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The Aldershot Command is to hold an administrative exercise during the first week in September. This will involve the provisioning of about 10,000 men with rations, fuel for the vehicles, etc. For this purpose, some hundreds of transport vehicles may be hired from civilian sources and it is believed that they will have to travel considerable distances.
This is the first time since the important general manceuvres, which took place many years ago, that so large a number of vehicles will be required. At that early date the arrangements made for the drivers in respect of rations and rest periods did not prove entirely satisfactory and a large number of the men decided to break the contract. The Editor of this journal received commendation for putting matters on a more amicable footing.
Three Associations Get Together.
It is reported that consultations are taking place between the Commercial Motor Users Association, Associated Road Operators, and the National Road Transport Employers Federation, on questions arising out of the Bane Committee's report.
It is understood that representatives of the three organizations mentioned met in conference recently, and that it was decided to hold a further meeting. Much discussion, it is gathered,
e28 has centred on the question of representation on the new Central and Area Boards, the setting up of which was recommended by the Bodine Committee.
Topham Bros. Variation Refused.
Decisions of the North-Western. Licensing Authority in respect of applications by Topham Bros. (Manchester), Ltd., have now been published. Licences have been granted in substitution for existing licences in respect of 17 vehicles and 10 trailers, but an application for two extra vehicles and a trailer has been refused.
The Biggest Commercial Show.
It is now certain that this year's Commercial Motor Show, at Earls Court, will be the most important that has yet taken place in this country. It will occupy some 25 per cent, more space than the exhibition of 1935.
Application has been made to the East Midland Licensing Authority by Hay's Wharf Cartage Co., Ltd., 205, High Holborn, London, W.C.11 for permission to take over four vehicles running under A licences and four machines on B licences previously operated by the late Mr. J. Kirkland. The vehicles are to have their base at Derby.
T.L.R.T.A. Congress of 1938.
The 28th annual Congress of the Tramways, Light Railways and Transport Association will take place at Folkestone between June 22 and 25, which is somewhat later than usual. The Conference appears to be popular amongst municipalities, for a later invitation was received from the Corporation of Leicester, which may be considered for another year. MORE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS.
At a cost of about £50,000, a scheme to improve the route between Wrexham and the mining district of Llay, Denbighshire, has been approved by the Minister of Transport. It will take the form of a diversion about two miles long and 44 ft. wide between Rhosrobin and Llay Cemetery and will include two bridges over the River Alyn and Wat's Dyke. Completion will be in about two years.
Another new road, to cost £45,000, is to by-pass the village of Caistor, between Lincoln and Grimsby. The present road is narrow and tortuous, with steep gradients, and heavy commercial traffic passes between Grimsby Docks and the Midland counties. It will be just over a mile long and will shorten the present route.
Wage Increases by Leyland Motors.
All the adult male workers of Leyland Motors, Ltd., are to receive increased wages and, next week, will have an additional is. 6d. per week until November 15, when a further Is. 6d. will be paid. There will also be larger rates for overtime, that for the first two hours in the day shift being increased from time and a quarter to time and a third.
Mr. Riches Heals Orkney Breach.
Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, figured as a peacemaker at Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, a few days ago.
Evidence was led at great length in an application for a B licence by Mr. J. B. Spence, a haulier, of Ferryhouse, Holm, who was opposed by Mr. J. G. Marwick, another haulier, of St. Mary's Village, Holm. Mr. John R. Aim, a Holm building contractor, who appeared for Mr. Spence, stated that he had formerly bad building materials carried by Mr. Marwick.
In granting the licence to Mr. Spence, Mr. Riches appealed to the three men to get together and shake hands. He asked Mr. Aim whether he would share his traffic between both operators. Mr. Aim agreed and the sitting ended with the three men renewing their friendship, which had lasted for 30 years.
He Gave Us Duralumin.
The death is reported of Alfred Wilm, the German metallurgist, who gave the engineering world duralumin. At the time of his death he was in retirement in Silesia.
Coach Driver to Broadcast.
The West of England broadcasting station will include, in its series of talks entitled "Private View," one by a coach driver at 8.30 p.m. on September 8. It is understood that he will tell listeners about some of the people who make use of his services.
D.E.U.A. Papers.
In the 1937-38 programme of the Diesel Engine Users Association will be a paper entitled "Diesel Influence on Road Transport Costs," by Major P. M. Sanders. M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.T., and Mr. E. K. Wenlock, to be read on December 8. A paper on supercharging will also be read by Mr. L. H. Pomeroy, Junr., M.S.A.E., on February 10, and there will be an informal discussion on bearing metals on March 10.
The annual dinner will take place at the Connaught Rooms on February 9.
More Support for Baffle Report.
That the recommendations of the Bailie Committee on the control of wages and conditions for C-licensees are in the public interest, is the view of the road-transport section of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. '
MR. LESLIE BTJRGIN, Minister of Transport, will open the new central bus station and transport offices at Walsall on September 23.
MR. THOMAS C. SHARPE, the late chairman of the East London Hauliers Association, is now vice-president and publicity manager. The new chairman is MR. ERIC R. TAYLOR.
MR. FREDERICK LEACH, chairro' an of Leeds Corporation's transport committee and a Yorkshire Traffic Commissioner, has been appointed a magistrate for the city of Leeds.
ALDERMAN ROWLAND WINN, Of Rowland Winn, Ltd„ the big Leeds motor trader, who is chairman of Leeds Corporation's watch committee, is also one of the 21 new Leeds magistrates.
MR. J. B. GILL, who for nine years has been traffic superintendent to Walsall Corporation, is transferring to Leeds to take up the position of deputy chief traffic officer of the municipal undertaking. lie was selected from a total of 51 applicants.
Last week, two directors of Hardy Spicer and Co., Ltd., MR. Joresi L. HARDY and MR. J. A. DANIELL, left Southampton on the "Queen Mary" for a round, trip of the United States. During their tour they will visit their associated company, the Spicer Manufacturing Corporation, of Toledo.
It is announced that, owing to illhealth, Ma. L. G. OCKENDEN has, for the time being, been compelled to resign his official positions with Associated Road Operators. This decision was accepted with great regret. His place on the national haulage sectional board has been taken by MR. RUSHOLM BROWN, of Eltham Transport Co.
Buckley Gears' New Factory.
A new factory is in course of erection at Elsinore Road, Old Trafford, in connection with the reorganization and expansion scheme of the old-established Manchester gear concern of W. W. Buckley and Son, Ltd. Mr. W. W. Buckley, who founded the concern some 32 years ago, remains in cffice in an advisory capacity.
C.A.V.-Bosch Accessories.
A useful booklet giving working particulars and running instructions on the various C.A.V.-Bosch accessories, such as windscreen wipers, fuses, heater and other switches, magneto couplings, direction indicators and Luvax shock absorbers, has been issued by C.A.V.Bosch, Ltd., Acton, London, W.3.
The Hyject Washing Pump.
We are asked by Benton and Stone, Ltd., Bracebridge Street, Birmingham, 6, to explain that this concern's Hyject high-pressure vehicle-washing pump, described in our issue dated August 20, costs £5, and not as stated in our description. MORRIS LONDON DEALERS HEAR LORD NUFFIELD.
An excellent reception, dinner and cabaret was given. to Morris London dealers by Morris Motors, Ltd., and Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., last Friday at Grosvenor House, Park Lane. Lord _Nuffield was in the chair.
Giving the toast of "Our London Dealers," Lord Nuffield referred to the improved business shown over the past 12 months. He also took the opportunity of strongly criticising the policy of the British steel manufacturers in respect of the high prices of their products. In this country we were paying at least a third more than were our competitors overseas. The steel makers were taking advantage of the present position and he went so far as to term it a "ramp."
Since the duty had been imposed on foreign steel, the price in this country had risen by 25 per cent., whereas, with cars, the price had been reduced by 50 per cent.
Steel Producer Replies to Lord Nuffield.
An official of the Brymbo Steel Co., of Brymbo, near Wrexham, North Wales, one of the oldest and largest specialized steel concerns in the country, has replied to Lord Nuffield's criticism of the ruling prices for steel.
The company fails to understand how ,he can reasonably challenge this integrity. Production costs are considerably higher than formerly, but prices are much lower to-day than they were in the boom year of 1921-22, when they were based upon supply and demand. Now they are controlled strictly by audited cost of production,
'The company believes that, without the control of the British Iron and Steel Federation, steel prices might easily be 40 per cent, higher than they are, due to the world shortage that exists and not just the shortage in this country. It believes that it would be wholly uneconomic for the motor industry to contemplate purchasing steels outside Great Britain.
I. of T. Examinations, 1938.
The graduateship and associate membership examinations of the Institute of Transport will be held in London and other centres on April 28, 29 and
30. The latest date for depositing entry forms is March 1, 1938, or January 1 if any exemption be claimed.
A guide to the examinations may be obtained for 2s. 6d., including postage, from Mr. A. Winter Gray, secretary of the Institute, 15, Savoy Street, London, W.C.2.
Encouraging the Road Beautiful.
The Council for the Preservation of Rural England has issued a report on road improvements, embodying the views of the Trunk Roads Joint Committee and the Roads Beautifying Association. In welcoming the Trunk Roads Act, it states that the Committee has confidence that the Minister, in
A30 consultation with the county councils, will eventually secure roads for this country which are, first, suited to future traffic demand in the way of volume, speed and weight and, secondly, so designed and laid out as to conform with the attractive landscape of this island.
It mentions that, in Britain, there are 12 vehicles per mile, compared with 8 in the U.S.-A., 4.9 in France and 4.4 in Germany. Long, straight roads are apt to be monotonous and the report recommends that, wherever possible, a road should take a line ' from which renowned and beautiful views can be obtained.
Wide grass verges, such as bound many new highways, are pleasing to the eye and promote safety as well.
_ Vehicles Needed by Johannesburg.
H.M. Trade Commissioner .at Johannesburg reports that that city is calling for tenders for lorries and a trailer, to be presented in Johannesburg by September 18. Full details may be obtained from the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, reference T.Y.18764 / 37 being quoted. YORKSHIRE TRANSPORT SOCIETY FORMED.
With the object of encouraging interest in transport matters, the Yorkshire Transport Society has been formed. Members of Bradford Corporation transport department have taken the initiative in the formation of the organization.
A course of lectures is being prepared, the first of which will be given on October 5, at the County Restaurant, Bradford. It will deal with the story of the London bus. At a subsequent meeting Mr. H. Mann, of the municipal transport department, will read a paper on the nationalization of transport.
The president of the Society is Mr. C. R. Tattam, Bradford Corporation's transport manager, whilst Mr. A. S. Denton is chairman, Mr. F. Clayton vice-chairman and Mr. Scott secretary.
Higher Passenger Limit for Trolley buses.
The provisions affecting the transport of children in public-service vehicles have been extended to trams and trolleybuses, under the Metropolitan Stage Carriage (Tramcars and Trolley Vehicles) (Additional Passengers) (Amendment) Order, 1937. Where only children not exceeding 15 years of age and not more than six attendants are carried, three children may be reckoned as two passengers.
Scottish Union Presses for Higher Pay.
The Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association has applied to Glasg-aw Corporation for a new agreement on behalf of members in the various departments. The association requests a minimum wage of 62s. 6d, for carters, 68s. for motor drivers and 75s. for steam-roller drivers.
Other reforms proposed include a 44-hour week, time-and-half payment for overtime, double time for Sunday work, two weeks' annual holiday with pay, plus customary and statutory holidays, four week's sick .pay in any Year and casual workers to receive ld. an hour extra. The special nature of the work in the cleansing department, it is added, should be recognized by an extra is. a shift.
By the provision of rapid road transport, the Millbay Laundry, Cleaning and Dyeing Co., Ltd., Plymouth, is able, in certain cases, to save two days in the time required to return Cornish orders.
The company has recently added to its fleet of 45 delivery vans two MorrisCommercial forward-control 2-ton vehicles. These machines are being employed for transporting work to and from country branches, and five vehicles of this type are in operation.
The fleet is being further augmented by two Morris-Commercial 1-ton vans for local deliveries. By the provision of an additional van, which travels through the night to and from branches in that county, a much quicker service is being given to Cornish customers. The night run supplements two daily services, which have been in operation in Cornwall for some time.
A transport depot has been opened at Redruth, where another van has been stationed to link up the branches at Camborne, Falmouth, Penzance and St. Ives. Improved trading is expected to result from the speeding-up of delivery arrangements.
Motor Vehicle Electricians' Course.
The Borough Polytechnic, Borough Road, London, S.E.1, is, from September 20, enrolling students for its motor-vehicle electricians' course, arranged for those engaged in the manufacture, maintenance, and repair of electrical equipment. The course includes three evening lessons a week covering the sessions over two years.
The syllabus for the examination in this subject held by the City and Guilds Institute is covered. The sessional fees are, for students under 18 years of age, 8s. 6d. to 12s. 6d., and, over 18 years of age, 10s. to 30s. Particulars may be obtained from the Principal.
Specializing in Non-ferrous Die Castings.
The Eastnor Electric Co., Ltd., which specializes in die casting it all non-ferrous metals, is erecting a new factory at Elsinore Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, where the most modern and efficient gravity and pressure machines obtainable are to be put into service. They will deal with intricate castings in brass, copper, Elektron, etc.
Road-Rail Position in Fish Haulage.
Does this sound like the abstraction of fish traffic from the railways?
Of the 21,528 tons of fish which passed through the Liverpool Wholesale Fish Market during the year ended March 31 last, 4,812 tons were brought in by road vehicle, 15,241 tons by railway and the remainder from local and trawler sources of supply.
Yorkshire " Transfer " Application.
G. Crow and Sons (Haulage), Ltd., Thornton Road, Bradford, is applying to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority for permission to take over the business of Messrs. Walton and Hel Station Garage, Mytholmroyd, who run four vehicles (9f tons).
Big G.P.O. Oil Contract.
Frank How and Co., Ltd., advises us that it has recently obtained a contract from the G.P.O. authorities for 250,000 gallons of lubricating oil. The Post Office fleet now consists of over 15,000 vehicles and is the largest commercial fleet of its kind in the world. All the oil for this contract will be blended at the company's works at Stratford, London, E.15. SEARCH FOR OIL IN 270,000 SQ. MILES OF AFGHANISTAN.
The Inland Exploration Co., a subsidiary of the Seaboard Oil Co., has taken the first step towards exploiting its 75-year 270,000-sq.-mile concession in Afghanistan by sending out three geological parties from New York.
The oilfields run for 500 miles across North Afghanistan from the Indian to the East Persian frontier and extend far south along the Iranian border. Experts have reported many natural seepages, which are said to prove the richness of the field.
A thousand miles of pipe-line to carry the oil across either Persia or Baluchistan would be required after the development of the concession. Negotiations are not yet completed with those countries.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from August 27September 4 inclusive:—Docks: King George V. 9; Royal Albert, 7; Royal Victoria, 2; Surrey Commercial, 7; West India, 2; South West India, ,3; Tilbury, 7; Tilbury Stage, 3; Millwall, 3; Royal, 1; London, 3. Wharves: Hay's, 6; Middleton's, 1. Tilbury Jetty, 1.
Leyland Buses for South Africa.
Two Leyland Titan and 12 Tiger buses are being shipped to South Africa, both types having oil engines and torque converters. The Titans will have the standard metal-framed body and the others Leyland bodies modified, for one-man operation. In shipping the double-deckers, it is necessary to send the top decks separately, because of the difficulty of railing the complete vehicles from Port Elizabeth to Bloemfontein.
British Standards Report.
The British Standards Institution has issued its half-yearly handbook. which includes the annual report for 1936-37 and indexed lists of specifica tions to July, 1937. A section is devoted to methods of tests contained in the various standards. Copies, under reference CE.4300, are available from the publications department of the Institution, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, at is. 4d., including postage.
The Institute of Metals Proceedings.
We have received, from Mr. G. Shaw Scott, M.Sc., F.C.I.S., Volume lx, No. 1, 1937, of the Journal of the Insti. tubs of Metals, 36, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1, It contains over 100 more pages than any single volume issued in recent years, and reflects on the improved position of the non-ferrous metal industry.
The volume covers such important subjects as metal spraying, the effect of added elements on aluminium alloys, the theory of age-hardening, alloys of magnesium, and other features of great interest to the engineer.