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CHAIRMAN • WE learn, with the greatest regret,
• Of the death of Mr. J. H. Turner, 0.B.E., M_Inst.T., chairman of the S.J.C. This occurred with tragic suddenness during the early hours of May .20. Mr. Turner was an indefatigable worker for road transport, particularly so far as concerned hauliers. Much of the coming unity of representation is due to his efforts over many years. " Tipcart-Joe," as he was known to many of his older friends, will be greatly missed, both for his sagacityand for his goad fellowship. On occasions we have criticized the S.J.C., but Mr. Turner never regarded this as a personal matter acid was always friendly and conzteous,. His public service included membership of a great variety of boards and committees.
Any correspondence for his family should be forwarded to the office of the Standing Joint Committee, Coastal Chambers, 15. Elizabeth Street, London, S.W.1..
A memorial fund has been opened at the Westminster Bank, 141, Ebury Street, London, S.W.I. Any cheques should be made payable to " The NVestminster Bank, Ltd.—J. H. Turner Memorial Fund." Details as to the form which the memorial will • take will be announced later, A memorial service will be held at St. Michael's, Chester Square, Victoria, London, S.W.1, on June 7, at 11.30 a.m.
SUGGESTED schedules of rates for the road haulage of sand and gravel are ready for submisiion to the Ministry of Works. and Buildings by the sand and gravel sub-committee of the S.J.C. This was indicated, last week, by Mr. R. G. Crowther, of Wakefield, a member of the sub-committee, and chairman of A.R.O.'s Leeds Sub-area.
Following the S.J.C.'s agreement with the Air Ministry on a national schedule of rates for sand and • gravel haulage in connection. with the on struction of aerodromes, the sub-committee discussed the idea of framing a national schedule for submission to the Ministry of Works and .Buildings as a first stpp towards securing its recognition both for Government contracts and other work. The sub-committee's discussions, however, led to the conclusion that one schedule applicable to the whole country was impracticable, because of variations in conditions as between certain parts of the country.
The upshot, Mr. Crowther told the Leeds A.R.O. meeting, was that whilst representatives of eight areas had reached agreement on one schedule covering the whole of those areas, there were separate schedules applicable respectively to the London area, to Scotland, • and to a zone • comprising Devon, Cornwall and South Wales.
The suggested rates, said Mr. Crowther. were on a per-ton lead-mile basis. ' The schedule agreed upon for the eight areas was on the whole not much different from the existing county sandand gravel rates schedule for
THE S.J.C. has reached agreement with the Ministry of Home Security in respect of short-term or day-to-clay hiring ,Of lorries, more particularly for debris t clearance and furniture removal after .a raid. The rates set out in the accompanying table include driver's wage's, petrol, oil and running expenses, and cover use from garage to garage. Payment should be computed 'on the -following basis:—(a) every hour for which the vehicle is used should be paid for at the appropriate rate set out in column 2, prOvided that where the vehicle is engaged for the day and is available for that time, the contractor shall be entitled to a minimum payment at the rates in column 3, except for a Saturday, when the minimum payment will be at the hourly rate for Si hours. (b) In -addition, if the total mileage during the day exceeds an average of five for each hour paid for under (a), the excess shall be at the mileage rate appropriate to the vehicle in column 4. Weekly rates will apply only when vehicles are hired by the week, and not to those hired by the day, although they may happen to be retained for a week or longer. It is not, however, contemplated that they will be hired to any extent by the week.
MITE net profit for 1943 of the Dunlop 1 Rubber Co., Ltd., amounted to £2,7659797, contrasted with £2,433,307 for 1942. With the addition of 4627,586 brought in, the amount available is 43,393.383. The directors have put • aside £869,201 for E.P.T.; £822,550 for income-tax liability 1943-44, less 1942 reserve of 4700,000, leaving 4122,550 net; and 4943;965 for income-tax reserve for the full esti mated 1944-45 liability'. A sum of £250,000 has also been transferred from profits and 4250,000 from the existing reserve for contingencies -to the special reserve against investments in and advances to subsidiary companies, Making the total of this special reserve £3,750,000.
Preference dividends take 4200,000, and an 8 per cent; dividend is to be paid on the ordinary stock, less tax, which will absorb 4363,298. The sum carried forward is 4844,369.
COUNCILLOR WILLIAM COLLINS,' eonvenOr of Aberdeen Transport Committee, has been elected president of the Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association for 1944-45, the vice-president being MR. E. R. L FITZPAYNE. B. Sc., A.M.I.E.E., M.I.A.E, general manager of Glasgow Transport Department The hon. secretary and treasurer is MR, THOMAS CRAY, A.M.Inst.T.
MR. W, E. MESSENGER, of the Gloucester Co-operative Society, has been elected chairman of the Cheltenham and Gloucester Branch of the Industrial-. Transport Association for 1944-45, whilst the vice-chairman is MR. V. EVANS, of Evans and Co..
Stroud. MR, R. L. DANCE, of the .United Chemists Association, Ltd., is hon. secretary of the branch.
MR. A. H. DODD, B.ENC., A.M.INST.C.E., has been appointed by the Minister of War Transport to be Divisional Road Engineer for the North-western Division, in succession to the late Lieut.-Colonel R. Howell Davies, D.S.O. According to the C.M.U.A. Bulletin, Mr. Dodd started his engineering career with Birkenhead Corporation, and was appointed to the Roads Department of the Ministry in 1921. Since 1922 he has served with the Divisional Road Engineer, Scotland Division.
MR. ROBERT KELSO has been elected president of the Institute of Transport for the year 1944-45. He is chairman and managing director of the General Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., and became a member of the Council of the Institute in 1935, continuing to serve on it until 1938, during which period he was for two years vice-chairman of the membership and examinations committee. From 1938-41 he was a vicepresident of the Institute and served as chairman of the membership and examinations committee and as a member of the war-time executive committee 1939-41.