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By "The Extractor."
The charm of the cathedral, as instanced in my holiday notes on this page last week, has touched a very hard-headed commercialvehicle maker.
The story reaches me that Mr. Raymond Dennis was on a motoring expedition with a friend, and . they whiled away an after-luncheon hour inspecting the interior of a great cathedral. Mr. "Ray," it is reported, showed only a casual interest in the tattered flags, the reredos and the monuments, even the " glass," as the stained glass windows are termed, failed specially to rivet his attention, although his companion was absorbed, but when they eventually came to the exterior of the edifice Mr. Raymond's pulse quickened and he began to "take notice," to the great delight of his enthusiastic companion. " Ah I you are fond of church architecture, after all," said the friend. "Quite," responded Raymond. " I was just thinking what a lovely building this would be to show what the pump of one of our fire-engines can really do.
It will be seen that our gallery of caricatures is being rapidly extended, and I May say that we have some notable persons whose characteristics are already limned and nearly ready for publication as soon as opportunity offers.
It will, doubtless, interest readers to know that amongst the tire people of whom we have been fortunate to obtain sketches are Mr. W. H. Paull, of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., and Mr. Paul Brottman, of the Continental. The representatives of vehicle firms in our pillory will shortly be strengthened by capital sketches of Mr. Frank Searle, of the Daimler, and Mr. Stilart. A. Curzon, of Russia, India rid, occasionally from time to time, Victoria Street, S.W. Then we have. ready a sketch of Mr. W. H. Wilcox, of 'Willcox's Lubricants, which, after a slight alteration, will make its appearance. He must have observed our artist sketching him and have instinctively assumed a, solemn expression which is foreign to him.
These sketches are mainly secured when the victim is unconscious of their perpetration, which accounts for many a natural pose. It is our intention .at a later date to publish another little booklet, "More Half-hours with a Cartoonist," which will doubtless excite as much interest as the original one.
A thorough understanding and a marked cordiality exist between employers and employed at the Drummend machine works at Guildford. I was invited to the annual dinner given to the employees at the County Hall of that town.
It was interesting to hear, in a capital sr,eech from one of the workmen, what a sincere good feeling exists, and also that the chief difficulty about Guildford is the high rents which have to be paid. Nothing can be obtained that is habitable under about ten shillings per week, whereas something is wanted at about six.
There is plenty of land to be built on, but landowners will not agree.
I gathered from another source that workmen, only a few miles from Guildford, can only find habitation in old railway-carriages, a temporary measure because the landowners will not sell for building purposes. Mrs. Drummond takes great pleasure in attending this dinner, she being the only lady present. On this occasion she was induced to make what turned out to he a charming impromptu speech, full of encouragement and affection for the workers.