Personal Pars.
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The many friends whom Mr. E. L. Cadwallader, of C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., has in the industry will be interested to know that he is a Member et the business delegation which left for Russia yesterday. Mr. Cadwallader is one of the most important members, a, he is representing the commercialvehicle industry, of which he has a profound knowledge.
Very few people are really aware of the conditions obtaining in Russia, or the trade possibilities there are in view, and we have no doubt that the information obtained by Mr. Cadwallader will prove of the utmost value to this industry.
We reproduce on this page a portrait of Mr. Edward Gonna, who has recently relinquished his position as sales manager of the commercial section of the Star Motor Co., Ltd., in order to rake over the sales organization in connection with the new A.J.S. coach and bus chassis which, as many, of our readers will recall, was described in our issue dated February 5th. Mr. Genna, who has a wide knowledge of the passenger and goods sections of the motor industry, will certainly be remembered by many on account of his successes in hill-climbing and speed trials. '
Mr. D. C. Allday has recently taken up a position with Wycombe Motor Bodies, Ltd., in the capacity of sales Manager. This company is at the present time producing a wide variety of distinctive passenger-vehicle bodies.
The board of the English Steel. Corporation, Ltd., has now been constituted as follows :—Mr. G. R. T. Taylor (deputy-chairman), General Sir J. F. Noel Birch, G:B.E., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Commander C. W. Craven, R.N., Mr. W. Ii. Ilichans, Mr. T. L. Taylor and Mr. R. Whitehead, J.P.
Owing to his appointment as deputychairman of that concern, Mr. G. R. T. Taylor has resigned his post of deputyChairman of Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., but remains a director on the board of that company. Mr. G. Cl. Sim has been appointed deputy-ehairman of VickersArmstrongs, Ltd. Commander C. W. Craven, R.N., is appointed managing director of the Vickers-Armstrongs' shipyards and works at Barrow-in-Furness and Newcaatle.
A Book on Brakes.
Ferodo, Ltd., Sovereign Mills, Chapelen-le-Frith, has recently issued a very interesting and instructive book entitled "The Ferodo Book of Brakes." It applies, however, only to certain makes of private car, and we should like to see a similar booklet issued for commercial vehicles, knowing perfectly well that it would be highly appreciated by a large number of users of goods and passenger vehicles.
Copies may be obtained on application to the company at the above add ress.
Liquid Measurements Capital Increase.
Liquid Measurements Ltd., the concern which makes the Hammond visible petrol pumps, has increased its capital from £30,000 to £50,000, by the issue of a further 20,000 fully paid ordinary
shares. We understand that a more commodious factory is being built for the company. in Victoria Road, Acton. Albion Dividends.
The directors of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., have resolved, in respect of its profits for the year to December 31st last, to recommend the payment, on April 18th next, of the dividend on the preference shares for the half-year ended December 31st, at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, less tax, and on the same date a dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 12i per cent., less tax, for the year.
Mileage Tax to be Modified?
. Representatives of the Irish Bus Owners' Protection A.seociation recently interviewed Mr. Blythe, the Free State Minister for Finance, and, as a result of the ease they made, it is understood that there will be some modification of the mileage tax, which was to be introduced in this year's Irish Budget.
It had been arranged to hold a large demonstration and mass rally in Dublin to protest against the proposed tax, but on the representation of the Govern ment the proceedings were postponed. It is understooa that, in asking the association to postpone its procession, it was hinted that the Minister of Finance's proposals might be altered.
When the association's deputation waited upon the Minister it was pointed Out that the proposed tax would drive practically all the buses off the roads.
Coach Parking in Aberystwyth.
The Aberystwyth Town Council has secured sanction from the Ministry of Health for expenditure in connection with the erection of waiting-rooms at the council's largo parking ground for buses and coaches. When the building is completed the station will afford considerable convenience to the roadtravelling public, for the council has decided to prohibit the use of the streets for the parking of passenger vehicles, so that every service will have a terminus at the municipal coaching station.
New Buses for Paris.
'A new type of motorbus has recently made its appearance on the streets of Paris, and it would appear that it will ultimately take the place of existing types of vehicle. Although the body provides the same accommodation, the chassis has a lower load-line, with the result that it is only found necessary to have one Step leading to the seating compartment. The vehicle is equipped with an improved type of engine and has pneumatic tyres, twins being used on the rear wheels.
The L.N.E.R. Application to Blyth.
The intention of the London and North-Eastern Railway Co. to make extensive road-transport developments in the East Northumbrian area was disclosed at a meeting of the Blyth Corporation, when an application was considered in respect of licences for a fleet of 37 motorbuses. The company also submitted time-tables for services on different routes between Newcastle and Blyth, each to be worked on a halfhourly basis.
It was pointed out by certain members that all the routes were at present adequately catered for by bus companies, and that the granting of the licences would result in overcrowding. Pending
the consideration by the railway company of a suggested modification of its programme, the council deferred the application.
The Solent Tunnel Question.
In connection with the suggested tunnel under the Solent the parliamentary committee of the Isle of Wight County Council states that after full and careful consideration of the proposals, and whilst it is desirous of improving the means for communication between the island and the mainland, it cannot recommend the council to involve the ratepayers of the island in any such commercial enterprise as the construction and exploitation of a tunnel beneath the Solent. It is, nevertheless, prepared at any time to discuss with the actual promoters of any such enterprise the nature and extent of the assistance which the council might be prepared to render.
Railway Companies and Freight Transport by Road.
Following the example of the Great Western Railw"ay Co., the Southern Railway Co. is working out a scheme of railhead distribution and collection by road motor vehicles throughout the area which it serves. By this means the company hopes to be able to concentrate that portion of its goods-train traffic which is susceptible to road com-• petition at a certain number of stations, tt22 from from which road services will radiate over an area of from 20-25 miles. It is hoped to have some of the new railhead services shortly in operation.
Ossett Traffic Census Revelations.
Reporting upon a census of traffic on the main road, which was taken in August last for a period of seven days, Ossett Corporation states that a comparison with the census taken for the same period in 1925 shows that in three years the motor-vehicle traffic has increased in numbers by 54.96 per cent. and in tonnage by 59.54 per cent The horsed traffic has decreased in numbers by 2.75 per cent., but the tonnage has increased by 7.8 per cent.
Plug Recommendation Charts.
It will probably interest some of our readers to know that the AC-Sphinx Sparking Plug• Co., Ltd., Bradford Street, Birmingham, apart from printing recommendation charts which indicate types of sparking plug which are particularly suitable for specific makes of vehicle used in this country, also prints special editions for use in export markets, These special editions cover A Proposed Arterial Road in Wales.
The Glamorgan County Council is 'endeavouring to arrange for the construction of a new arterial road through South Wales from the River Severn into Pembrokeshire, the view being that through traffic between England and the Welsh coast should have an alternative route which would relieve congestion on the present route through the Welsh towns. Several local authorities have promised to support the scheme, and these include the Monmouthshire and Carmarthenshire Councils, as well as local bodies in Glamorganshire. The Ministry of Transport has been approached in the matter.
For the Transport of Ceiamel.
On page 167 of our issue for last week we published an illustration of a vehicle supplied to Messrs. Postans and Morley Bros., which is used for the transport of Celamel. This vehicle should have been referred to as an A.E.C. 2i-tonner.
Licensing in Lowestoft..
The licensing committee of the Lowestoft Corporation recommends the granting of licences to the following concerns in respect of coaches plying for hire on services between Lowestoft and London :—Valiant Coaches, London; Westminster Coaching Services, Ltd., London ; Eastern Counties Road Car Co., Ltd., Ipswich.
The following are certain of the conditions to be attached to licences in respect of vehicles plying for hire on long-distance services :— All vehicles must comply with the Ministry of Transport's regulations as regards construction and must be produced for examination before a licence be granted.
All vehicles, before being licensed, must be certified by the council's inspector or some other qualified motor engineer approved by the council as being mechanically fit.
During the summer season the licences be granted from month to month only.
No person shall be picked up upon an inward journey, or set tiown upon an outward journey within twelve miles of the borough boundary.
The licensees shall so arrangeS to fulfil their contracts at all times so as to take booked passengers back to their respective destinations by providing coaches by hiring or otherwise, if their own be not sufficient.
Pneumatic Tyres for Darlington's Trolley-buses.
The transport department of Darlington Corporation has accepted the tender of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., to equip one 9f the corporation's trolleybuses with pneumatic tyres for experimental purposes. If the results be satisfactory the authority will later consider the conversion to pneumatics of its entire fleet of trolley-buses.
A £40,000 Contract for Seats.
By virtue of the fact that the company supplies seats for all classes of passenger vehicle, it is interesting to learn that G. D. Peters and Co., Ltd., Windsor Works, Slough, has recently received a contract from the tramways department of the Loudon County Council for 519 complete sets of tramcar seats, the aggregate value of the , contract being over £40,000. Big Mileages from "Giants."
We have had occasions in the past for referring to the remarkable mileages which have been secured from giant pneumatic tyres on passenger vehicles and further confirmation of the good service which such equipment continues to give is forthcoming from the experience of the Sunderland and District Omnibus Co. We understand that Henley giant pneumatics on several bases in the service of the company have given an average of over 40,000 miles.
Then, again, the Kendal Motor Bus co., which is a big user of Henley tyres, bas, we are told, obtained an average of over 30,000 miles from its giant pneumatics. In view of the fact that the company's vehicles run over• difficult routes, this figure is all the more note-worthy.
Isle of Man Licences Granted.
The licensing committee of the Douglas (I. of M.) Corporation has granted applications for additiontil stage-coach licences to the Manxland Bus Services, Ltd., and to the Isle of Man Railway Co.—each for six 28seaters—shbject to the applicants signingthe agreement and conforming with the regulations, with the additional condition that not more than 69 licensed stage coaches shall ply for hire in the borough on any one day.
Municipal Bus Working at Newport.
In the first ten months of the current Imancial year the receipts of the Newport Corporation bus service increased by £14,740, whilst those of the tramways decreased by over £12,000, in comparison with the receipts in the cor-' responding period of the previous year. Despite the increased revenue there was, during the ten months, a total deficit on the working of the buses of 15,594, the loss being partly accounted for by the cost of relaying the roads where the tram services have been sub-.
stituted by buses and the tramlines taken up.
The estimates presented to the finance committee show that for the year 1929-30 a loss of £6,915 is expected, this figure including an allowance of £3,019 in connection with the removal of tramways from the Malpas road.
More Tariffs Wanted.
Clonmel Corporation has passed a resolution calling upon the Irish Free State Government to place an effective tariff on the imports of coachwork and motor bodies of every description. It was stated at a meeting that there has been an exodus of highly skilled labour from the bodybuilding industry, and that the corporation " is aware, from local knowledge, that the industry is capable of dealing with the country's requirements." The well-known bodybnilding works of Messrs. O'Gorman Bros. are situated in Clonnael.
An Inexpensive Direction Indicator.
In these days of dense traffic and completely enclosed drivers' compartments a mechanically operated signals ling device is regarded by many as essential. In addition. to a reasonable cost price such a device Must be 'clear in its meaning, siniple to fit to existing vehicles and easy for the driver to operate.
These requirements are met by the Elephant Illuminated Directicator. The price is £1 17s. 6d. for 6:voltor 12-volt sets and the device is marketed' by 'Elephant -Motors, Ltd.', Elephant House, 97-103, Newington Causeway. London, S.E.1. Wiring diagrams are Supplied With each set, for single or double-pole circuits. A driver could easily = install the device.
• A set consists of the following parts:
Two indicators with flex and armouring for the cable, plate or clip-mounting brackets and a three-way switch for controlling the indicators. Each illuminated arm has an orange-hued transparent surface; normally, this is hidden in its black-enamelled case, which is fitted to the windscreen frame or other part of the body by the plate or clip bracket. The arm is locked electrically to prevent its being affected by vibration. The bakelite body of the switch can be mounted on the facia board.
Chevrolets Under Test.
General Motors, Ltd., recently subs mitted for trial, under the general competition rules of the R.A.C., Chevrolet 30-cwt. lorry. The trial was held over the club's six standard routes, and the fuel used .(which was petrol)1 was purchased in the .ordinary way along the highway. The vehicle did not coast during the trial, which was made in good weather and on good roads. The temperature was below freezing point on each day of the trial.
The total distance covered was 1,014 miles, and the average speed maintained, excluding stops, was 25 m.p.h. The fuel record showed that 17.07 miles were run per gallon of petrol used, this being equivalent to 54.8 ton-miles per gallon. The consumption of engine oil was at the rate of a gallon for every 3,245 miles. The total amount of water added to the radiator to replace that lost was 31 pints. The total running weight of the vehicle was approximately 641 cwt.
The company also submitted for trial at the same time a Chevrolet 12-cwt. delivery van, and this was tested out on the same routes. In this case, the average speed maintained, excluding stops, was 24.9 m.p.h., and it was found that the vehicle ran 23.22 miles to the gallon of petrol consumed, this being equivalent to 44.1 ton-miles per gallon. The record of engine-oil consumption proved to be at the rate of 2,368 miles to the gallon. The total amount of water added to the radiator during the trial was 1'1 pints. The total running weight of the vehicle was about 38 cwt.
Diversion of the Great North Road. The new by-pass road and bridge at Wansford, over the River Nene, on the Great 'North Road, near. Stamford and Peterborough, was officially opened on Priday last by Mrs. Wilfrid Ashley, wife of the Minister of Transport, who was accompanied by the Marquess of Exeter and the Earl of Sandwich.
The work, which incIudtd a diversion of the Great North Road at Wansford, had been in progress since September, 1926, and the bridge and viaduct have cost abritt £70,000. It is the first solely concrete bridge, its width being 40 ft. from parapet to parapet. The length of the by-pass is 1,600 yards.
It is this route which is taken by all the traffic from the North of England, including the buses from Leeds, Newcastle and Scotland, and drivers will appreciate no longer having to negotiate the very dangerous bridge at Wansford, which has constituted a serious "bottle-neck."