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DTC adjourns hearing for clarification

26th February 2009
Page 24
Page 24, 26th February 2009 — DTC adjourns hearing for clarification
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A HAULIER with a history of troubled operations has had his application for a new licence adjourned so that his two sons can explain their roles in the proposed new company.

Bridgnorth-based Brian Hill and daughter-in-law Veronica had applied for a new licence to cover 12 vehicles and four trailers before Tim Hayden, the West Midlands Deputy Traffic Commissioner.

But the DTC was concerned about possible connections with other Brian Hill companies. and also with the fact that his sons, Wayne and Carl, had been directors of his previous company.

The 70-vehicle licence held by Brian Hill Haulage & Plant Hire had been revoked on the grounds of repute and an application for a licence by Brian Hill Waste Management refused, the latter decision being upheld by the Transport Tribunal on appeal.

Brian Hill said he had started in haulage with one lorry in 1973.

The business was doing very well and was running 18 vehicles when he sold his 50% shareholding, his sons Wayne and Carl holding the other 50%. They had been pushed on one side by the other director. He wanted to get back into haulage because he was good at it. His sons would have no management role in the new firm. Veronica Hill said she had no experience of the haulage industry, but she denied she was acting as a front for her husband, Carl.

The DTC stated he was concerned about Wayne Hill being the transport manager for the new operation — it had previously been held he didn't have the repute to seek a new licence. Brian Hill said he had someone else if needs be.

The DTC adjourned the hearing until the beginning of March, saying he wanted evidence from the two sons about their roles.