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RHA offers health and safety audit

26th September 1996
Page 10
Page 10, 26th September 1996 — RHA offers health and safety audit
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• A Road Haulage Association health and safety package due to be launched in November has been given the thumbs-up by the haulier piloting the scheme.

The RHA plans to offer hauliers a health and safety audit which will assess risks in the workplace. Ellis Fellows of Fellows Trading and Transport in West Bromwich has been trying the the scheme; he says the one-day audit and 10-page document of recommendations that followed has proved valuable. "Health and safety legislation is a minefield," says Fellows. "1 have a full-time lob keeping 42 lorries and their drivers in work and it's very easy to become lax on health and safety matters."

The RHA plans a series of half-day seminars on health and safety around its regions. They will cover hauliers' responsibilities as employers, offering advice on the latest legislation with guidance an how operators can carry out their own risk assessments.