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LAST week, in. the House of Commons, the point was put to Air. P. J.. Noel-Baker, Parliamentary Secretary of the M.O.W.T.; by Mr. 'W. W. Wakefield that S.R. and 0., -1941, No, 298, Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations were a hindrance to export trade. What steps was he proposing. to take in order that this handicap to manufacturers engaged in the export trade might be removed, he asked.
Mr. Noel-Baker interpreted the question as implying a desire that the limits at present imposed on the size of public-service vehicles should be relaxed. " I have received representations on the point from the organizations of manufacturers and, operators who are principally concerned," replied Mr. Noel-Baker, " and it is now under consideration." He would do his best to expedite the decision, but it would be realized that there were many factor's involved.
NOROOM FOR POLITICS IN TRANSPORT BELIEF that natiOnalization of transport would result in failure was expressed by Alderman W. Bradley, president of the Municipal "PaSseuger Transport Association, when addressing last week's annual general meeting of the Sottish Road Passenger Transport
Asvacialion in Edinburgh.' • Alderman Bradley, who has been transport' convener for Bolton 'for the past 17 years, said that he had never seen a finer system of passenger transport than at Edinburgh. His personal view was that ultimately tramcars would have to give way.
• There was, he said, no room in transport matters for politics. Nationalization had been talked of, but he thought it would be a failure. Whilst he was a firm believer in private enterprise, he thought that the transport of people in a municipality and in adjoining areas should be the province of the municipality. If there were to be a chb.nge, it might be that the transport would be controlled by a regional board, on -which company and municipal interests were represented.
TRANSPORT OF FRUIT FROM THE CLYDE VALLEY 'THE Ministries of War Transport and 1 Food announce that, in order to relieve rail traffic, the movement of tomatoes by road from the Clyde Valley area of Lanarkshire to Glasgow and 'Edinburgh outside the 35-mile limit specified in the Home Grown Tomatoes (Control and Maximum Prices) Order, 1944, will be permitted under licence. A schedule of road services has been agreed between local hauliers and tomato growers. Traffic controllers, to whom growers should apply for vehicles, have been appointed in three districts as follow:--Larkhall (south of the Clyde), Mr. D. M. Smith; Carluke (north of the _Clyde), Mr. George Adamson; Lanark (Upper Ward), Mr. Wm. Robertson.
Growers normally using their own vehicles may continue to do so, but, for journeys over 35 miles, must apply for a licence direct to the Ministry of Food area fruit and vegetable officer, Mr. N. J. Wilson, 1, Princes Square„ Buchanan Street, Glasgow, or through the District Transport Officer, 16, Brandon Street, Hamilton.
If necessary, licences may be issued by the 'Ministry of Food area. 'fruit and vegetable officer, after agreement with the D.T.O. of the M.O.W.T., for the use of vehicles owned by wholesalers and selling agents.
The road services referred to will be available for the transport of soft fruits and ;other fresh fruits, but •:licences issued by the Ministry of .Food Will be required only for tomatoeS. '
THERE are seven new candidates for the committee of the Royal Automobile Club, .whilst the total number of members. to be elected to this is 25, so that the ballot papers contain a total of 31 names. Owing to the advisability of introducing an invigorating spirit into this body, we snggest that members should, so far as possible, in striking out the six names to leave 25, avoid deleting those of the new, candidates.
AS a preliminary to the construction of houses, so that this work may be started -without delay when circumstances permit, the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers, in consultation with the Ministry of Health, has drawn up model specifications for concrete roads for this
purpose. One is applicable where mechanical methods of compacting the concrete are used, the other when this operation is performed by hand. They are being issued to local authorities by the Ministry of Health as a general guide to the engineers concerned.
DEATH OF SIR WILLIAM -CHAMBERLAIN MANI,. people, including ourselves, will greatly miss Sir William Chamberlain, M.Inst.T., R.T.C.; of the North-Weitern 'Region since 1939, who died on Allay 19 at the age 61.66. 'He was highly esteemed both as man and as an official, proving himself to be fair and impartial.
Bern in Lancaster, he was apprenticed to the Lancaster Wagon Co., and later served as an electrical ,engineer with the 'Corporations Of Lancaster and Wallasey,, and with the .Mersey' Docks and Harbonr Board. He became joint borough electrical and, manager of Oldham Corporation ,Electricity Department in 1914; general manager. Of that Corporation's tramways in 1918, and of the Leeds tramways in 1925. In 1928 he was appointed
general manager and enginetir, Belfast City Tramways. .
One of his tasks was to represent the municipalities before the Royal Commission on Tsansport in 1929, and be was president of the, then, Municipal Tramways and Transport Association for the year 1928-29.
SALFORD has launched another safety-first scheme to reduce the number of road accidents involving children. Devised by the chief con
stable of the city, Major C. V. Godfrey, it provides for the enrolment of responsible types of senior schoolchildren from the ages of 12 to 14 years to act as " prefects " outside school hours. Wearing an official enamelled badge of authority and carrying a certificate of appointment They will warn other children of the dangers of the road and report to the school authorities childrenwho endanger their own safety,