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British drivers must wait for Bulgarian trial

26th June 1997, Page 12
26th June 1997
Page 12
Page 12, 26th June 1997 — British drivers must wait for Bulgarian trial
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Peter Hobbs and John Mills, the London drivers serving seven-and.a-half years in Bulgaria for smuggling 20.5kg of heroin, have had their retrial postponed again until 30 September.

A re-trial scheduled for 26 June (CM 22-28 May) was expected to produce a decisive result. But the the absence of the chemical substance expert ,which caused the adjournment on 15 May, has struck again.

Mills' girlfriend, Dorothy Lawrence, says that the drugs expert will not be available on 26 June and was not even able to produce a written statement on that date.

"I do not know why the drug expert can't be there ," she says. "I am absolutely gutted—I thought it was finally going to be all over this time."

Lawrence says that Mills is "still bearing up well".