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Nerves of steel

26th September 1996
Page 27
Page 27, 26th September 1996 — Nerves of steel
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0 orkshire Intermodal opalor Cobra Railfreight kept busy di ng Ow summer ferrying Italian-built sk .1 beams from its prier& railhead at Wakefield a the construction site of the MI and M62 motorway link in Leeds. The consignment a 60 beams, weighing 19 tonnes each and 8..5m long arrived in Wakefield from Ita 'where they were ,first taken by Cobra to sholblasted and coated by the contractor, Jack Tighe Coatings in Doncaster before being Ira ported to Leeds for installation on the flyover 'ow this seems a sensible tie-up between road /4iulnge and the rail system, especially when, a far as the Hawk knows, there is still Governm it money available for those willing to build railhead at the end of their yard One of tho e rare instances when the Government gives s milking back to poor old Harry Haulier