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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever Points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness oi the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Shilling-in-the-slot Petrol Meters.
At a meeting of the markets committee of the Hull Corporation the chief inspector reported that he had been informed by Manchester Corporation's chief officer under the Petroleum Acts that Manchester had received an appli• cation for permission to install an automatic shilling-in-the-slot petrol-delivery device on an ordinary petrol pump for the purpoee of enabling motor users to obtain petrol at any time. The Manchester authority desired to ascertain the views of other bodies on the proposal. The committee decided . to inform Manchester that it did not favour the proposal. .
Performing a Valuable Service.
The proprietors of our associate journal, The Motor, make use of certain sypes of commercial vehicle during the course of each year's Motor Exhibition for transporting supplies of certain of their journals to Olympia, and on this occasion they are employing the passenger-vehicle products of two well-known makers. The vehicles are illustrated on this page, and the manner in which the bodies have been arranged to carry suitable display panels can clearly be aeen. The single-deck bus is an A.D.C., whilst an innovation has been created by the 'use of a six-wheeled Guy double-decker.
Many of those who come to London to visit the Exhibition may like an opportunity ,for examining the latest bus products of Guy Motors, Ltd., and this they will be able to do if they visit the London showrooms of the company at 169, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.2, where sixwheeled chassis and deuble-deck buses 'will be on view.
The works of the Associated Daimler Co., Ltd., at Walthamstow, E.17, can also readily be reached by those who tome to town for the Exhibition.
Bus Services to Manchester,
A few days ago the watch committee tee of the Manchester City Council discussed a proposal to run motorbuses Into the centre of the city. A resolution was passed to the effect that all applications for licences to operate fur
ther vehicles should be adjourned until the report of the traffic congestion committee had been submitted.
Several applications have been received from bus companies in Huddersfield to run vehicles into Manchester and from the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd.
New Year's Royal Welsh Show.
The Royal Welsh Agricultural Show is to be held at Swansea in 1927' on the Friday and Saturday 'before August Bank Holiday, continuing on the Monday and Tuesday of the holiday week.
A good show of agricultural machinery and motor vehicles is usually made at the show and it is hoped to arrange for many of the exhibits at the Royal Show, which is to be held at Newport (Mon.) late in June, 1927. to be sent on to the Swansea Show.
Transport Lectures.
A strong programme of lectures for the coming months has been arranged by the Manchester branch of the Institute of the Motor Trade.
Motor Coach Tours to the Motor Show.
Ail interesting venture was made yesterday (Monday) by Messrs. W. Manning and Sons, of Birkdale, when they sent one of their Reo-Pullman cmiclies on a trip to London for four days. Starting from Birkdale at 6.20 a.m. the coach will return on October 28th, thus allowing two full days in which to view the sights of London as well as the Olympia Motor Exhibition. The fare is 11 return-just a shade over id. per passenger per mile. Several, other coach owners from the south-west Lancashiredistrict are running coaches to the Motor Show.
A Full Report of the Motor Show.
The only complete report "i'lf the Olympia Motor Show published in a single issue will be found in the Great Show Report Number of The Motor, on sale to-day at all bookstalls and newsagents. Annually the largest motor journal published, this issue describes every section, every stand at the Show, and contains hundreds of exclusive photographs and sketches. It is a vast mine of information about 1927 cars and accessories, and will be of the utmost value for reference.
H.F. Garage Equipment on View.
Harvey Frost and Co. '(1924), Ltd.; ask -us to say that, in addition to their products which are being exhibited at the Motor Shovs at Olympia, they are • showing a complete range of their garage equipment at 67, Hammersmith Road, London, W.6. Farthermore, the new H.F. 10-point pneumatic power unit can be seen in actual use at the premises of the Olympia Motor Co., 1, Hammersmith Road, London, W.14.
Mr. Liardet of Leylands.
In our report of the proceedings of the dinner given by the directors of Leyland Motors, Ltd., to their Trojan agents, we referred to Mr. Liardet's post as that of works manager. It was purely a slip in dictation, for we knew better ; Mr. Liatrdet is general manager of the company and we are sorry we made the mistake.
A Folkestone Bus Appeal.
The Co-operative Transport Society, Ltd., of Folkestone, recently appealed to the Ministry of Transport against the refusal of the Folkestone Council to grant them, rieences for 16 motorbuses. As a result of the appeal an enquiry was conducted a few days ago by an inspector of the Ministry. .
For the company it was stated that the. vehicles were licensed by other neighbouring authorities, and that if the course adopted by the Folkestone Council were upheld the company Would not be able to run their buses on routes within the Folkestone area. The difficulty had arisen as a result of some of the company's vehicles being used for carrying Labour members of Parliament during the period of the general strike.
For the corporation, the town clerk stated that the licences were refused because the company had agreed upon a time-table, and undertook to abide by it, and that when the, msii came out on strike no effort was made to meet their obligations to give a service in accordance with the schedule.
The Minister of Transport will announce his decision in the case at a later date.
A Hull Company's Application.
Application has been made in the High Court on behalf of the Hull Road Motor and Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., for a mandamus against the Minister of Transport directing him to determine an appeal made to him by the company under Section 14, Sub--section 3, of the Rea ls Act, 1920. The court granted a rule nisi and directed that notice of the rule be served upon the Hull Corporation. At a steeling of the watch committee the matter was referred to the town clerk to take what action is deemed advisable.
Halifax Municipal Bus Plans.
Halifax Corporation is seeking the consent of the West Riding County Council to the running of motorbuses to Leeds, Bradford, Keighiey, Oldham and Rochdale. The county highways committee points out that the corporation is empowered by one of its local Acts to run buses beyond the borough, providing it obtains the consent of the local and Mad authorities. This application,
however,. would appear to go beyond what was contemplated byl. Parliameat when granting omnibus :powers on specific routes, coupled with a general power as regards other routes, .subject to the Consent of the authorities concerned, and as several important points arise the matter has been referred to a sub-committee for consideration.
A Cardiff Bus-service Purchase.
The finance committee of the Cardiff City Council has agreed to pay £2,400 to Messrs. Worrall Bros. for their nine buses and the goodwill and rights' of their services on the Llandaff and lAanishen routes. The city treasurer (Mr. John .Alleock) said the council were really buying a monopoly of the routes. •
Position and Illumination of Rear Number Plates.
For some time past the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders-3 has received representations from the police authorities in general with reference
to what is considered the inadequacy of the illuminating power of the rear lamp for identifying clearly the letters and figures on the identification plates of motor vehicles.
Following upon demonstrations and interviews with chief constables and others, a communication has been addressed to interested members which recommends the adoption, wherever possible, of a definite position of the plate and the lamp in relation to it. Pull details and the practice recommended are given on an LA:E. data sheet which has been issued.
Tenders for a Gully-emptier.
The works committee of the St. Pancras Borough Council recommends acceptance of the tender of the Yorkshire Steam .Wagon Co„ at 11,050, for the supply of a steam gully-emptier. The following were the tenders received by the council Name. Price.
Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon 1,150 Garrett and Sons, Ltd. ... 1,072 Sentinel,. Waggon Works, Ltd.. 1,080
Personal Pars.
The news of Mr. Ralph E. WiLsou's appointment to the position Of assistantmanager to Fiat Motors. Ltd., an. nbunced in our issue of last week, has created considerable interest in the commercial motor industry 'and also in the ranks of users of heavy vehicles, because in the course of his connection with the Sourer Co. he had become well known and greatly appreciated for his excep tionally good qualities.
Mr. Wilson is a true Scot and has not lost his northern accent. He was apprenticed to engineering on the Clyde, and joined the Albion Co. in 1903 to run their sales department and re'pained' with them until 1906, when by joined the Lacre Co., afterwards transferring his services to j. and E. Hall, Ltd:, Dartford. The last-nanied had acquired the right to manufacture lorries to the deSigns and under the patents of'Adolphe Soarer, of Arbon, Switzerland, . and thus he_ carne: to learn" of Sourer ' merits . and was induced to join the Sourer' Commercial Vehicle' Co.,' Ltd.; when it was formed, to run the British end of the business in 1021. His knowledge of the motor business is profound.
• Mr. P. W. Tewksbury, the chairman of the board of directors of Yellow Cabs of Australia, Ltd., is a visitor to this country, leaving, however, early in, the present week, He was telling us that the profit of the company for the year ended June 30th last was £134,127 14s. 8d, from which there was set aside to cover depreciation; provision for taxation and other reserves £65,178 9s. id., leaving a net profit of £68,949 lie. 7d. The company have £317,343 invested in cabs and their equipment and £161,695 in land and buildings.
Lengthy List of Leyland Orders.
The list of orders received by Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland, • Lanes., during the month of September is a very cora-: prehensive one, and contains the names' of a number of important users, both on the passenger and goods-carrying sides. Moreover, many of the orders ore repeats, and some of them are for fleets of vehicles.
So far as municipal orders are concerned, the company received one from the Rbehdale Fire Brigade for a portable pump and motorcycle combination, another from the Midlothian County Council for a six-tonner, a third from the Herne Bay Urban District Council for a 300-400-gallon fire-engine, a type which was also purchased by the Rangiora Municipality, New Zealand,another for a fire-engine coming from the Shipley ileban • District 6ouncil, which is buying an 850-1,100-gallon appliance. Amongst other overseas buyers Was the Calcutta Municipality, which is purchasing a four-tonner. Lion and Lioness buses fisure very largely in the orders placed for passenger vehicles, whilst four-tonners
Fires from Cinder Deposits.
The Barnet Urban District Council has brought to the notice of the Commercial Motor Users Association the fact that numerous calls have been made upon the council's fire brigade to extinguish hedge and grass fires, sometimes also involving telegraph poles, on
the St. Albans Road. There is evidence that these fires are chiefly caused by steam-wagon drivers depositing hot cinders in the hedgerows, and as the conflagrations have often occurred at about the same hour of the day it is possible that the damage is caused by a frequent user of the road. The Association has been asked to take any effective steps that will prevent such incidents in the future and is putting the facts before its members with this end in view.
Orders for the Crossley Six.
It is interesting to note that during the past few months several :mportant municipalities and private companies have placed orders for the 18-50 h.p. Crossley Six chassis, in some cases ambulance bodies being fitted to them. Recent buyers include the Metropolitan Asylums Board, Salford and Luton Corporations, St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Society of Edinburgh and Brunner,' Mond and Co., Ltd.
Manchester Buys Bristol Buses.
The products of the Bristol Tram'ways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Tramways Centre, Bristol, are finding increasing favour in municipal circles, and the latest authority to buy Bristol vehicles is the Manchester Corporation, which has recently placed an order for six double-deck top-covered buses inwhich the Bristol heavy passengex chassis is employed.
A Booklet on Chain Drives.
• Hans Renold, Ltd., Burnage Works, Didsbury, Manchester, have just issued a revised edition of their standard drive booklet, and they draw our atten tion to the increased range of drives available up to 19 h.p. It is important to note that reductions in prices hav4 been effected, consequent on the increased demand for the various typeg of chain drive marketed by this company. Apart from tables referring to each form of chain transmission for different applications, the booklet contains instructions to users, details of accessories and a series of illustrations showing a number of applications of the Renold standard drive.
New Zealand Exhibition Awards.
At the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, which took place at Dunedin recently, a two-ton Albion lorry, which was exhibited by the New Zealand agents for the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., was awarded a diploma of merit.
It is also interesting to learn that in connection with the same exhibition a gold medal and diploma of the first order of merit were awarded to Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., for Adcol motor and machinery oils. October 26, _1926. A Yorkshire Production.
' A feature of the new catalogue which has just been produced by the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., Pepper Road, Hunslet, Leeds, is the fact that the company have endeavoured to give the fullest amount of information relating to their Yorkshire W.G. steam wagon, without undue Prominence being given to sales talk. Moreover, many of the illustrations which are used are of the X-ray type, so that they serve to give a good impression of the construction and working of the different parts—points which cannot often be observed in photographs of exteriors.
The catalogue deals solely with the maker's six-ton W.G. wagon in its three guises, viz., as a fiat-platform wagon, an end-tipping wagon, and an hydraulic three-way tipper. The company, of course, make a large range of bodies to suit users in different trades, but particulars of these are to be found in a separate handbook.
Albion Buses in South Africa.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, tell us that the 3060 h.p. low load-line bus of their manufacture has now found its way into South Africa, and that a number of these vehicles has been supplied to the South African Government Railways, as well as to the Pretoria municipality.
Buses for Carrying School Children,
Sanction has been given to the Newcastle Education Committee by the Board of Education to expend £2,700 upon the provision of four motorbuses for the transport of children to and from their homes to special schools.
Ribble Motor Extensions.
Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., who maintain a vast network, of Motorbus services from their headquarters at Preston, have acquired what is practically a monopoly of such traffic in North and Mid-Lancashire, ' by the acquisition of Pilot Motors, Ltd., of Preston, the latter company having been registered in May, 1920, to take over the business carried on by Arthur Foley and Co.
The Ribble Co. have an extensive fleet of vehicles, and their services cover approximately 400 square miles, the total mileage run by the fleet per week being about 150.000. .
Some idea of the 'expansion of the company oan be gathered from the fact that in recent months they have absorbed the Charley Auto Co., Ltd.; John Bull Motor Services, Preston ; Kenyon and Coleman and Robinson (K.C.R.), Blackburn ; Lancashire Industrial Motors, Ltd. (Pen die Road Services), Blackburn, and Hodgson and Barnes (H. and B.) Motors, Preston.
.Concrete Rafts Solve Rpad Problem.
We are informed that a contract has just been placed for the construction of 12 reinforced concrete bridges to complete the Great North Road of Scotland between Blair Atholl and Inverness. They are all to be erected between the Inverness-Perth county boundary and the Spey Bridge, within nine months, to enable the road to be opened at the end of next year. In the more remote parts of the Highlands, through which the Great North Road .runs, there are stretches of bogland which present a problem to the engineer. The difficulties of providing a first-class road over two great peat bogs, bet wean Tomatin and Carrbridge,
have been overcome by means of a concrete raft. Overmile of ground has been covered in this way, the raft consisting of a huge slab of concrete 7 ins, thick and 21 ft. wide.
The cost of the whole scheme, which. is being borne by the Ministry of Transport, is •approximately £600,000.
American Tractor Exports.
During July, 1926, the United States exported 3,067 wheel tractors (value $1,907,804) and 57 track-laying machines (value $109,941). The corresponding figures for July last year were 3,533 (value $2,235,583) and 56 (value $154,783).
Insistence Upon Insurance.
Bolton' Watch Committee has decided that in future licences to ply for hire with hackney carriages or omnibuses be not granted unless the owners of the vehicles satisfy the committee that they have effected, and will keep on foot, an insurance with a responsible insurance company. The Cover which they effect must make adequate financial provision for meeting any liability that may be incurred by the owners in respect of any injury or damage occasioned by their vehicles to any person or property.
Light Cars at Olympia.
Prospective buyer8 of small cars who carefully weigh the pros and C011S of various makes before arriving at a final choice will find the Third Show Number of The Light Car and Ogelecar of the very .greatest .interest and practical • value. This issue will contain a review of all the small carexhibits a the Show, written from a technical standpoint and in language which everybody can understand. It will be on sale next Friday, October 29th.
Merits of the New Albion Three-tonner.
"Investigate This 'Unique Model " is the title of a leaflet which the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, have just published dealing with their new 30-45 h.p, three-ton chassis. Particular attention is drawn to some of the salient features of the chassis, and the leaflet contains an abridged specification of it.
More Guy Buses for South Shields.
South Shields Corporation, which has had six Guy 20-seater buses in service for some time past, has now ordered a further two single-deck, low-loading vehicles of the same make, but built to carry 30 people, each from Guy Motors, Ltd.,. Fallings Park, Wolverhampton.
Local Proceedings.
Weymouth Corporation has rejected a proposal to seek powers to establish municipal bus services.
Sedgeley Urban District Council is to consider the purchase of a motor lorry for the gas department.
Eastbourne Corporation is seeking_ power from the Ministry of Transport. for the opening up of ,new motorbus routes.
Newport (Mon.) Corporation has obtained sanction for a loan of MOO for the purchase of ,a motor road-sweeping machine.
Adelaide City Council has accepted. the tender of Duncan and Fraser, Ltd.,. at f1,702, for-the supply of -a Thorny
croft gully emptier." • • Paignton Urban District Council has asked the depot committee to consider the purchase of a small motor lorry for the highways department.
Westminster City Council has accepted the tender of Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., at £224, for the supply of..
a Moiris 12-cwt. motorvan.• Douglas (I.O.M.) Corporation has asked the tramways manager to .01On, inforniation • 'regarding acCumulatorelectriC.buses for running on the front.
NeWport • (Mon.): 'Corporation • hai. asked its electricity and tramways coinmittee-to consider the question of Purchasing motorcycles for the staff instead
of hiring taxicabs. . : . • The tramways committee of the Bradford Corporation is negotiating for the purchase Of an "A:D.C. trolley-bus and a Garrett `trolleY-Inis; both of which have been on trial in the city: • • " Teddington District Council has decided to purchase a motor ambulance.
Paignton Urban District Council has accepted the tender of Messrs. G. Rowe and Sons for 1-ton lorries at 2s. Sid. per hour.
The tramways committee of the Hull Corporation is considering the advisability of purchasing two motorbuses in order to arrange for Sunday services.
The National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., has notified the Weymouth Corporation that they are putting on three additional runabouts next season so that a seven-minute service may be inaugurated.
Manchester Corporation proposes seeking power to enable the corporation to provide antotnatie roadside-service stands and boxes, tanks, etc., for the supply of water to steam wagons and road locomotives.
Thirsk Rural District Council is taking steps to provide an up-to-date motor fire-brigade adequately to protect the important agricultural interests in its area, and is proposing to spend £3,765 on the purchase of an engine and 'equipment.
Reo Literature.
. Amongst the recent literature which has been issued by Harris and Hasell, Ltd., the Concessionnaires in this country for Reo vehicles, are pamphlets relating to the Reo Pullman chassis, the Reo Speed Wagon, the Reo Major sixcylinder -Chassis and the Reo Pullman horsebox._ Each of the leaflets gives an indication of the value of each type of dliessis for Particular forms of use and includes an abridged specification of its main features. Widening a Bottle-neck.
George Street, Pontypool, a bottleneck through which almost the whole of the vast motor traffic between Newport and the Monmouthshire eastern valleys has to pass, is to be the subject of a special Parliamentary Bill. The Ponty-pool Urban District Council will promote a Bill to obtain sanction to spend £100,000 on widening the bottle-neck and making a by-pass road to facilitate through traffic. The Bill will come forward' next session. The sum of £100,000 means an addition of 1s. 4d. to the district rate for Pontypool.
The Retail Trade in North America.
Capt. J. E. Appleyard, the well-known Leeds motor agent, has lately been on a lengthy visit to the United States and Canada. lie is to give his impressions of the retail motor trade in North Amer'ca in a paper to he read before the local branch of the Institute of the Motor Trade at the Hotel Metropole, Leeds, at 7 pm. on November 8th.
Institute of Transport Exams.
The full prospectus for the examinations for membership, associate membership or gradoateship of the institute of Transport is now available and can be obtained on application to the Secretary of the Institute at 15, Savoy Street, London, W.C2.
Another Effect of the Coal Strike.
Owing mainly to the situation in the coal trade and its influence on local hidustries, the receipts on the Newport (Mon.) motorbus and tramways systems showed a fall of £1),001) last month below normal.