NO ,COMFLETE VEHICLES FOR INDIA jMPORTATION of assembled vehicles 'during
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the first six months of next year has been banned by the Government of India. Only components may be imported. The quota provides for a maximum of 400 " truck " components from dollar sources and 40 " truck" components from other
sources. The c.i.f. value of a component must not exceed Rs.4,000.
A N instruction book dealing with the maintenance of the Dennis Lancet Illchassis is now available from Dennis
Bros., Ltd., Guildford. Compiled to
cater for both the small operator w,ho is forced by circumstances to undertake servicing himself, and for the larger concerns, the book is copiously illustrated and the instructions well
detailed. • The data and general-information section contains a guide• to suitable lubricants of various proprietary makes, and a list of the addresses of the manufacturers of component parts.
Special tools used in the overhaul of the engine and fuel pump are well illustrated and a section at the end of the book deals exclusively with the fits and tolerances of the working parts.
ASERIES of six lectures, each lasting about an hour, on the subject of "Modern Applications of High-temperature Alloys," will be given by Mr. C. G. Conway, B.Sc., at Sir John Cass
Technical Institute, Jewry Street, Aidgate, London, E.C.3. The lectures will take place on Thursdays at 6.15 p.m., beginning on January 22. The fee for the course is lOs THE OIL ENGINE EXPLAINED PUBLISHED by George Newnes, Ltd., Southampton Street, London. W.C.2, Modern Oil Engine Practice" deals with the principles and construction, operation, maintenance and servicing of some of the leading stationary, marine and nigh-speed oil engines as used in passenger and goods vehicles. In addition to describing the important constructional features of the leading makes of engine, the book deals in detail with the trend in development in various auxiliaries, including proprietary fuel pumps, such as C.A.V.,,Bryce and Simms.
Much space has been given to the maintenance rIt the high-speed oil engine and its component parts, some 40 pages being devoted to the overhaul of C.A.V. fuel-injection equipment.
Priced at 30s., it is a book which is of interest to the designer, and is of special value to those engaged in testing and running compressionignition engines.
A STIFF-BACKED pocket-size book Pi, describing and illustrating the company's range of industrial electric motors has been issned by Higgs Motors, Ltd., Witton, Birmingham, 6. It contains a great deal of useful technical data.
AMOTION requesting the Govern
meat to reconsider cuts in capital expenditure on the roads. was presented in the House of Lords by Earl Howe last week. He, Lord Sandhurst and Lord Teynham spoke in support of .the motion.
Lord Sandhurst said that no one would suggest economizing on railway permanent way, and it was equally dangerous to economize in the permanent way of road traffic. Lord Teynham declared that it was doubtful whether coal supplies could be maintained this winter without the greater use of road transport.
Replying for the Government, the Earl of Listowel said that the 10-year road programme had not been abandoned, hut only postponed. The cost of repairing damage caused lass winter by frost and flood was being met from a special fund, and economies were to be effected mainly in new road works. He considered that the cuts would not seriously reduce efficiency.
"MIN: OF AG." HAS 14,577 VEHICLES ACCORDING to a written reply by Mr. Tom Williams, Minister of Agriculture, the Ministry owns and uses 14,577 vehicles, most of whTh are employed in providing services to farmers by agricultural executive committees. This year, 2,199 vehicles have been acquired, all but 114 having been reconditioned ex-Service machines,
25 YEARS OF MASS EXPORT I N this. its 25th year, the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber e.xport Co. has iszated an attractive two-colour brochure which gives an excellent pictorial representation of the " vast-globe-girdling facilities "—as a notice describes them— of Goodyear 'Foreign Operations, Inc.
The liberally illustrated pages show factories, repair plants, depots, warehouses and distribution agencies in all parts of the world, from the U.S.A. to Australia, and from Sweden to South Africa.