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'White elephant' revoked

26th May 1972, Page 33
26th May 1972
Page 33
Page 33, 26th May 1972 — 'White elephant' revoked
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Two one-vehicle operators had action taken against them by the South Wales LA, Mr R. R. Jackson, in Cardiff last week as a result of GV9s issued against each of the two vehicles involved.

The first operator, G. W. Crawley Ltd of Cardiff, had had its one vehicle issued with an immediate GV9 in March. Mr G. W. Crawley said that the vehicle had been on a site for two months and he had had no intention of using the vehicle on the road again. A vehicle examiner had required that the truck be taken to a garage to be inspected and as a result an immediate prohibition had been issued.

The LA asked Mr Crawley why, if the vehicle was not intended to be put on the road again, the licence had not been surrendered. Mr Crawley replied that he should have handed in the licence but had not done so. He added that the vehicle was a "white elephant" anyway as it had only done 38,000 miles in seven years. The LA revoked the licence and told Mr Crawley that should he at any time in the future apply for a licence then this matter would be taken into account.

The second case concerned Mr T. Cronin, also of Cardiff, whose one vehicle was issued with an immediate GV9 in March when the vehicle was examined and found to have a loose nut on a kingpin. The LA decided to suspend the one vehicle for 28 days and at the same time he asked Mr Cronin to present the copy of an agreement with a garage which would carry out the maintenance and inspection of the vehicle. Mr Jackson said he would then consider the situation in 28 days.