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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by .
the roughness of the roads over which it runs."---John Beattie Crozier.
A New 11-2 Tonner.
We learn that the ranks of petrolcommercial vehicles is to be swelled by a product of the Hampton Engineering Co., of Stroud, the manufacturers of the 10-16 hp. Hampton light car, which has from time to time been so favourably commented upon in the pages of our associated journal _Me Light Car and Cydecar. It is too early yet to give details of this new production; as it is not expected. that it will be put on the market until next year, but as regards the outstanding features whiehaare incorporated in its design we are Permitted to say that it will be a 4-2 tonner -with a longer wheelbase and bigger platform space than tis-aaI, and have a Dorman engine and apiral bevel drive..
The Fuel Research Board Report.
'the report of the Fuel Research Board of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for the years 1918 and 1919, has now been placed on sale through H.M. Stationary Officm The report:. deals with the following subjects The Inimerliate Importance of Fuel Economy ; 011 Fuel for the Navy and the Mercantile Marine; Description, of the Fuel Research Station and its Functions; Survey of the National Coal Resources froin the Physical and Chemical Points of ..View; Work at the Fuel Research Station ; Domestic heating; Air Pollution; Pulverized coal; Peat Inquiries; Alcohol as Fuel ; Gas Standards; Fuel Economy and Lam Temperature Carbonization.'
The,report may he obtained through . any bookseller or direct from JIM. Stationery Office at Imperial Rouse, Kingsway, London, W,C.2. The price of the report is 1. 6d. or by post is.
What Motor Transport Can Do.
Speaking at the annual congress of_ the National Alliance of Commercial Road Transport Associations and Federations, the Lord Mayer of Liverpool said that if mechanical transport in Liverpool had been as flourishing, as it is now, before the Manchester Ship Canal was constructed, there would never have been a canal. Congestion atose in a great Measure from the fact that the Veda, were not being handled with sufficient quickness.
Mr. D; E. McCracken, chief traffic manager of the Mersey Docks, and Har-, hour Board„ in responding to the itoast to'" Our Guests,' said there was a great future in Liverpool for mechanical, transport, which Ought to take the place of rail traffic within a radius of 20 or 25 miles. There would be no complaint-of congestion at the Liverpool docks if advantage could he taken of this means of transport.
At the present time there was no congestion at the Liverpool docks, anda it was only became the transport facilities had greatly improved during the last few months. They were still getting plenty of cargo and they had vessels waiting for berths, but those berths were not congested; it was simply for want of ware C20 house accommodation and goods were not being .removed right away from the port —therefore motor transport facilities could not, be blamed for any inconvenience auffesed.
The A.A. and Taxation Proposals.
In support and in continuance of its fight against the Budget proposals for the increased taxation of motor vehicles, the Automobile Association has sent ropy of a pamphlet dealing with "Motor. Taxation—A Case Against the Heavy and Inequitable Increases Proposed in the Budget" to all mermbere of the House of Lords onal House of Commons. In addition to the Minority Report signed by the secretary of the Association, additional facts are adduced, ehowing the inecinities,of the heavy increases proposed in the Budget statement ansi urging the retention of the taxation on petrol, which varies the individual tax in proportion to the use of the roads.
The 'first page.atof The Commercial Motor's chassis specifications—British petrol-driven vehicles—will appear in our next issue, later pages appearing in subsequent issues.
Fitments for Fords.
Many owners of old-type Ford vehic_11,9 dating from 1911 to 1919 are finding it an extremely difficult matter to obtain old pattern cylinders, and with the new starter pattern, 30000, which is the only one now produced by the Ford Co., two items are necessary when they are used with old pattern cars, but, unfortunately, these cannot be supplied at the present time by the Font Co. To overcome the Kliffiaulty the. Aero and Motor Co. (Manchester), Ltd., 8, Peter Street, Manchester, have designed a special end cover, by using which the old timing case cover comes in. This cover also ha a the advantage of being approximately half the price of the two auxiliary fitments. It is a neater type, and immediate delivery can be given by the company on receipt of 16s. 6d. and 6d. postage.
Lorry Sale Misrepresentation..
A question as to misrepresentation iii regard to the sate of a motor lorry was involved hi a case dealt with by Judge Acton at the last sitting of the Nottingham County Court. The plaintiffs, _Messrs. Doubleday and Kirk, haulage contractors of Trent 'Boulevard, Nottingham, claimed £61 1.58., being the difference betweeia the price, £190,at which they purchased a inotorlorry from Mr. Charles Cox, of Cox's imperial Garage, .Chilwell Read, Beeston, and the amount at 'which it was sold afterwards, upon certain defects being 'discovered. The 'plaintiff's case was that, in the preliminarystages of the transaction, the lorry was described as being in good running order, but when it was taken out for the first time, in November, it broke down. Mr. Cox took it back with a view to selling it, but returned it to the plaintiffs' who dispose& of it for £128 5s. Mr. W. P. Foster, motor engineer, of Arkwright Street, Nottingham, stated that -some .of the working parts of the ' lorry, were badly wern, and it was not in running order, a verdict being given in favour of the plaintiffs for the amount claimed, the, defendant denying misrepresentation, stating that he pttrchased the lorry for £140 and spent £40 in having a new engine fitted to it.
Lord Joicey has purchased from the Grintshaw Leather Co., Ltd., of Newcastle, a Daimler 2-3-tors Daimler lorry for estate work at Ford Castle.
F. G. R. Browne, Ltd., 17, Eldon Street, E.C., have requested us to apologize to those people whose inquiries re the Vim chassis have not yet been answered. All inquiries will be replied to in due course.
There are now 489 corporate members of the Institute of Transport, 55 having been elected. at the heat meeting of the Council. Among the names in the latest Ii'st vae netice that of Mr. A. E. Basaorn, M.B.E., traffic; adviser to the Metropolitan Police and Superintendent of the Public Carriage Dept. at Scotland Yard.
• Identification Marks.
In April, 1917, warning was issued to motor vehicle users about--faulty identification marks on motor vehicles. This was followed next month by special observation in the Metropolitan Police District, which resulted in over 4,000 offences being reported. A further warning was, given in November, 1918, and the subsequent special observation disclosed nearly 6,400 offences in the same district.
It is patent that these warnings and the penalties inflicted by the courts have had no lasting effect, and the practice of allowing identification marks to be illegibletor obscured has-increased. ' A further warnine-' is now given, for the last. time, that the pelice -will insist on these marks being in compliance with the law. As stated in the communiqué issued by the Commissioner of Police in 1918, "those owners and drivers who do not profit by it will have only themselves to thank if they are reported and summoned."
Damage Through Intensive Traffic.
The intensive traffic during the railway strike last year did much damage to roads and bridges in the country.. In Essex the "Widford bridge has collapsed, and will cost £1,000 for a temporary structure and £10,000 for a new bridge. The bridge, -erected in 1875, ,served its purpose till it had to bear the extreme strain of fast motor traffic during the strike period. The Essex County Council has been warned that other bridges may have to be rebuilt owing to the strain of extraordinary motor traffic. • The extensive development of motor • traffic is a national affair, and obviously roads and bridges should be constructed in order to cope with modern require ments. .
Banishing the Horse.
If a Bill now before the city council of Denver, Colorado, becomes law the horse will be banished from Denver's streets on January 1st, 1925. The ordinance -provides that no horses, cattle, sheep, or swine Alan be kept within the corporate limits of Denver or driven, upon the streets; exceptions are to be made to
accommodate stockyards and packing houses.
The scheme may at first sight appear to be impracticable, but with the steady increase in the use of motor vehicles throughout the U.S.. there is no doubt that something will have to be done to relieve the streets of Slow-moving traffic, Which tends to impede. the efficiency of motor vehicles.
Continental Tyre Profits.
The Continental Tyre Co., of Hanover, have made a profit of 6,190,500 marks during 1919, and .they have declared a dividend of 30 per cent. The figures are remarkable in view of the difficulty of obtaining raw rubber and cotton. in Germany.
Belgian Tractor Trial The agricultural trials which are being held. by the Belgian Colonial Department have been postponed. They were to have taken placein mid April, but it has now been decided that they shall take plane during July. Entries for these trials can still be accepted at the Colonial Office, Brussels, until June 15th.
Taxicabs in Calcutta.
The Committee of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce have expressed their approval of certain alterations, that the Government of Bengal propose to make in the rules framed under the provisions of the India Motor Vehicles Act of 1914. By these rules the use of motor vehicles in Calcutta, including the suburbs and the municipality of Howrah, is regulated-. The changes ttat the Government contemplate making have reference chiefly to the measurenients and technical requirements of motorcabs, but in addition to these points it is proposed to introduce a new rule prohibiting the einployment, on a taxicab, of any person other than the driver, 'as an attendant or in any other capacity.
According tea survey recently compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there are approximately 50;000 American farmers using motor lorries. A moderate estimate asserts th,at the number of motor vehicles in use on the farms is 49,195.
The Oil Trade in France.
Government. purchase and distribution of all oils used in France came to an end on April 25th, and all rearictions on the trade in oils were removed on that date. The oil trade in France was free of all restrictions except the import duties and local' taxes collected by each city until 1917, when the •Government sponsored the organization of a consortium among' refiner's and wholesale dealers, and took over the control of the trade through this organization. The Government. riia,de purchases of oil abroad and ,distributed it through .the consortium, fixing .prices and making various regulations. The powers of th; consortium were to have expired six months ago, but they were extended whilst the Government conducted an investigation as to the advantages of the• retention of this monopoly. The benefits of such a retentio'n, IMweiver, proved doubtful, and the Government has at present made -no plans for the continiiance of its existence: If this should be desired later on, legislation will be needed.
The oil trade in France is almost entirely a matter of distribution,•for the refining of exude oil in France is rapidly diminishing. The taxation of oil, is closely bound up with its distribution, for not only is a tax levied upon its entry into the country, but nearly every city charges a local tax before permitting it to enter the city's limits.
in view of the recent withdrawal of all restrictions, developments in France are being closely watched by American oil companies. During 1909, 80 per cent. of the 80 million gallons of petrol and the 80 million gallons of illuminating' and lubricating oil'used in France during the year was supplied by American companies, which, especially since the war, have Held a dominant position on the French market. Petrol at the present time is worth three to *four times as much in France as in America.
The Acme Welding Co., Ltd., 236-238, Pentonville Road, King's Cross, N. 1, are in a position to execute repairs to scored cylinders with promptitude by a special process.
Shortage of Steam Coal.
There is a serious shortage, if not an absolute famine, of sniaketess coal for _steam lorries in the Liverpool district, and commenting on the prosecution of three defendants. who were each fined 40.s. and costs at the Bootle Police Court .because their vehicles had Caused a street nuisance by the excessive emission of black smoke, a Liverpool haulier •states that if they are too constantly persecuted on this score, there will.be no alternative but to withdraw steam vehicle_s front the
• road-.
It is certainly a hardship when hauliers find it impOSsible to pr.:Mute smokeless .co.41, that they shciiild have to run the risk of prosecution or 1e their vehicles stand idle. Steam vehicles are very largely employed in transporting goods from the Liverpool dock.s to the large warehOuses in the Bootle district:.
The solicitor who represented the defendants stated that they had done al in their power to obtain steam coal, but not even" the "biggest collierieS in the world " could send .supplies from South Wales: Bootle, he contended, -was faced with thealternative of a -little smoke no f,ind.. The.. pootl@.. atmosphere '6014.a:tea. "well'. with "that„of 1Ni-dna, -wherb the Prechiction of chemicals took -Precedence over the' growing of grass. '
ManchestenLiverpool Road ' Improvements.
It will be -a Matter of satisfaction to owners "and :drivers whose vehicles ply between: Liverpool.. a6ri Manchester to know :that the \\Torrington Corporation hats approved of an A.pplication to the Ministry of Healthfor sarietion to the:borrowing of £48,000 for the' purpose of road surface renewal. ChM lias.frequently heard complaints from Warrington non-motor
ists of • the ." tile -of the borough Main roads: by: outSide heavy commercial traffic, .and the, comment rs often made that: in the ,centre of the-town the trams have to take the back streets in order to. lessen the congestion of the principal roads. •
The Road -Board has recently guaranteed certain sums for the improvement of alternativ.e main roads in order to make them suitable for -heavy motor traffic..
. Alderman Tinnion told the Warrington Council that the most important matter which had to be faced at the present time was the provision, to meet modern traffic, of new surfaces for roads. The "Council was now using a material, which, he thought, Would be satisfactory; and which was cheaper than any other they, had yet found for the purpose. The Road Board was going to assist in the " maintenance of roads in county boroughs, and they had the assurance of the Chancellor of the Exchequer that the whole of the contemplated new 'taxes on traffic would be allocated for the purpose. The Warrington Committee, he said, proposed to oontinue with the work, beearive the plant was now in operation, and to dispense with it now. and reinstate it later, would be an expensive mistake.
New Road from Glasgow.
The Transport Ministry has inquired if the Glasgow Corporatien will be prepared to commence the construction of the proposed new road from Glasgow to Reufrpw, estimated to cost £361396, with the assistance of a grant of £.40,000. The Corporation • has referred the mat..ter to a special committee.
Mud Splashing and Compen sation.
At a meeting of the.:Sheffield Corporatom., Mr.:A". Barton inquired whether. the Watch Committee was prepared to consider the compulsory prevision :of Mudguards for motor drays, or, alternatively, ttr pay compensation for Spoiled' clothes? Aid. COttell, the chairman Of the 'Watch .Conitnitfec, replied that, the committee was prepared to obtain advice as to the
'legal position. . . • •
Trams and Street Accidents.
. Questions as to tramway accidents were asked, at a meeting of the Sheffield Corporation, and Sir W. Clegg, the chairman of the Tramways Committee, said there hadbeen eight fatal accidents in „connection with the tramways since September 1st, 1919, whilst there had been 96?,accidents causing injury to posies. .•trians. Altogether, since Septefither 1st, there had been 1,313 accidents—this number including vehicles which had run into tramcars, buses, tramway poles, etc.
The speed of the cars had been increased on one route by .7 of ,a mile per hour, but no accident of any sort ha1 occurred on the route since the increase in speed was sanctioned. There wass.no need to reduce tbe speed of cars, which, in She.Teld, was 7.85 miles an bout compared with tram speeds of 8.89 miles an hour in London; 8.18 in Glasgow; 7.80 in Salford; 7.66 in Leeds, and 7.3. us Lradford.
Merseyside Haulage Rates.
Haulage rates in Liverpool and Birkenhead were recently discussed by the , Birkenhead Chamber of Commerce, and the secretary read a letter which, be asked, should be Laid before the Transport Committee urging that the transitagreement between the Mersey Docksand Harbour Board and. the railway oomponies which was in op:eration in Liverpool should be extended to Birkenhead.
Mr. A. Chandler .(secretary of the Dock Board) said, that he had been ill' communication with the railway companies with a view of having the haulage of Birkenhead put on the same .basis as that,of Liverpool, and if the negotia-: tions that were going on came to a satisfactory conclusion, as he had reason to hope "they would, traders of Birkenhead would have no reason whatever to tornplain of the charges made.
Newcastle Bus _Services.
The Select Committee of the House of Commons presided over by the Hon.Lo-Colonel G-uinness, D.S.O., recently met to compai.et arguments regarding Newcastle Corporation's propo-3'.1 bus service between, Scotswood Bridge and Ryton, and also a similar scheme submitted by the Northern Traaspert Co. Both of these were opposed by the North Eastern, Railway, but the Committee w.e.re satisfied that 'a bus service was required, and granted the right to the" Newcastle Corporation.
The inhabitants of Cra"werook, Prod"hoe, and Mickley are,now "urging an exte,nsion of the service..
Motto Parade at Liverpool?
The EUCCO$.5 . of the Commercial Motor Users Association annual parade in ironidonis inducing, the Liverpool bi'anch of the C.M.U.A. to consider the . qitestion of holding a Similar function in the city next month. There is to be a proCession of horses, which in years gone has been one of the best in the country, but up to the present motors have have been quite out in the cold.
However, from what one can gather, the municipal authorities raise no °Neetion to a. parade of motor vehicles, and the headquarters of the Commercial Motor Users Association are prepared to send examiners to Liverpool, should a parade be decided upon to take place in jt jt , Fuel. at 2s.' per Gallon. It is reported from Melbourne that the Commonwealth Government's proposal to remove the excise duty on alcohol:will result in the formation of a company to manufacture Natalite motor spirit. The promoters of the. company, it is stated, have secured 100 sq. miles in Papua, and have discovered plants and trees yielding 73 gallons per ton. The company.. hope to produce 5,500,000 gallons of spirit per year, and, ultimately, when they are in full working order, to reach an output of 18,000,000 gallons per year. It is optimistically asserted that the retail price is not expected to exceed ,2s, per gallon.
I.A.E. Examinations.
The result of the first Institution of Automobile Engineers' examinations has now been made known, and it is satisfactory to report that of the candidatesselected by the Candidates Qualifications Committee as being suitable for admission to the Institution as Associate Members, subject to passing the examination, only 9 per cent. failed to pass. The examination. provides the Committee with just, that information in regard to candidates which it is impossible to acquire from a proportion of the forms submitted, .and the action taken by the council in imposing an exaniination qualification would appear to have been fully justified. Only 60 per cent, of the probationary graduates were able to satisfy the examiners, but it is to be remembered that many of those who entered are still pursuing their studies. They will, however, be entitled to it again. •
Australian Trade.
Mr. H. C. Richards, president of the Motor Traders Association in Adelaide, speaking recently at a social gathering, emphasized the importance of the motor industry to the Commonwealth.
He said that the total amount invested in buildingS was about £6,000,000, whilst• there were more than 3,000 garages employing 27,000 hands and disbursing
£5,650,000 per year in wages. .
Australian-made tries used annually represented £1,940,000, bodybuilding
locally in the past year represented £1,000,000, and States' taxation on cars ran into £250,000 annually, of which South Australia contributed -£30,000.
More than 70,000 motor vehicles were in use in the Commonwealth, of which num ber 65 per cent. were owned bvrimary
producers. Between 16,006,11i. to 20,000,000 gallons .of petrol are needed annually to operate this large number of vehicles. ... He urged the. iinfiortance,of endea.vouring to get the Federal Government to reftei the excise duty on power alcohol and to encourage its production' in the Commonwealth.
Midland Road Transport.
Although much remains yet to be, effected, substantial progress has been-made with the work of the East Midlands District Council for the Road Traitsport Industry. A further meeting, which was held at Nottingham last week, was attended by ',representatives of employers and. workmen, under the presidency. of Mr. H. A. Bennett.
The principal business was to receive the report of a' sub -committee as to the wages of employees under 18 years of age. Various rates were agreed upon, two items being referred back to the committee for further consideration.
Another Meeting is to be held at an early date, when it is anticipated that standard rates for the whole area will. be determined. The Council -meanwhile directed the attention of all emPloyeis to the award of the Court of Arbitration, Tinder which an additional 5s. per week is conceded to employees under 21, who are engaged upola work usually performed by those over that age, this discussion having token 'effect 'from the first pay day after March 31st.
Three Farthings per Mile for Roads.
An argan_gerrient has been made between the Liverpool and Bootle Corporations for running a motorbus service between the two places. The agreement, which holds good for five rears, provides that Liverpool must pay II natio 0Per mile of the distance traversed for road maintenance.
crude Oil Shortage in U.S.A.
Figures compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Mines covering the output of re fineries in 1919 show that on August 1st there Will be a shortage in ptoduction of crude oil amounting to .614,707 barrels a day as tempered with the refining capacity of American plants.
On January 1st of' this year, according to -figures compiled from the -same source, with 292 refineries operating, the refining capacity of the U.S. was 177,007 barrels a day in excess of the daily pro duction and importation of crude oil. •
Petrol Prices Petition...
Signatures to the petition to the Prime Minister protesting ,againet the price: of
motor fuel total -1,236,627. The Automobile .Association now awaits defifiite date for presentation of the petition; to. the Premier, which cannot occur until his'return from San Remo. In the meantime,' although the closing date for receiving signatures was .fixed for March 24th,until a definite date is fixed for its presentation the Automobile A580da;tian will ave'conie further signatures.
The lie* ;meeting Of the London Graduates -Sectionof the I.A.E. will be held on Mar 13th at, 28, Victoria Street, S.W. 1, When. Mr. W. -E.,Benbow will read a paper on "The Chemical and Physical Properties of Iron and Steel."
Local Proceedings.
A fund has been opened at Bootle to raise .£1,250 to purchase a motor ambulance.
A motor ambulance to cost £400 is to be provided for the Campbell Hospital, Portsoy.
Poole T.O. has received sanction to borrow £1,590 for the purchase of a motor fire engine. .
A motor ambulance wagon is to be purchased by the Central District Corn. mittee of Stirling C.C.
Runcorn R.D.C. is to purchase a 5-ton side tipping steam wagon from Fodens, Ltd., for carting material.
Lower Bebington Council (Cheshire) has informed the Crosvillo Motor Co. that it cannot agree to the proposed increase in bus fares.
Marylebone Council proposes to give up street watering by means of horsed water .carts .atiel purchase twO 2-3-ton Austin chassis, with tanks of 515 gallons capacity, for £850 each.
Additional engine plant, comprising , one steam roller, two tractors' and one steam wagon are to be purchased. by the Perth istrict Committee.
Swansea, Corporation Parliamentary Committee has decided not to proceed in this Session -of Parliament with the motorbus clauses of the Corporation Bill.
The tender of Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., for three 31 to Orwell electric 'vehicles has been recomthended to the Wolverhampton T.C. for acceptance.
The tender of Dennis Bros., -Ltd., Guildford, to supply a inutor fire-engine for £1,675 has, been •a,ecepted by Calachicle P.C. .
Johannesburg Municipal 'Council has paid £2,000 in ,settlement Of ,a claim of £4,500 to a man 'for the loss of the sight Of an eye, dasssedby the branclins of a tree brushing against a tramcar on which he was riding arid striking •him in the face.
The following tenders have been recommended to St. Pancras B.C. for acceptance :—Messay. and Cci:; Ltd:,. two 4 tan Orwell electric motor vine, with inter. changeable cylindrical water tank bodies at 21,673 each, including extras; Lacre Motor Co., Ltd., two motor .road sweeping machines at £650 each.
The Char-a-bancs Owner and the Haulier Become Known.
THE CHAMBERS of Commerce of Leicester, Bradford and Birmingham Vete their own transport departments. During the war, the Manchester Chamber of Commerce was equally fertnnate in having its men transport department and in having it under the organizing hand. of Mr. Nathan Fine. Since the Armistice he has conducted the same department on his own account, -at the Corn and Produee Exchange in Manchester, and with the most friendly relations with the Chamber of Commerce. He rendered such outstanding seryieeeto the community daring the railway strike that a representative of Tire Gonmercia Motor naturally turned to him for smite view's on the tram dispute in relation to the motorbus.
"Well," _raid Mr. Fine, " t believe the tram strike will do for the chalr-abanes what the railway dispute didfor the motor lorry. Several city men accustomed to first-class compartments, have always avoided the char-a-bancs as a cheep, popular sort of vehicle. Now, that they 'had to resort to such forms of locomotion, they have been delighted at its easy running and comfortable aecominoclation.":
"Then the char4-banes has saved the --eiteation? l!
",Yes, in a way; in fact, if the strike is prolonged, and the authorities. were .desirous, we couldeasily organize. a Motor service linking the suburbs with the railway stetions, and the city dwellers with their officeS, and works that would give the undisciplined teamworkers reason to wonder as to their wisdom..
Manchester and the district ten miles around_ paebably possesses more chars-a-bancs and: motor lorries thee any other town; and vehicles have: -come from Rochdale, .Bolton, and even more distant Places to help the pedestrians of the city. I have500: hauliers, owning about 1,500 vehicles, on my hooks, and many who', in the ordinary way, carry goods, have turned to passenger transport as a profitable line. During the, Easter week I -was able to organize many expeditions for works, which would have been 'short of their workpeople but for the provision of motor facilities."
When we last interviewed Mr. Fine he was concerned about the number of exService men coming into the motor haulage business, but work has been
found for them all.
It is really remarkable," he said " that so few have failed to make good. But se many of them are careless as to the most elementary details of business that The Commercial Motor is doing really valuable piece "ef educational work in giving its regular and practical articles. Many of the small haruliers are neglectful in sending accounts; some are scarcely clear as to the difference between a statement and an invoice, rind they must kern to realize that, in bringing a load and the carrier together. it is essential that the expenses should be known even before the bill is presented to the customer." '
• " And has the influence of the railway strike continued in keeping the motor lorry upon the read?"
"Yes, every week one can see, an appreciable diminution in the number of horsce employed in dealing with "Lance shire's premier industry. Motor transport is may limited by the number of lorries available from the makers. And British makers should be responsive to the really big demand that is being made upon their resources: The market. for chars-il-bancs in Lancashire is as deep as its coal mines;"
The Advantages of Using aFlexible • . System of Motor Transport.
rpHE LIVERPOOL Motor Ha,' !liege Ctearing House, Ltd., since it has removed into large offices at the Albany,
Liverpool, is adopting progreasiye measures to ma-ka. the influence of this institution felt. Many merchants, for some reason or other, seem chary of adopting road transport for the clearance of their goods and use the railway, when, for short distances, the former method of transit would be more economical, and tiee most serviceable. A short. time ago, a Liverpool Steamship Co. asked for rates' per ton en Egyptian cotton from the docks to the mills, at Bolton, and the Clearing House, in offering 23s. per ton, drew attention to the .advantageous service which the Clearing House, cooped with motor transport, could render, with immediate dispatch and, direct collection and delreery. . Apart from there advenfagee receipts are given for each, lorry lead, a decided advantage cempared with the present railway system. These' receipts considerably facilitate thesettlement of claims for loss or damage to the goods in transit,, as all goods carried on-lorries employed through tho medium of the Clearing House are ineured by the Ownere of the vehicles. . • , , . Other points, it was urged, which should he borne in mind when consider ing the adoption of -road transport are :—
(1) Quay rent and watching ..saved: by quirk dispatch from the (may. . • •
(2) Saving in the labour charges for additional trucking to railway wagons.. • (3). Saying :in clerical labour, applying for railway permits, checking 'railway and eartaue accounts and claiming rebate.
(4)' Capital (vested in theoods) standing idle whilst the goods. remain on the quay. (5) Reducing handling of goods to minimum.
On short notice the Clearing House can arrange the transport ef any quantity of goods, up to 500 tons per day, providing the quantity could Iffi loaded. For eoninearison -the ,following charges are given, which would be made in sendin g cotton forward ex-quay. Liverpool to mill, Bolton
What a Liverpool Organization is Doing to Help the User.
THE LIVERPOOL and District Motor Hauia--ee Contractors Associatiori'. has just issued a statement setting forth its scope and, its attitude towards such problems as rates, return loads, idle lorries, legal defence, etc. The Association is now rather a matter of fact than of name, the view of the promoters being that the motor transport trade was of sufficient importance to demand its own separate organization, It was felt that there could not he unanimity of interests if merchants, manufacturers, and other traders were admitted to membership, as these might be potential campetitors in times of SlaCklIOSS in their own particular trades. The intention, of the Associationis to federate, co-operate, or affi'late wheze possible and desirable, at the same time, preserving the independent identity of the Association. . The Association, continues the statement, at the present time has a larger • membership of motor haulage contractors than any other focal ,01,),Lnization. • it was felt that no composite organize-tion could deal properly with rates for distance haulage unless an Asrociation contains -a large number of distance haulage contractors, as the necessary data cannot becollected, ta has rates, nor can a sufficient number be .found to co• operate in ensuring -their enforcement. The Council has appointed a sule:comneRtee of haulage contractors who. have a wide and practical experience, and are at the present time engagedin drawing up a lha offair rates, having relation tu the difficulties of the road mend "local peculiarities----------.. RatearEsquire constant, revision in view of varying conditions. • Rising wages and charges have tobe, constantly taken into account, and it is only combination that can ensure fair rates under. all conditions to motor haulage eontractors. The keynote of success for long distance motor haulage contractors is the return load, and this is a matter which the Committee believe can be dealt -with successfully. Members, are at the present time engaged in the endeavour to provide a solution. The idle lorry can take away the profits of the working lorry, and by co-operation amongst members this: loss can be obviated. The solution is being' worked Out, and will in due course be submitted. •
Means are being considered whereby members will be defended in the courts ehould any action be brought against them, and the matter is one of general interest to the transport trade.
The Hon. Secretary of the Association, Mr. P. Taggart, has made it clear that the Association'intends to keep abreast of the current requirements of motor haulage centractors, and is particularly desirous of maintaining unity of aotion, but is not content that separate interests should be ignored. Theyefeel that each section of the motor transport interest is entitled to find separate expressien, and yet combine its energies with those of other sections in common councils of a, local or national character. They have embarked on no 'crusade of opposition to existing bodies, but merely assert the right of those who haveexpended their. capital and :employed their energies in' the business of motor haulagecontractors, to take counsel together and co-operate in -matters of their particular and vital interests.