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Compensation for lismissed driver

26th October 1989
Page 23
Page 23, 26th October 1989 — Compensation for lismissed driver
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A driver who claimed that he was sacked by B R Whorton (Transport) after le had refused to exceed the )ermitted drivers' hours limits, as been awarded 2831 corn)ensation for unfair dismissal.

Lichfield-based Whorton ailed to appear before the 3irmingham Industrial Tribunal, which was satisfied that the Iriver concerned, L Jay, had )een employed by the company )etween March 1987 and May 1989.

The tribunal said that it was 'or the employer to show the .eason for dismissal, and Nhorton had failed to do so. [he tribunal found that Jay had ieen unfairly dismissed on that Jay had not unreasonably reUsed to obey an instruction rom his employer. He had run Hat of available driving hours Ind could not have legally frivol his vehicle for more han a further 15 minutes. In he circumstances, the dist-ills;al was unfair.