What the Associations
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Are Doing
A body of hauliers in Preston is satisfied with neither of the two national associations and has formed the Preston and District Road Transport Licence
Holders Association. This organization has been in operation for rather more than six months and has 60 mem bers. Mr. C. le M. Gosselin, vicepresident of the C.M.U.A., is chairman of the Preston association.
S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, is to lecture before this organization on March 10.
This engagement will form part of a Lancashire tour by S.T.R., during which he will also lecture, under C.M.U.A.. auspices, at Burnley on March 8, Blackburn the following day, Oldham on March 11, and Lancaster on March 12.
A.R.O. Will Not be Run by Ancillar; Users.
Mr. T. F. Hargreaves was last week elected chairman of A.R.O. Liverpool Sub-area. The committee W28 constistuted as follows :-
Messrs. F. Blouiley, P. Duerden. J. ntssimmons, W. S. Finlayson, T, F. Hargreaves. L. B. 0. Heilbtrin, E. Hughes, W. IttcCreadY, P. Perris arid A. E. Evans.
In an address, Jr. R. W. Sewill, national director, declared that A.R.O. did not intend to exclude ancillary users, but it would not be controlled by them. He had heard a rumour of the possibility of a further increase in the tax on petrol and had suggested to A.R.O. headquarters that, a ,memorandum be prepared and sent to the areas and sub-areas, advocating approaches to Members of Parliament.
Mr. Sewill said that the railways were actually no more controlled as regards rates than were hauliers. The 193.3 Act gave them power to quote agreed rates. If road operators would agree among themselves to charge certain rates, they would obtain them.
Mr. Sewill also mentioned that Association members had tendered for the transport of the whole of the 1937 sugar-beet crop from the lams to the factories. This was an example of getting together on an agreed rate. A.R.O. was trying to do the same thing with the Milk Marketing Board.
C.M.U.A. Progress in Lancashire.
Expressions of regret at the failure of the merger negotiations were voiced at the annual general meeting of the C.11,1,U.A., Manchester Area, last week. Referring to the question of legal representation, it was stated that, by allowing the area secretary to handle prosecutions, instead of passing the work to headquarters, a worthwhile sum of money had been saved.
Mr. E. F. B. Topham was elected chairman of the Manchester Area for the forthcoming year, Mr. C. H. CIague, vice-chairman, and Mr. W. A, Pilkington, hon. treasurer. The new committee is as follows:
Messrs. F. Brown, E. Brown C. G. S. Davies,
3. A. Ferrington, T. M. Grindley, A. Hancock,
Hollhagsworth, H. Hoyland, R. Moffatt, J. Marshall, W. E. Man's, I.. Meadoweraft, Max. Robinson, S. Boyle, J. Smith, A. Watkinson and H. E. Young.
Guildford Operators Organize.
A further C.M.U.A. meeting was held at Guildford, last Monday, and an area committee was set up ; Mr. J. Cooke was appointed hon. secretary of the sub-area. Full support was offered to the movement for more rigid control over the fitness and efficiency of hackney carriages seating up to seven persons.
Passenger Committee for C.M.U.A. London Division.
A passenger committee of the London and Home Counties Division of the C.M.U.A. has been formed. Mr.
F. J. Speight is chairman, and the following comprise the committee :
Mr. F. A. Fain, Mr.F. B. Arnold, Miss C. Culverhouse, Messrs. H. Butcher, W. S. Keen, L. E. C,artwright, 1. McCreclie, R. Neal, A. H. Bourne and G. Nowell. Messrs. F. B. Arnold,
G. NoweB, A. H. Bourne and F. J. Speight are representatives on the London and Home Counties Divisional Committee.
A policy of specialization in the administrative machinery of the C.M.U.A. North-Eastern Division was adopted at the division's annual meeting in Leeds, when it was decided that the divisional committee shall comprise three sections.
At the divisional committee meeting held after the annual meeting, Mr. James France, of Slaithwaite,.a former. national president of the C.M..U.A., who has previously occupied the divisional chair for some years, was again elected chairman of the division, in succession to Mr. Joseph Wallis.
The division's membership now stood at 1,800, said Mr. Wallis. This figure ought to be increased materially during the ensuing year. Referring to a deputation which, during the year, bad interviewed Yorkshire Members of Parliament on behalf of the division, he suggested that such deputations should be organized more frequently.
The annual report mentioned that under the legal-defence scheme, 560 cases had been dealt with by the division's solicitors, Carr, Sandelson and Co. The' report also referred appreciatively to the series of lectures given in Yorkshire by S.T.R.
The existing divisional committee was re-elected almost en bloc, with the following additional members:
Messrs. W. H. Potter (Leeds), J. Newton (York), H. Goodwin (Bradford), H. Rhodes (Leeds), .T. II. Richards (Doncaster) and Ellis (Harrogate). Mr. Charles Holdeworth, of Halifax,. was elected senior viee.president, in succession to Mr.' Walter lIoldsworth.
A.R.O. to Improve West Midloand Service.
Arrangements are being made for an A.R.O. office, serving the West Midland Area, to be opened in Wolverhampton. In the past, there have been cases where it has not been possible to give distant sub-areas the same attention as certain other districts, but Mr. G. F. Goodwin, area secretary, intends that this deficiency shall be remedied immediately.
In the whole of the West Midland Area, The Commercial Motor is informed, only 13 resignations have been received.
Elections are to be held in all subareas during the next fortnight, but, for the time being, Capt. C. R. Thompson and Mr. A. S. Ward have been requested to attend National Council race tin gs.
Mr. J. W. Beresford has been elected .chairman of the area and Mr. J. Male vice-chairman.
Slough Branch of C.M.U.A. Set Up.
At a C.M.U.A. meeting at Slough, on Monday, a decision was made to form a local sub-area. Mr. Frederick Smith acted as chairman, supported by Mr. W. A. Winson, president-elect, Mr. T. R. Sanders and Mr. J. L. Kinder, national organizer. The following were elected to the local coMmittee :Messrs. L. Thompson, A. Gosling, G. R. Hills, R. W. Muckley, G. W. Betties, T. R. Sanders and R. F. Surplice. KEEP C-LICENSEES OUT OF • WAGES AGREEMENT.
Remarking that the future of the road-transport industry is in doubt, the annual report of the Bradford and District Commercial Vehicle Owners Federation, submitted at the annual meeting, states: " There seems to be a leaning in some quarters towards the railway companies obtaining more power, the eventual result of which would be to make them monopolistic. This must be combated with all the strength possible."
Expressing opposition to the bringing of ancillary users' drivers within the scope of the wages and conditions applicable to employees of A and Blicence holders, the report suggests that such a course would create chaos. It states that most of the employees of C-licence operators are only part-time transport workers, and that, in many cases, their wage's are already governed by agreements for the particular industries in which their employers are engaged.
At the annual meeting, the following officials were re-elected :—Chairman, Mr. Edward Smith (Bradford) ; vice-presidents, Mr. J. Thomson and Mr. F. Croft; hon. secretary, Mr. 'Fred Pickering; and hon. treasurer, Mr. J. W. Turner, Croydon Dinner Next Month.
The only Association dinner for public-service-vehicle operators so far arranged in the London area is that of Croydon and District Motor Coach Owners Association, which will take place at the Greyhound Hotel, Croy-, don,' on March 11, at 7 p.m. Tickets are obtainable from Mr. S. D. Oddy, hon. secretary, Speedway House, St. Nicholas Road, Sutton, at 10s. 6d. each.
110 Fine Reduced to 12.
The South Wales C.M:U.A. is calling public attention to the need for special motoring courts. An instance is' cited of a concern which was fined 210 -for-inadvertently failing to carry ambulance equipment on a coach. On appeal to Glamorgan Quarter Sessions, the fine was reduced to £2 New Officials for A.R.O. Aylesbury Sub-area.
At the annual general meeting of A.R.O. Aylesbury Sub-area, on Monday, Mr. R. G. Newland was elected chairman for the forthcoming year. Mr, S. V. Robinson is to combine the duties of hon. secretary .and hon. treasurer.
The following were elected to the committee : —Messrs. W. C. Horwood, S. V. Robinson, F. C. Barnes, T. W. Willis, W. Webber, J. Darville, J. Allen, J. F. Wells, G. Chandler, A. V. Gilham-Dayton and Evans.
Lancashire Calls for Amending Act.
The resolution of Willesden Chamber of Commerce, calling for a committee of inquiry to be set up in the House of Commons to consider amending legislation, was discussed at the annual general meeting of the North-West Lancashire Hauliers Association. Lancaster Chambers of Commerce and BIO Trade are being asked to support the Willesden resolution.
It was also decided to arrange for S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, to lecture to the Association. The following officers were elected:— Mr. F. Helm, president; Mr. C. M. Gilbert, chairman; Mr. M. Naylor, vicechairman; Mr. Norrison Stansfield, secretary-treasurer.
New A.R.O. Organizer.
It is announced that Mr. A. E. Warfield has been appointed organizer for the Gloucester and Wiltshire Sub-area of A.R.O.
C.M.U.A. Reorganization in the West.
A decision to reorganize Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire as one area of "the C.M.U.A. was made at a meeting of the Association, at Bristol, last week.
S.T.R. to Lecture at Carmarthen. Rates stabilization was discussed at a meeting of the Carmarthen branch of the C.M.U.A. last Friday. It was arranged that the matter should be more fully discussed at an open meeting, to be arranged in the near future, at which S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, will lecture. MORECAMBE COACH OWNES TO MEET CORPORATION?
Objection lodged by Morecarnhe Corporation's transport department against the proposed new is. circular tour suggested by Morecambe coach owners, was discussed at the annual general meeting of the Morecambe. Heysham and District Coach Owners Association.
The objection was directed against the operation of the tour during the illuminations period. As the fare of Is. was twice that charged by the corporation, the view was expressed that adequate protection had been given. It was also contended that, during the illuminations period, thousands of prospective passengers would be unable to board municipal buses. The transport committee is being asked to receive a deputation from the Association to disCuss the matter.
-It was also agreed that the Association would affiliate with the C.M.U.A. The following officers were elected:—
Mr. E. Park, president; Mr. M. Hood, chairman; -Mr. C. M. Gilbert, vice-chairman: Mr.. D. Hodgson,
• treasurer; -Mr. Norrison Stansfield, secretary..