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Something old, something new, something borrowed, sometlino green

26th September 1996
Page 27
Page 27, 26th September 1996 — Something old, something new, something borrowed, sometlino green
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squith Motor Carriage claims this is the world's most luxurious van, if not the most aerodynamically efficient. Called "The Highland" it is based on the company's retro version of a 1930s London Black Cab. Standard features include a 25ft turning circle—so handy when making an illegal U-turn in Regent Street—auto-gearbox and Dunlop air suspension.

Optional extras include leather upholstery, walnut veneer dash and trim, air conditioning, more powerful engine and refrigerated body Customers have a choice of diesel or petrol engines and the standard version is a snip at just under .n4,000. While it is unlikely that the vehicle will feature in a future CM roadtest, it pleases the Hawk to know that, like him, there are others living in the past, even if some of that past has been tinkered with, Air conditioning indeed!