public. Now the proprietors are finding it difficult to make the vehicles pay, and they asked that in future no additional licence should be granted to a person who already has a licensed vehicle in USC in the borough, and that no new licence be issued to any person who has not been a resident in the borough for
three years. .
The watch committee cannot recommend any direct action now, but suggest that the points raised should be considered when any appliction fer a licence is received.
Horse Versus Motor.
The accompanying pictures were received by Dennis Brothers; Ltd.,. from far-away Dunedin, the city founded in the Southern Island of New Zealand by settlers from Dundee and Edinburgh. Dunedin, after covering a small expanse of level land between the sea, and the lofty hills behind, apreadseup the slopes of the latter, and many of the roads are very steep. The tramways up some of these hills are on the cable system, and one illustration shows a drum of steel rope weighing 12 tons, loaded on a van, which required 24 horses to haul it to the tramway sheds over the Rosslyn Hills. As a contrast, the other picture shows a similar load thatwas conveyed over the Mornington Hills by two 3.1-4-ton Dennis subsidy lorries, heavily weighted to secure increased adhesion.
These two illustrations certainly furnish all object-lesson in the superiority of mechanical transport, and 'are, incidentally, excellent testimony to the haulage cepacity of Dennis lorries.
Stepney Report.
The sixteenth annual general meeting of the Stepney Spare Motor Wheel Co., Ltd., was held atIlanelly recently' when a loss of £3,155 on the year's trading was reported, as aerainst a loss of over £7,000 in the previous year.
The chairman, Mr. Walter Davies, ascribed the loss largely to taxation. The losses of the concern in two years amounted to about £11,000, in which period over £25,000 was paid to the Government in taxes. The company was selling at 30 per cent. below -pre-war prices, yet still felt foreign competition. The sum of £8,907 was carried to the profit and loss acconnt. The 'Manufacture of a new inner tube by the company, called the Stepney Samson tube, was announced.
The reports were adopted, and an extraordinary general meetinq field subsequently, when it was deckled to change the name of the company to Stepney Tyres, Ltd. It was agreed to pay no dividend on the year's trading.
Traffic and Street Lighting.
Capt. Pocock, a member of the ,Hove Corporation, has urged that immediate consideration should be given to the present method of lighting the thoroughfares used by motor omnibuses with a view to providing a lighting system which will more adequately illuminate the oentre of the roads and 'so obviate the risk of accidents. The borough surveyor bas-been asked to stibmit a report on the subject.
Opposition to Municipal Buses.
Members of the Cardiff Corporation recently opposed the projected council motorbus service between Cardiff and Newport on the ground that such services tend to stamp out private enterprise. A letter was received by the coun
oil from Mr. 'Vivian Jones, Newport, the proprietor of a bus service between Cardiff and Newport offering, in view of the council's decision to run buses on the same route, to sell his vehicles and rights to the corporation for £3,000. After discussion, in which the views stated were put forward, the offer was declined.
.Too Many Buses ?
'Bristol City Council has referred to the watch committee a petition from residents who complain of excessive motorbus traffic along certain streets.
• The Competition Peril,
Harrogate Corporation has appointed a committee to consider the motorlens.regulotions in order to secure more 'effective control. It is alleged that some youtea have become race tracks for competitive buses.
Tractor Sales "Down Under."
It is stated in an advice from Melbourne that, following on the reduction of the tariff on traction engines from. 45 per cent. to 10 per cent., there have been remarkable sales in motor tractors, and for the first time in Australia Fordson tractors are being booked pending shipment.
Concession Fares.
The Cardiff Corporation has a, system by which children up to 17 years of age attending school may be allowed 'special concession fares on buses during certain hours of the day. A proposition made at the last meeting of the council, that the age limit should be extended two years, found no support, and was rej ected.
The exports of commercial vehicles from Canada during the month of October were valued at 107,524 dollars, and motor vehicle parts at 288,427 dollars.
Greenock and Motorbuses.
The Town Council of Greenock has just decided to apply for a Provisional Order empowering it to acquire a fleet of motorbuses and run them in various directions along the coast-line and to the inland districts. It is proposed to build a large and up-to-date garage for these vehicles at, an estimated cost of £10,000, and other necessary appliances and equipments are also being provided for. Greenock is centrally situated for a good motorbiis service, it being the capital town of an extensive district which embraces a large number of smaller burghs and villages, including Gourock, Fort Matilda and Port Glasgow. It possesses a good tramway system; but it is felt that this should be supplemented by buses capable of opening up places which i lie off the main roads. It s stated. that about 50 vehicles will be needed to meet the objects in, view.
A Show in Sweden.
Particulars are now available at th.e Depariment of Overseas Trade of the conditions of participation in the International Motor Show which is to be held from May 9th to July 9th in conjunction with the Gothenburg Jubilee Exhibition. In the first four groups, under which exhibits of all types of commercial vehicles are included, the charge for space will be 50 kr. per sq. metre • in the remaining six groups, which incude accessories, tyres, petrol, oils, etc., the charge for the same space is 100 kr. The address of the organizers is Automobilntstallningen, Gothenburg 5, Sweden.
A New Hearse for Stirling.
A few years ago, Messrs. Henderson, motor agents, Stirling, acquired the first motor hearse which was ever introduced to the royal and ancient burgh which was once Scotland's capital. Mr. George Jeffrey, motor hirer, has now added another to his well-plenished garage. It is a large and handsome vehicle, and, in addition to the coffin, can accommodate four mourners. The body waa designed and built by Messrs. Menzies Brothers, coachbuilders, Stir. hug, and it is fitted on a Sunbeam chassis.,
Safety First in 1923.
As in past years, the London "Safety First" Council is running a "Freedom From Accidents" competition for drivers daring the forthcoming year. The object of this competition is to endeavour, by means of suitable awards, to reduce the number of driving accidents which occur in the Greater London aria, and drivers of all classes of vehicle are invited to qualify for the competition. Three hundred and fifty badges of merit are offered to drivers whose accident records qualify them to receive such awards, and, in addition, prizes of 10s. will be awarded to 100 of these winning drivers. Eaah competitor who is free from accidents during the period of the competition, and who .does not receive a money prize, a badge or a bar medallion attachment, will receive et diploma. The list of entrants must be received at the offices of the council, 15, Savoy Street, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C., not later than January 31st.
Control and Direction of Traffic.
The suggestion that private associations should attend to the matter of traffic control and direction instead of the burden being cast upon the police force was made by Lord TreJtven at a meeting of the Monmouthshire Standing Joint Committee. Two of the largest of the urban authorities in the county wrote requesting an additional allotment of police for point and traffic dusty. Exesssive speed of motor vehicles -was alleged to be the basis of the demand that was opposed by the chief constable.
The requests were refused, the chairman remarking that such demands were continually arising all over the country with the increase of motor traffic. To admit the justification of such demands meant the increase of the police force, and the chief constable thought there was no need for police supervision.
Cost of Film Transport.
The Notts and Derby branch of the Cinematograph Exhibitors/ Association has received an intimation from the London Provincial Film Motor Transport to the effect that they are prepared to open two routes for the transport of films— one from Nottingham, through Beeston and Long Eaton to Birmingham. Provided the whole of the exhibitors on the routes in question joined the service, the company offered the following rates to Birmingham, and vice versa :—Nottingham, 10d. per reel of film ; l3-eeston and Long Eaton, dd. per reel; Derby, 8d.; Burton-on-Trent, 6d. The company undertook to insure films carried from the moment they entered their possession until reaching the destliation.
Contract or Ownership ?
In view of the heavy cost of cartage in the districts of Penketh, .Sankey, RiXton and Winwick, it has been suggested to the Warrington Rural Council that it should consider whether it would not be more economical to employ a motor vehicle. It was stated that the council this year had spent nearly £2,500 in removing nightsoil from these scattered rural districts.
One of the objections raised to the council buying its own mechanically propelled vehicles was that many small farmers, by undertaking cartage for the council, were able to make ends meet. For years many small farmers have looked to the road as a means of livelihood.
Finally, it was decided to appoint a small committee to consider which is the most economical arid efficient sys tern of coping .with the work.
Safer Roads for Horses.
Harrogate Corporation has referred to its highways committee a petition signed by hunting men, riding masters, cabmen and others appealing for the roads to be made more safe for horses.
Turntable for Motor Lorry.
The turntable which is shown in one of the pictures on this page has been designed for use in road construction work, and is a great saver of time, labour and money. Where highways are being built, it is a difficult task to turn the large machines which haul the 'stone, sand and other materials, and this necessitates considerable backing of the vehicles to reach desired points. With the use of this new turntable, any type of motor lorry can be turned by power derived from its own rear wheels, these running on a treadmill arrangement.
Motorcars and chassis imported into Australia from Germany have been included in the provisions of the AntiDumping Act, the regulation being made retrospective to August 1st.
Mersey Bridge Tolls.
It may interest motor users who use the Widnes-Runcorn transporter bridge (the longest suspension bridge in the country) to know, that during the 1922 municipal year the tolls collected from vehicles journeying from Widnes were £3,824 Us., and from vehicles travelling from Runcorn £3,128. Vehicles frequently travel by the transporter bridge instead of creasing the river by ferry boat from Liverpool, Birkenhead or allaaey.
A New Wakefield Garage.
The new omnibus garage of the Yorkshire (W.R.) Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., was opened a few days ago at Belle Isle, near Wakefield, and the Mayor of Wakefield opened the new waiting-room for bus passengers Which has been erected in Cross Street. The new services of motorbuses which have been inaugurated operate over 20 routes, and bring into touch such places as Barnsley, Dewsbury, Morley, Normanton, Pontefract, Hernsvvorth and Most of the villages which are to be found between these towns and Wakefield.
The Motor -Omnibus Bill, which was introduced into the State Legislative Assembly at Me/hOurne, Australia, on December 14th, provides for a minimum tax of £50 per annum for each vehicle.
Preston Bus Returns.
• The Preston motorbus service, states the annual report:of the tramway manager, is operating satisfactorily, and the linancial reseislts for the "Short period under review are more satisfactory Chan anticipated. The operating expenses per bus mile were .17.ffil, as compared with 15.29d. on the tramcars. The net result of three months' working was a loss of i',87 is. 9d., but, as £84 la. 9d. had been spent. out of revenue on capital account, the loss was more apparent than real.
A Remarkable Record.
The life of a commercial vehicle is determined by two outstanding factors. Under one heading can he classified right design and manufacture and under the other falls the attention devoted to proper maintenance and upkeep. The latter does not necessarily imply expenditure on :spares and replacements, al though it may readily be assumed that, in most cases,.as the age of a vehicle lengthens so the repair and replacement bill becomes proportionately long. Such, however, is not always the case, as is indicated by the record of a two-ton Commer Car van illustrated on this page, which is in the service of Messrs. Boolds, of Devonpoet. This vehicle is fitted with an extra long body and is chiefly used for delivering furniture and drapery_ goods. The van was orginally purchased in 1910, and although it has now been in regular employment for nearly 12 years, and, in the words of the user, is running as well as ever, it has only been .necessary to spend £50 upon replacements. This record is remarkable in itself, but it is emphasized by pointing out that the roads over which the vehicle rims have very bad surfaces, and gradients, of 1 in 5 and 1 in 6 are frequently encountered. The satisfactory running of this vehicle has been instrumental in securing from Messrs. P.00lds a repeat order for Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Luton.
A Northampton Fair.
Northampton Corporation has agreed to let the fair-ground to Messrs, Wilson and Son from March 12th tc 19th, in dusive, for the purposes of a trade ex. hibition,The company state that the exhibits will include motorcars, motorcycles and accessories. The exhibitors will be mostly manufacturers and makers. Motor trips to the fair will be organized.
Bulk Storage for Tottenham.
To enable a saving of 110. per gallon to be effected, the Tottenham Urban District Council proposes to install a 5011gallonpetrol tank.
Welcoming Motor Tourists.
The Mayor and Town Clerk of Ripon have interviewed the principal tourist agencies and motor coach concerns with a view to popularizing the city amongst visitors from various parts of Britain and overseas.
Bus Conductors Warned.
The Southern Motor Services, Ltd., promise the Worthing Corporation that everything possible will be done to prevent bus overcrewding, and that the conductors have been warned notd to carry excessive numbers of passengers on the. vehicles.
Rivalry of Passenger Traffic.
Seven hackney carriage drivers have petitioned the Wrexham Town Connell to refuse licences to those vehicles which are engaged in the transport of merchandise during the week but ply for hire as passenger vehicles on Saturday evenings to the detrinient of those regularly en-gaged in passenger traffic. The watch committee, however, decline to interfere:
It is stated that the construction of motor omnibuses of the London doubledecker type has been commenced in Sydney, Australia, and that vehicles of a similar type will be made later in Melbourne.
The Dowson and Mason Gas Plant Co., Ltd., have decided to dose down their London office at 3, Manchester Street, W. 1. and in future all matters relating to their petrol and oil storage. equipments will be dealt with at the head office,. Almo Works, Levenshnime, Manchester.
• Local Proceedings.
Westbourne Rural District Council has asked its clerk to make inquiries about prices of motor ambulances.
The Manchester Cleansitg Committee recommends the corporation to purchase a motor wagon at an estimated cost of £500.
Ripon City Council has deferred applications for permission to ply for hire by two omnibus companies for further particulars.
Swansea Watch Committee has given permission to the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., to run a bus service to Town Hill.
Kensington Borough Council Highways Committee recommends the purchase of an Armstrong-Whitworth road roller at a cost of £839.
The Croydon Corporation proposes the purchase of a light motorvan to replace the horse and cart used by the weights and measures department.
Mansfield Corporation has asked a sub-committee to consider tho question of co-ordinating the whole of the mechanical transport of the corporation. Edinburgh Corporation cleansing inspector reports that the efficiency of his department would be increased by the acquisition of a motor vehicle for street watering. Tottenham Urban District Council has had seven tenders for the supply of two Ford motor disinfecting vans and empowered the chairman to accept the most _ favourable.
Owing to lack of patronage, through tickets between the London County Council trarnwaya and the L.G.O.C. motorbuses will not be issued after the end of the year.
The Harrogate Corporation has concluded that it is not advisable to increase the number of -Steam vehicles in the boritough, aria haa'vefoed the purchase of a meter lorry. and roller, Having coniidere-d the necessity for providing another motor vehicle, the electricity committee of the Croydon Coloration. recommends the purchase of an 'dison electric leery at a cost of
Northampton Watch Committee recommends -the adoptionof: Sections 78 and 79 of the Fublac, Heath Amendment . .
Act .which would enable _the council to rulake it __an offence for motorists and others. to diaobev.the_instructions of the police...
The novel recommendation made by the chief constable. of. ACCringtoii, that police officers ou point duty in the middle of the roads forsthe direction. of traffic should wear white caps; Which can be more 'distinctly seen by. the drivers of vehicles, has been adopted.
To a card player (and there are few among us who do hot • enjoythe Mental exercise afforded by the best gameal welcome gift is a pack of cards. For this reason we thank the directors of W. B. Dick and Co., Ltd. of 26, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S:W. 1, for a nicely produced pack, protected by a leather case. We count ourselves fortunate in being included among the clients of the company to whom the packs are being sent. We are asked to note that, by an error on the part of the designer, the cards bear the company's old address, but as the correct address appears upon the case the error will, we are sure, be overlooked by all to whom the cards bring an enjoyable game.