I f your views on winter are as black as the
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ice on the roads, you might be interested in the following news from Shell.
We can't of course claim to have turned January into July.
But we do have something just as welcome.
A diesel for all seasons At low temperatures ordinary diesel begins to go cloudy as wax crystals build up, eventually blocking fuel lines and filters.
And that's when vehicles are put out of action, drivers become stranded, and orders are lost.
Not, however, with Shell Advanced Diesel.
During winter it contains less wax, so it's less likely to clog.
It also contains special additives, which change the shape of any crystals that do form to make them flow more easily through the engine.
And extensive trials in the Arctic Circle have shown that it can operate down to -15°C-lower than all but the very harshest British winter.
But the advances don't stop there.
More miles per gallon
Due to improved combustion performance Shell Advanced Diesel ignites quickly and burns efficiently even in extremely low temperatures.
This makes starting easier, and cuts down on wasted fuel, so you get more mpg than usual. (Road tests showed an average of 2-3% improvement in mpg, and in some cases more than 5%.) Protects as it cleans Ordinary diesel tends to leave carbon deposits around the ends of the fuel injectors.
Shell Advanced Diesel has detergency properties which break down existing deposits and keep your injectors clean.
And because clean injectors use your fuel more efficiently, this leads to further improvements in mpg.
But that's not the only way in which Shell Advanced Diesel looks after your engine.
Its anti-corrosive properties protect vital and expensive components such as fuel pumps from rust.
So you make savings on vehicle maintenance too.
Less foam, less smell Shell Advanced Diesel foams less than ordinary diesel.
Less foam means tanks can be filled fuller with far less spillage and mess.
And the new deodorant in Shell Advanced Diesel means that there's less smell.
Filling is now cleaner and safer. A fact that we're sure your drivers (and their families) will appreciate.
The 25 million mile road test Although Shell Advanced Diesel is a relative newcomer to the market, it is certainly not a stranger to the roads.
As part of its 2-year development programme, it was used to power 700 vehicles over a total of 25 million miles, from the ice of the Arctic Circle to the heat of Hong Kong.
Trials have proved conclusively that its economy, performance and refuelling benefits are undiminished by even the harshest weather.
So if you don't want your business to be left out in the cold this winter, come and talk to Shell now.