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We have already announced that The Aeroplane has been acquired by Temple Press Ltd., the proprietors of The Commercial Motor.
Yesterday's issue was the first to be printed and published by this company. The journal was enlarged to give greater scope for covering, even more fully, every aspect of aviation, including service, commercial and private flying, and aeronautical engineering. In addition, the appearance has been improved by the introduction of a new type and make-up.
Mr. C. G. Grey, who is continuing as Editor, is recognized as the leading writer on the subject He has never missed an issue since he founded the journal 23 years ago, and, although there are some who do not always agree with his outspoken views, yet because of his fearlessness, his authority, and his humour, his articles are read in every part of the world.
Many of our readers are interested in aviation, and we are sure that they will • find it well worth their while to buy a copy of an issue which is in the nature of a milestone in the progress of the
Aviation Press. The Aeroplane will continue to he published each Thursday at 6d.
Conciliation Board's Constitution.
The Joint Conciliation Board, set up to deal with wages and working conditions in the road-haulage industry under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, has agreed upon its constitution and functions. As stated in our issue dated March 23, Sir Richard Redmayne is the chairman of the Board, whilst Mr. W. Edwards and Mr. E. Bevin are vice-chairmen. The Board consists of 30 representatives, equally divided between those representing employers and workpeople.. ,Mr. E. P. Bailey and Mr. J. Corrin are the joint secretaries.
Mersey Tunnel Draft By-laws.
The Merseyside transport associations have received the new draft of the Mersey Tunnel by-laws, which have been submitted to the Ministry of Transport for approval.
One of the draft rules states that if a vehicle runs out of petrol in the tunnel, the committee will supply petrol to tide over the emergency at double the current retail price. Should a vehicle run out of fuel other than petrol, it will be towed to the most convenient exit by the tunnel breakdown ambulance and will be charged a fee equal to double its ordinary toll, in addition to the toll already paid.
Amongst the commodities excluded (except for purposes of propulsion) from the tunnel are :—Inflammable D20 liquids (giving off inflammable vapours at temperatures of less than 73 degrees Fahr.), compressed gases, loose hay, etc.
Road-accident Returns..
The Ministry of Transport returns of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week ended April 14, 1934, shows that in England 86 persons were killed and 3,424 injured, whilst 19 were reported as having died through previous accidents. In Scotland six persons were killed and 283 injured, and in Wales three were killed and 124 injured.
According to a Ministry of Transport return the number of mechanically propelled road vehicles registered for the first time in February, 1934, wa-s 23,905, as compared with 14,920 in February, 1933. This year's total shows a big-increase in goods vehicles, the figure of 4,961 contrasting with 2,879 a year earlier. In the case of hackney vehicles, 227 were registered in February last as against 130 in February, 1933.
S.A.R. Requires Trailers.
The South African Railways and Harbours are calling for tenders, which have to be presented in South Africa by June 11, for the supply of five or more 3-ton four-wheeled and a similar number of 5-6-ton four-wheeled welded frame trailers. • Those concerns in a position to supply products of United Kingdom manufacture may obtain further particulars from the Departrnent of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, reference 0Y13718 being quoted.
Scotland's First Traffic Court.
The first Traffic Court held in Scotland—and the third in the United Kingdom (the fist was held at Nottingham)—under the Road and Rail Traffic Act was conducted in Edinburgh .on Monday last by Mr. A. Henderson, chairman of the Traffic Commissioners for the Southern Scotland Area. It is stated that, in this area alone, 26,000 goods vehicles will require to be licensed.
No Grants for Lorry Parks..
The Ministry of Transport has informed Warwick County Council that any cost incurred -by the council in providing parking placesfor commercial vehicles could not be accepted as grant-earning expenditure. The highways committee considers that the whole cost of providing such parking places should not be thrown upon the county and is unable to put forward any recomMendation on the matter.
A Quarter's Taxation Receipts.
A recent IVIinistry of Transport return shows that the gross amount received in payment for motor-vehicle licences issued during the three months ended February 28, 1934, was £19,057,393, as compared with £.17,027,277 in the corresponding period of the previous year. The return also contains details , of the total number of licences issued and surrendered during this period, and it shows that the total. number of motor vehicles was 1,789,336,. contrasted with 1,683,699 a year earlier. A NEW BROCKHOUSE PRODUCT.
The manufacthre of articulated sixwheeler conversions is no new departure for J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., Hill Top, West Bromwich, but the concern has now introduced a new model designated the Bulldog Kwikfiks Six.
It is designed for loads up to 8 tons, and is built in a number of smaller sizes. We understand that the type proving most popular is the 4-5tanner, the chassis of which is about 18 ft. long. Such a model is shown in an accompanying illustration.
The conversion set incorporates a quick-coupling device, a feature of which is that the operation automatically lifts the front part of the trailing unit, so that in neither coupling nor uncoupling is this work done by the jockey wheel-gear.
Works Manager Available.
We know of a man who has for three years been acting as Works manager to a commercial vehicle manufacturing company, and who has had previous experience in organizing, estimating, planning, etc. He is now available for another position of a similar nature. Letters. addressed "Works Manager," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
Petrol from Coal Progress.
At a meeting of Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., held a few days ago, Sir Harry McGowan mentioned that the company expected to start the production of petrol from coal towards the end of the present year. He said that 100,000 tons of petrol per year would be produced by the plant,. on which over L2,506,000 was to be spent. Distribution of the fuel would not be undertaken by the company, but would be passed through the usual channels.
Depot System .of. Transport Makes for Economy.
Mr. A. G. Marsden, supervisor of the Cadbury and Fry joint transport department at Bournville, in an address to members of the Manchester and. District Traffic Association, said that, in transport, substantial savings could be made by establishing depots at various points throughout the country and moving products in bulk loads from the factory to these centres at low rates, and by loading and unloading at the terminal points.
Packing costs, an expensive factor, were minimized, and claims were reduced to a negligible quantity. -Storage problems were also eased.
A.E.C.'s New Service Representative.
With a view to giving operators better facilities for overhaul and repair work in the eastern counties, ' the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., has appointed Egertons (Ipswich), Ltd., as a service representative. The company, which has fine showrooms and well-equipped. workshops in Northgate, Ipswich, is being provided with a good stock of A.E.C. spares.
Making. Mercedes Oilers in Canada.
-A neW company has been organized in Toronto, Canada,, with the title of Dominion Diesel,' Ltd., to acquire the rights for the manufacture of MercedesBenz oil engines in the Dominion.
Mr. H. G. Jekin, transport manager to Middlesbrough Corporation, has tendered his resignation. He has held the post since 1919.
The chairmanship of Hay Urban District Council has been conferred upon Mr. T. J. Madigan, the Hay motor hirer and trader, who occupied the position four years ago.
Colonel Arthur Jerrett, who is well known as the controller of transport for Lewis's, Ltd., Liverpool, has been
One of the new Brockhouse Bulldog Kwikfiks Six sem i-trailef s attached to a Commer chassis. The outfit is capable of carrying loads up to 5 tons and is a recent addition to the fleet of vehicles owned by the Revo concern.
elected chairman of HoyIake Urban District Council, which he joined in 1932.
It was reported to the council of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, last Tuesday, that Mr. R. B. Stockdale had unanimously been elected chairman of the road transport section for the ensuing year.
Councillor H. Howard Robinson, secretary of the Manchester Transport Owners Association, and the Manchester Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association, has been appointed, chairman of Cheadle Council, which he joined five years ago. He holds many offices in the South-West Lancashire transport world.
Out of 56 applications for the position of transport manager at Aberdeen, the following short list has been chosen :— Messrs. Alexander Dickson, Oldham ; Lawrence C. Greig, Edinburgh ; A. G. Ingram, Glasgow ; Frank Lythgoe, Rawtenstall; James P. Marshall, Falkirk; Robert E. Menfiae, Aberdeen ; Rowland C. Moore, Hull ; John S. Ross, Edinburgh ; Alfred Smith, Aberdeen ; and James W. Wintour, Bothwell.
Mr. T. F. Hargreaves, Liverpool manager of Transport Economy, Ltd., has been elected chairman of the NorthWestern Area Committee of the Road Haulage Association. Mr. Hargreaves is a member of the committee of the road-transport section of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, and of the road transport co-ordination ccmm tteeThe deputy-chairmanship of the section is being filled by Mr. Peter Stevenson, managing director of Stevenson Transport, Ltd. DRIVER'S AGE: HIGH COURT APPEAL.
In the King's Bench Divisional Court (composed of Lord Hewart and Justices Avery and Humphreys), on April 19, the decision of justices sitting at Barnard Castle (Durham) in favour of Mr. J. II. Willis, aged 19, of Piercebridge, was successfully challenged by an official appointed by the Traffic Commissioners.
It was explained that Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act prohibited the driving of a heavy locomotive by a person under 21 years of age unless he satisfied the licensing authorities that, for six months before the Act was passed, he had been in the habit of driving such a vehicle. One day last September Willis was stopped while driving a road roller. He had a driving licence, but eventually admitted that he was only 19 years of age.
For the prosecution, it was contended that he should prove before the justices that, when he applied for his driving licence, he had satisfied the authorities as to his age and that he had been in the habit of driving such a locomotive. For Willis, it was argued that the onus was on the prosemition to establish that he was under 21 and that he was disqualified from holding a licence because be had not so satisfied the authorities as to his ability to drive that class of vehicle.
The Court allowed the appeal, directing the Magistrates that the offence alleged had been proved. Lord Hewart said the justices were clearly wrong in their decision, for the onus of bringing himself within any protection provided by this Act was upon the accused himself.
Oiler Expert on Fuel Costs.
Mr. R. Wood Whittle, general manager of Podens Ltd., Sandbach, when addressing the members of the Stockport Rotary Club, said that the haulier covering 1,000 miles a week with a 7ton oil-engincd lorry would have to pay £1 Os, 10d. a week for fuel. A petrol vehicle doing the same work and mileage cost £8 2s. 5d. for fuel. This saving in fuel cost was sufficient D22 to pay the driver's wages, the vehicle licence fee and insurance.
Mr. Wroth, of the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., said he could bear out many of the claims made by Mr.
WoodWhittle. His company had used an oil engine for nine months, and during that period it had covered 46,000 miles.
Goods Vehicle Appeal Tribunal.
The Appeal Tribunal formed under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, now has its offices at King's Buildings, Smith Square, London, S.W.1, and communications should be addressed to the Clerk to the Tribunal.
Salford Motor Purchase Inquiry.
Sanction to borrow £12,150, mainly for the purchase of mechanical vehicles to replace the horse-drawn carts used by Salford Cleansing Department, was applied for at a public inquiry, at Salford, last week.
It was stated that the cleansing Committee estimated that the saving in the cost of collection and disposal of refuse would amount to about £18.000 per year. As long ago as 1931 it was recommended by Salford Finance Committee that about 20 motors should be acquired for the purpose.
New Hauliers' Association for Wales. It has been decided to form a roadhaulage organization in Carmarthenshire, Cardiganshire and Pembrokeshire. This step was the outcome of a meeting of hauliers at Carmarthen, at which Mr. T. J. Parry Jones, J.P.. for Many years an outstanding figure in Carmarthenshire freight and passengercarrying circles, presided over a gcod attendance.
A link is to be made with the Road Haulage Association and a strong committee has been appointed to draft rules.
Young Accumulator's Profit.
The report of the Young Accumulator Co. (1929), Ltd., shows a net profit of £5,686 for the seven months ended March '31, 1934, compared with a net loss of £5,630 for the previous 12 months. ULSTER HAULIERS TO BE LICENSED.
The provisions of the new Northern Ireland Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Bill, which were issued recently, include the introduction of haulage licensing, similar to that incorporated in the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933. Licences, issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, shall be in force for one year, unless revoked or suspended, and no fee shall exceed £2. , The driver of a goods or public service vehicle shall not work for a period longer than may be prescribed in the regulations to be made under the Act Regulations concerning road haulage have not yet been included in the Bill, bit will be introduced following the report of Sir Felix Pole, who is visiting Northern Ireland on April 30 to inquire into the conditions of goods transport.
Dennis Interim Dividend.
Dennis Brothers, Ltd., has declared an interim dividend of 33 per cent., in respect. of the current year, which is the same as for the previous year, when the dividend for the complete year was 100 per cent.
R.H.A. Co-ordination Move.
At a meeting of the committee of the East Lancashire Section of the Road Haulage Association, it was decided that it was desirable to form a corn-, mittee of the various transport associations in order to deal with matters of common interest. It has been represented to the committee that the Association should develop a policy / likely to be of assistance to those haulage contractors who are engaged in " small " traffic.
Potteries Motor Traction Profit.
During 1933 the ..eotteries Motor Traction Co. made a net profit of 410,391, contrasted with a net loss of £1,825 in the previous year. A sem of £4,000 is placed to reserve and £500 is set aside for redemption of second debenture stock, whilst a dividend of
3 per cent. absorbs £6,742. The amount carried forward is £11,457.
Warning to Lorry Drivers.
The , Gainsborough (Lincolnshire) Bench of .Magistritcs issued a warning, last week-end, to lorry drivers regarding the parking of their vehicles outside cafes in main streets. The chairman of the Bench (Mr. C. Cooper) said that they had no desire to prevent the drivers from obtaining food in the town, but it was essential that their vehicles should not hold up traffic.
Arcaloy Piston for All Engines.
In our description, last week, of the new Arcaloy piston, made by the Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd., London, S.E.1, we described it as being available in nine diameters. We are asked by the concern to explain that these pistons are supplied in sizes suitable for practically every engine made, each of the nine specified diameters • being the figure up to which the corresponding price applies. No extra charge is made for pistons not exceeding 0.04 in. oversize.