In a Line or Two
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During February, exports of " vehicles" reached the new record total of £19,000 000.
The annual spring meeting of the Institute of Welding will be held at Manchester from April 27-30.
At the end of the present season, the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association will again consider the question of increasing fares.
The Traders' Road Transport Associati in will hold its annual general meeting at 146, New Bond Street, London, W.1, on April 21.
The Passenger. Vehicle Operators' Association will hold its annual general meeting at 146, New Bond Street, London, W.I. at 11 a.m. on April 27..
Last year Canada produced 91,683 trucks. Exports of these vehicles from Canada numbered 42,215. These figures compare ' with 113,102 and 66,047, respectively, in 1940.
Each of the 1,400 British standards now current is indexed and briefly described in the "Yearbook of the , British Standards Institution," which has just been published at 3s. 6d.
Copies of the Advisory Rates Schedules of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses may be obtained, at Is. 3d. each, from the secretary, 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.
Lord Nuffield inspected the fleet of 43 Morris-Commercial vans which has been purchased by Ceylon Marketing• Department, when he visited the country during his homeward journey from Australia.
After lengthy negotiations, the Divisional Road Engineer of the Ministry of Transport has approved Scarborough Corporation's plans for introducing one-way traffic, including unilateral parking, in the town centre.
ESSEX DESIGNS AMBULANCE A FTER consultation with the health
services development committee, Essex Supplies Committee has approved the specification of an ambulance which has been specially designed for the council's work. An order has ,been placed for the construction of a prototype at an estimated cost, including equipment, of £1,456. Subject to minor modifications as the result of experience, it is intended that this design shall be adopted as standard for the county ambulance fleet.
MUCH ADO ABOUT DELIVERY A CCORD1NG to a prominent trader /Ain Macduff, goods delivered from Aberdeen by the British Railways are sent to Turriff by goods train, where they are transferred to lorries for conveyance to Macduff, and on arrival are again unloaded on to other road vehicles for delivery. The train from which the goods are unloaded at Turriff is said to go to Macduff and arrives there before the lorries. This system is alleged to have caused many breakages, and local traders, supported by the town council, have protested against it.
It is alleged that the railways were given powers to extend the line to Macduff on condition that the goods were conveyed by rail.
WE have already announced that the exhibition of Hermann Gaering's bullet-proof car throughout the country resulted in a large sum of money being distributed to appropriate charities, but after the auditing of the accounts there was a small surplus. The chairman of the management committee, Mr. A. T. Robson, has handed to Mr. C. P. Hartrey, chairman of the Metropolitan Area of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund, a cheque for £107 3s. 10d. as a donation to this Fund.
A NEW impression of "Petrol and rikOil Engine Differences," by D. S. D. Williams, A.M.I.Mech.E., editor of "The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine," has now been published. Its cost is Is. 6d. from booksellers, or by post Is. 8d. from Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1, for which it is published by English Universities Press, Ltd.
The book not only compares the two types of power unit, but also clearly and simply explains the basic principles of the compression-ignition engine.
ANEW monthly news bulletin to its members has been initiated by the British Empire Chamber of Commerce in the U.S.A., 55, Broadway, New York, 6, New York. It contains details of trade opportunities for American and British concerns, notes on importexport regulations, and on economic conditions abroad, newly available registers and reports of various trade m.ssions. It will be available for reference at the offices of the world trade departments of chambers of commerce in America and the United Kingdom.