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DVLA replies

26th September 1991
Page 60
Page 60, 26th September 1991 — DVLA replies
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Your story headed "MP slams backlog" stated that the DVLA said that LGV applications usually take two months to process.

If you have been given this information by anyone at the agency, regretfully you have been mis-informed. In actual fact, unless there are any medical or conduct issues involved, LGV drivers should receive their licence within three weeks, allowing for time in the post.

Yvonne Guppy Information officer, DVLA, Swansea.

The DL VA is right and we are happy to set the record straight. We should have said that the DVLA says LGV applications involving a medical question usually take two months to process — Ed.

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