"C" Driver Cleans U n Final
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1TH a great ovation from the wet and chilly spectators, and besieged by Press and newsreel photographers, W. T. Haywood, of Geo. Prince, Ltd., Birmingham, last Sunday received from Lord Mancroft, Minister Without Portfolio, four trophies and more than £60 in prize money. Lord Mancroft was presenting the prizes after the final round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition at Baginton Airport, Coventry.
Haywood, an Austin driver, won the title, "Lorry Driver of the Year" with the loss of 208.9 marks in the final run-off and was awarded the Coventry Trophy, presented by the British Motor Corporation, and £50. As champion in Class C (153.8 penalty points) he repeated his performance of last year, and gained an award from the Regent Oil Co., Ltd., and £10.
In addition, he put up the best performance by a driver of an oil-engined vehicle, which brought him the Sir William Rootes Silver Salver, a silver cigarette case and a cash prize, and won the Traders' Road Transport Association's cup for the best C-licence driver. Haywood's overwhelming success wai
no fluke. In the class championshi which preceded the final run-off he incurred fewer penalties than any of the other 141 entrants. He did so in the face of competition so keen that 51 of thc contestants earned The Commercia. Motor Diploma of Merit for havinE gained at least 75 per cent, of the pos. sible marks.
Of the 10 class champions, fourC.Q.M.S. S. Gatecliffe, W. T. Haywood. W. H. Painter and L Hough—were previous finalists. In the run-off, they and the other six champions drove new Austin 7-tonners lent for the occasion by the Charity Bank Brickworks, Ltd., Coventry.
Second place after W. T. Haywood was taken by L. B. Fates, who lost 230.5 points, and third place by P. Harkin with 248.9 points. Bales won the Coventry Evening Telegraph trophy and £30. Harkin gained the National Benzoic trophy and £20, and a pair of gold cuff links and a cash award from Rootes.
Some drivers were heavily penalized because they had not studied the rules, although their driving ability was undoubted. Tests 2 and 4 (see panel on opposite page) generally produced the heaviest losses of marks.
Many of the drivers were so accurate in their estimation of the minimum width through which they could drive that they allowed themselves insufficient margin for reversing through the pylons, although they successfully negotiated the hazard in a forward direction. Among them were K. Kirton (Ernest Batley, Ltd.,
kustin), who allowed himself a tolerance A only 1 in., and R. Elder (S.P.D., Ltd., [tames), with a margin of 3 in.
In test 4, the difficulty was to stop with he rear of the vehicle parallel with the .ear barrier of the second box. At least
n the early stages of the event the rear )arrier appeared not to be exactly at right mgles to the side rails. If this was so, x)ntestants would have been misled.
Although he did not gain an award. 4.. R. Thompson (Tate and Lyle, Ltd., 3edford) deserves special mention. As .unner-up in Class C he lost far fewer narks (163.4) than any of the champions
n the other classes, and had he not been :ompetingagainst W. T. Haywood he night have become Lorry Driver of the Vear.
Sgt. F. J. Little, of the W.R.A.C., 2olchester, earned a round of applause or her vigorous handling of a Bedford, which, despite her apparent frailty, she :iurled around the course with masculine tnergy.
P. Harkin, champion in Class F (2), hird in the final classification and second ran among the drivers of oilers, had a walk-over at Weymouth, where he was ' he only competitor in his class, but had to opportunity of demonstrating his skill it Baginton.
H. Myers (B.R.S) reversed his Britcil., :ight-wheeler so quickly into the second 30t in test 4 that everyone expected the )arrier to be sent flying, but with splendid showmanship he halted an inch or two 'rom it.
Among S.P.D. drivers who did'not gain iwards but showed commendable skill were B. C. Clarke, E. C. Moye and E. Harris, all in Bedfords, and G. F. 2,orri in an Austin. S. G. Jenkins (Tate Ind Lyle, Ltd., Bedford) and C. Dawson "Crown Bedding Co., Ltd.) in a large klbion van also attracted notice.
W. S. Smart (Amey's Transport, Ltd.), w ho was the all-out winner at Oxford in July, handled his Austin articulated outfit with great precision, and T. nail (T. Wall sod Sons, Ltd.) put up a gool show with massive insulated van in Class G.
In introducing Lord Martcroft, Cllr. R. W. Brain, chairman of the national organizing committee of the competition, gave much of the credit for the success of the day's arrangements to Mr. G. W. Aston, clerk of the course, and Mr. George MacAulay.
RESULTS (Penalty Points) Class A (Up to 15 IL) 1.—A. E. Haywood (A. E. Haywood, Commer). 186.1. 2.—P. Broadbent (B.R.S. (Contracts), Ltd.,
Austin), 216.4. H. Tiller (Express Dairy Co., Ltd., Morris), 240.7.
anis B (15-19 ft.)
• 1.—J. Hough (Quasi-Arc, Ltd., Austin). 196.9, 2.—W, I, Robins (Geo. Cake, Ltd., Austin), 205.9. 3.—D. C. Martin (G.P.O. Plymouth, Morris), 225.6. Class C (19-22 ft.)
1.—W. T. Haywood (Geo. Prince, Ltd., Austin), 153.8. 2.—A. R. Thompson (Tate and Lyle, Ltd., Bedford), 163.4. 3.—M. Poole (Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds (M), Ltd.. Austin), 190.
Class D (22-2510 1.—L. B. Bales (Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., Morris), 195.8. 2.—B. A. Absolom (Caversham Haulage, Thames), 202.9. 3.—P. R. Willem (Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd., Bedford), 205.6.
Class E (Over 25 ft.) 1.—H. Eden (Wilsons Brewery, Sentinel), 193.8. 2.—H. Myers (13.R.S., Ltd., Bristol), 197.9, 3.— F', Wilson (Charringtons, Ltd. Leyland), 221.2. Class F (1) (" Aisles," Semi-trailers under 22 ft.) 1.—W. H. Painter (Express Dairy Co., Ltd„ Bedford), 265.25. 2.—S, Howell (13.R.S.. Ltd., Leyland), 274.55. 3.—L. W. Smith (Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Scammelli. 341.9. Class F (2) (" Artics," Semi-trailers 22-27 ft) 1.—P. Harkin (Arthur Hughes and Sons, Ltd., Bedford), 207. 2.—R. M. Thorne (Tate and Lyle,
Ltd., Bedford), 240.2. 3.—.1. Glasety (Tate and Lyle, Ltd., Bedford), 248.3.
Class G (" Artics." Tractors over 3 tons, Semitrailers 27-30 ft.) 1.—J. Hamilton (Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., Commer), 290.8. 2.—A. I. Smart (Canning and Co., Ltd., Commer), 320.4. 3.L, 1. Bennett (Shell-Mca and OP., Ltd., Leyland), 402.7.
Class H ("Allies," Semi-trailers over 30 ft) 1.-3. Hazell (11.119., Ltd., Leyland), 306.2, 2.11. Lawrence (H.M. Dockyard, Plymouth, Bedford), 307.8. • 3.—A, Bosworth (Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft, Lid., Commcr), 333.5.
Class I (Service Drivers)
1.—C.Q.M.S: F. Gatecliffe (R.A.S.C., Bedford). 218.3. 2.—S.A.C, D. W. Manley (R.A.F., Bedford). 225.6. 3.—Sgt. F. Tucker (R.A.S.C., Bedford,) 244.25.
Run-off for Supreme Tide • T. Haywood, 208.9. 2.—L. B. Eales, 230.5. 3,—P. Harkin, 248.9. Best C.Ileenee Driver W. T. Haywood.
Best Driven of Oil-eugiued Vehicles 1.—W. T. Haywood. 2.—P. Harkin, 3.-1. Hamilton. Oldest Driver Gaining "The Commercial Motor" Diploma of merit H. 0, Thomas (Standard Motor Co., Ltd., Austin). aged 48.