Nottingham Clash on Transport Chairman
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rINE of the first acts of the Conserva. tive group on Nottingham City council, after regaining power in the municipal elections, was to invite a socialist Alderman, Mr. Sidney Hill, who national president of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association, to .emain as chairman of the committee. But the Labour group have refused to illow him to accept.
A Socialist group meeting decided: ' The Tories must take all the responsiMlity now they are in power and all
:ornmittee chairmanships as, well."
Vice-chairman of the Transport Cornnittee has been Alderman W. G. E. Dyer, he Tory leader. But, now he is leader of he council and likely to be chairman )f the Finance and General Purpose Cornnittee,.it is unlikely he will also become :hairman of the Transport Committee.
New Look for Scottish Omnibuses
VEHICLES . operated . by . . Scottish m Onibuses, Ltd., are now being introluced in a new colour scheme--red and :ream. They will be going into special ervice, and there is no intention of alterng the livery of the main fleetfrom green (nd cream.
One of the red and cream vehicles is ieing used on the new luxury service link vith Edinburgh and Prestwick in conneeion with the Transatlantic jet aircraft ervice which came into Operation -on 4onday. . .
.Printed boldly on the side of, the 'chicle is the legend: "Transatlantic ixpress—San Francisco, Montreal,. New (ork, Prestwick, Edinburgh." This paricular vehicle was .named Sir Walter lcott, and others going into the cornany's top services will bear names from he Waverley novels: Kenilworth, Ivantoe and Lady of the Lake. Each is quipped with reclining seats and a radio nd loudspeaker system.
35 Years' Safe Driving
THIRTY-FIVE years of accident-free
driving is the record of Mr. William itapleton, of Bryant and May, Ltd., who as been awarded the Royal Society for he Prevention of Aceidents' Gold Cross.
The Cross, the first to go to a Bryant nd May driver, was presented to Mr. itapleton by Mr. G. Rae'Smith, transport irector, and there was also a £25 cash ward from the company_
LONDON OFF-STREET PARKING THERE will be more room for parking and loading and unloading in the outhwark Bridge area later this year :hen the Zidpark, a seven-storey fully utomatic car park, comes into operaon. Situated alongside Southwark ;ridge near Upper Thames Street, it will czommodate 464 cars at an estimated peed of 250 in half an hour.
ARRANGEMENTS have now been I-1. agreed between the London County Council and the Ministry of Transport for the London traffic survey. It is to he started almost immediately and the final results will be available early in 1963.
The area to be surveyed is, broadly, the Greater London area. It will cost about £425,000. The survey is to provide the basic information about traffic needs on which to frame a long-teem programme of road improvements.
'THEaddress of the Southern Area, Haulage Association, has been changed to 86 High Street; Winchester.
DUNLOP announce they intend to set up a £2m. factory for the manufacture of car, truck and bicycle tyres and tubes in Nigeria. A new company will be formed for the purpose, and in.' response to widespread assurances of support, Nigerian interests will be invited to subscribe 49 per cent. of the equity.
An option has been secured on a site on the industrial estate at lkeja and a team of experts will shortly visit Nigeria to make the preliminary arrangements for the construction of the factory, which
• is planned to be in operation by the end of 1962. . When in full production, approximately -. 750 people, will be etriployed by the *new coMPany.