Some New Battle Motors.
Page 7

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Not for the first time do we insist that, at any rate from our own point of view, the most remarkable thing about this war is the thorough and comprehensive use to which mechanical transport has been put by all the belligerent armies. Moreover, this branch of the Services, in so far as our own forces are 'concerned, has been and is continually growing, whilst new and unexpected developments are presenting themselves daily. It is, from a journalistic point of view, very exasperating to have particulars of such innovations, and at the same time to be prevented by the exigencies of Censorship from making use of the information to hand. Such is, and has been for some time, our unfortunate position ; it is therefore, with corresponding pleasure, that we publish herewith an illustration together with a short descriptive note of • some vehicles which are being constructed for the Senior branch of the Service by Clement-Talbot, Ltd. Our illustration shows a batch of five armoured ears about to leave the works for despatch to the Admiralty. The sides of these are sheathed with armour plate, the centre turret and gun-mountings being added in the Naval Dockyard.. A few words descriptive of the chassis employed may not be out of place. This is the newest standard touring car 50 h.p. type, with four-cylinder engine,
101.6 mm, by 140 mm. bore and stroke respectively, the only alteration to standard specification being the substitution of artillery wheels with Warland dual rims and twin rear tires for the standard ClementTalbot detachable wheels. The Brott-Autoclipse electric lighting set is also fitted.
A four-speed box with gate change, both brakes on drums in rear wheels ; torque and thrust transmitted by rods arranged in parallel, to give a vertical motion to the rear axle when vibrating under the influence of the road springs. Derihon shock absorbers are fitted to the rear springs as a standard. A refinement in petrol-supply fitments is a three-way tap on the filter, coupling the two pipes from the tank, one of which draws from the main body of the tank, the other from a reserve compartment holding two gallons ; the utility of such a contrivance goes without saying, even in ordinary times; its advantages under these special circumstances, with the risk of petrol shortage, say, on armoured cars or when lorries are engaged upon an important delivery of ammunition, cannot be overestimated.
Altogether the machine, as jt stands, cannot fail to do itself justice, and bring further credit to the special branch of the Service as II whole. They are up to Clement-Talbot standard throughout.