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Factors help in expansion plans

26th September 1996
Page 8
Page 8, 26th September 1996 — Factors help in expansion plans
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• Using a factoring company to collect debts increases hauliers ability to expand, says a major factoring specialist.

International Factors says its 150 haulage clients increased their turnover by 22.47% in the six months to June 1996, compared with the 7% annual growth Cambridge Econometrics predicts for the haulage industry as a whole.

"It is effective for haulage companies who may have previously found overdrafts somewhat restrictive," says a spokesman.

He claims factoring suits hauliers because they suffer cashflow problems and because their profitability is so dependent on controlling costs.

Hauliers are forced to wait an average of 73 days to be paid, he adds, while factoring would release 85% of an invoice's value within two days: "We usually cut the creditor days figure down by at least two weeks. The remainder of the invoice value less the factor's charges is passed on to hauliers over a pre-agreed period."