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keeping them running

26th May 1972, Page 57
26th May 1972
Page 57
Page 57, 26th May 1972 — keeping them running
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

by Trevor Longcroft

Jtetic Co Ltd, Feltham, has eveloped a technique of aiding cast-iron cylinder ocks, drastically reducing the )st of repairs. Eutectic says a .pair can be carried out with the line in situ, and involving little

• no dismantling, at average it of E5. The process uses specially

designed electrodes, in conjunction with a controlled welding method. In the case of a crankcase, damaged by a conrod pushing through it, the method is. to weld a low-carbon steel patch into the cavity in the case. The cavity must be void of all damaged metal and to ensure a

sound base dye-penetrant testing is recommended. The steel patch, which needs to be prepared carefully, can be welded in position by a specific procedure which involves maintaining a comfortable handheat temperature in the repair area.

Leak tightness not strength. Eutectic claims, is the main criterion; to attempt a full penetration weld, it says, would lead to eventual leakage.

The method for repairing frost damage and stress cracks varies slightly as does the method for repairing thin-section crank cases. However, repair will not be beyond the capabilities of most maintenance staff.

Further details can be obtained from Eutectic Co Ltd, North Feltham Trading Estate, Central Way, Feltham, Middx.