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Southern and Central Air l‘ines, Ltd., of 7, Park Lane, W.1, has been formed with a nominal capital of £100 and intends to operate an air service between Southampton, Nottingham and Hull, there to link with the K.L.M. Liverpool-Hull-Amsterdam line which is to commence on June 1. Two Airspeed Couriers (Siddeley Cheetah engine) have been ordered. The first directors are Mr. W. B. Brady and Mr. C. J. Pooley.
Railway Air Service to the Isle of Wight.
In our issue dated April ti we referred to the arrangement made between the Southern Railway Co. and Spartan Air Lines, Ltd., to operate fromMay 1 the London-Isle of Wight service which the latker company ran last summer. The service will be operated from, Croydon instead of Heston, and Cowes will be the other terminus.
For the first two weeks of May there will be three services daily in each direction, the departures from Victoria being 8.45 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6.15 p.m. From May 15 there will be four services daily, the additional departure from Victoria being at 3.30 p.m.
Spartan Cruisers again will be employed. The fare, including road tinsport from Airways Terminus, Victoria to Croydon, will be 30s. single and 50s. return, with the option of returning first class by normal boat and train services. The overall time will be hour and the flight will take 50 minutes.
Hillman's New Essex Airport.
Mr. Edward Hillman, of Hillman's Airways, Ltd., anticipates that by Whitsun his Paris air line and 'charter services will be making use of a new 180-acre aerodrome at Stapieford Abbotts, on the Abridge-Origar road, 54 miles north west of the present Romford Airport. The new site has been acquired to provide for faster and larger aircraft and is intended for the joint use of independent commercial operators, such as Midland and Scottish Air Ferries, Ltd., which is already utilizing the old aerodrome as a London terminal for its Belfast and Glasgow services.
Jersey Traffic Statistics.
From December 18, when the Portsmouth-Jersey air service commenced, to April 20, Jersey Airways, Ltd., carried 2,238 passengers and the fleet flew 65,135 aircraft miles. To Jersey 499 passengers were taken from Portsmouth. 68 from Southampton and 399 from Heston—total 966. From Jersey 698 passengers were taken to Portsmouth, 74 . to Southampton, 500 to P.S.I.O.W.A. Capital Increase.
The capital of Portsmouth, Southsea and Isle of Wight Aviation, Ltd., has been increased from £ 7,500 by the addition of £5,000 in £1 ordinary shares.
On April 20 we stated that the corn, pany is to operate from May 1 a service of Dragon aeroplanes between Heston and Ryde and fares being 19s. 6d. singl return. Shanklin, the and 38s. 61 Campbeltown Municipal Aerodrome Move.
In reply to a request from Campbeitown Town Council, the Air Ministry has furnished a list of approved aerodrome consultants.
A Change at West Mailing.
The West Mailing aerodrome, Kent, is now the property of Mailing Aviation, Ltd., of which the directors are: Messrs. W. G. Laidlaw, C. E. Ward and M. G. Laicliaw. It is proposed to farm a flying club called the Mailing Aero Club and there will be facilities for tuition and for 'private charter. Machines are being obtained and overhauls, housing and the maintenance of aeroplanes can be undertnken. '1.IEW ORKNEY SERVICES FOR HIGHLAND AIRWAYS.
The summer timetable of Highland Airways, Ltd., will conic into force on May 1. In addition to the daily Inverness-Wick-Kirkwall service there will be an Aberdeen-Wick-Kirkwall line with departure at the same time (10.15 a.m.), and arrival at Orkney at noon. Also a service between Kirkwall and the outer Orkneys—including the islands of Longhope, Hoy, Westray, Sanclay, Stronsay and North Ronaldshay—is. to he, established. South Ronaldshay is said to be the only island that has shown no interest in the service.
'The Inverness-Orkney line opened on May 8, 1933. In 11 months 2,400 passengers and 2 tons of newspapers have been carried, 51,000 miles have been flown, and the regularity has' been 95 per cent. This includes the winter months, when a restricted service was operated in difficult conditions ; these conditions often disorganized the surface transport systems.
now learned that regular operation to the Shetlands is not contemplated this season.
Hull-Amsterdam Mails and LiverpoolHug Traffic.
The K.L.M. Amsterdam-Hull air service operating this year from June 1 to October 7 is to be entrusted by the General Post Office with mail posted in Hull and addressed to Norway, Sweden, Holland, Finland and certain parts of Germany.
The K.L.M.-.00mpany has obtained permission to carry internal traffic' tnis year between Hull and Liverpool. Should a British company thereafter be ready • to undertake this 'traffic the K.L.M. sanction will probably not be renewed, giving the new operator the benefit of pioneer traffic and goodwill work.
. Developments at Cardiff.
Following our announcement on February 2, Cardiff City Council includes in its air expenditure £2,358 for development work at Cardiff airport. Extra land in the south-west corner is being added.
Hillmans andM.S.A.F. Traffic Figures.
In the week to April 20 Hillmans Airways, Ltd., carried 77 single-journey passengers on the Romford-Paris line.. Midland and Scottish Air Ferries, Ltd., carried 3 passengers between. Romford and Glasgow, 11 between Romford and Belfast, and 19 between Romford and Liverpool.
Hillmans Airways, Ltd., made charter flights to Cheltenham (3 passengers), and to Birmingham (2 passengers), and gave. 39 pleasure flights at Rumford.