Road Transport
Page 82

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Other Lands
Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets
Ireland's Tractor Imports and Exports.
MHE official returns jast to hand
show that the value of the tractor parts imported into the Irish Free State during the nine monthsending with September last amounted to £554,734. During the same period the exports of tractors and parts from the Free State were valued at £938,172.
Intended Visits to Canada, FOR the guidance of British indus trialists and business men who may be visiting Canada in the near future, H.M. Senior Trade Commissioner there, Mr. F. W. Field, has prepared a " Memorandum for the Use of Business Visitors to Canada." It is in the form of a booklet of 37 pages and is certainly extremely useful for the puruose for which it is intended. Copies may be obtained on application to the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, the reference CX3125 being quoted.
Transport Competition in Ceylon. THE great increase in road transport
in Ceylon 'has affected the revenue of the railwaysvto a ,large extent, not only in the transportation'of goods, but also in that of passengers. As a result, a system of feeder buses and railcars has been installed to meet this competition. The railcars and buses were popular from their introduction.
Roumania's Motorbus Difficulties. THE number of motorbuses ,in Roumania at the beginning of the present year is stated to have been 1,394, an. increase of nearly 400 in 12 months. The" greater number of the vehicles consists of old; light lorry and heavy car chassis, with the addition of locally made conventional bus bodies, generally of cheap construction. Outside Bucharest, the capital city, the bus services are not well cltfltred and are largely in the hands of private persons with insufficient eapil al' or their exploitation. Whilst the tranaport needs of Roumania make essential the development and maintenance of motorbus services the importation of bus
' C44 bodies is precluded by the heavy import duty, a fact which, taken agether with the character of the public catered for, makes it improbable that any appreciable market for motorbuses may be developed in the near future.
Italy's Registration Figures.
HAVING regard to the rapid deve
lopments which Italy's motor industry has made since the termination of?the war and the possibility of her exports of passenger and goods chanis developing still further in the fithre, some official figures as to the registrations of different classes of molar vehicles as .at the end of last year are of interest.
On December 31st there were 40,067 meter lorries, 6,794 motorbuses, 460 rood tractors, 1,342 agricultural tractors and -6653 trailers actually regiotered ire Italy; the number of private motorcars was 142,091. The province of Lombardia has by far the largest share of the country's transport units, its motor lorries' numbering 9,501 and its motorbuses 1.030.
The Italian -Government is buying considerable numbers of heavy motor vehicle, and we understand that the well-known Ceirano concern is busily dealing with Government orders for lorries, the volume of its business necessitating the purchase of an additional factory.
The Motor Lorry's Prominence in Peru. AS a mark of appreciation of his work for the country, the authorities of the province of Acomilyo, recently made a presentation to the President of the RePublic of-Peru,the gift taking the form of a model of a motor lorryfashioned in gold and decorated in precious stones. The incident is more important than it appears, for it emphasizes the opinion of Peruvians as to the part which the commercial-motor vehicle is playing in the development of the country.
South Africa's Registratior, A REPORT by Mr. N. Flmslie, H.M.
Senior Trade Commissioner in South Africa, states that in the month of June alone 216 commercial motors were registered in the Union.
British Machines in New Zealand.
TO illustrate that conditions in New Zealand are such as to demand a type, of commercial-motor chassis similar to that found most suitable in this country, we publish on this page a photograph taken on one of the Auckland wharves showing a nine-year-old Thornycroft lorry, which, incidentally, has some 140,000 miles to its credit, collecting cream from a coastal steamer.
The company owning this vehicle has eight Thornycroft lorries, the oldest niember of the fleet having been on the road for nearly 14 years. It is still giving excellent service, being utilized mtinly for the carriage of .milk in bottles. The other vehicles are used for this purnose, as well" as for the collection of Milk from country districts.
Co-ordination in Portugal.
ACCORDING to a recent report from Lisbon, the use of commercial motors in Portugal is constantly increasing, particularly in the northern provinces of the country. Railways in the north are now using motor vehicles in combination with railway transport, and some new companies have recently been formed for the road transport of merchandiSe.' The '30-cwt., 2-ton and 21-, ton models are in greatest demand.
New Motorbus Companies in France. QUITE a number of new companies
has recently been. formed in 'France to organize motor-coach and motorbus services in that country. Among them are the Societe des Transports Departmentaux de l'Aube, of Paris and Troyes, the Societe des Transports Departmentaux de la Manche, Cherbourg, the Societe des Transports Dipartmentaux de la Meuse, Paris and St. Mihiel, the Societe des Transports Departtnentaux des Basses Pyrenees, Paris and Pau, and the Societe Provencale des Autobus Departmentaux, Marseilles.
Development in Brazil.
THE Sao PaulO-Rio highway, which'
was opened to traffic in 1928, is 225 miles in length, nearly 240 miles being in the State of Sao Paulo. Since immediately after it was opened an enormous amount of traffic has flowed between the two cities, and this year shows rapid development. Daily goods-motor services in both directions are available at lower rates than those charged by the railway, and• one concern operates a store-to-door delivery in 28 hours,