IRU wants 45 tonnes and 12-tonne axles
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• The resolution introduced by Mr G. K. Newman, director-general, Road Haulage Association, advocating improved facilities for vehicles travelling under the TIR convention (CM May 19) was accepted by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) at its congress in Estoril last week.
Agreement was reached on 45 tonnes as the preferred laden weight limit for both artics and road trains coupled with a 12-tonne limit on a single axle.
It was recommended that governments should take steps to improve .professional standards of employees in road transport. There was praise for work already done in the field, coupled with warnings of an overtheoretical approach. The danger, said the IRU, had now been appreciated by the British Government, as was shown in the recent report on the future of training.
Another resolution included the request that all governments should impose the minimum possible VAT rating on the psv industry, following the UK's lead in exempting the bus industry from this tax in its forthcoming VAT Bill.
Concern about the hours worked by psv drivers was expressed in a resolution and the congress requested that stage carriage crews' rest periods should be made more flexible.
Congress also asked that the controls on stage carriage services be reduced and that variations in daily driving limits should be extended to excursions and tours.
EEC transport chief at PVOA dinner
• The Transport Commissioner for the European Economic Community, M. Albert Coppe, has accepted an invitation to be the principal guest at the annual dinner of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association in London on September 25.