What the Associations are Doing
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At a meeting of the executive committee of A.R.O. last week, Mr. R. HindIey, hon. treasurer, stated that the financial position of the Association was eminently satisfactory. Between January 1 and July 31 of this year 958 new members bad joined the Association.
Mr. Hindley also reported that a legal-defence scheme had recently been launched in the North-Western and East Lanes Areas, and satisfactory progress was being made in this direction. Regarded at the moment as being in the nature of an experiment, the idea is likely, if successful, to be extended to many other areas. The latest reports show that other areas are, in fact, pioceeding with similar schemes.
A.R.O. Yorkshire Meetings Next Month.
Meetings in th.e Yorkshire Area of A.R.Q. during Septemberwill include the following, to be held at 7.30 p.m. in each case:— GOODS SUBAREAS.
September 1—Griffin Hotel. Boar Lane. Leeds. September 2.—Bay Horse Hotel, Frenchgate, Doncaster.
September 6—Wellington Hotel, Dewsbury. September 7—Royal Oak Hotel Barnsley. September S—Metropole Hall, West Street,
September 9—King's Head hotel, Knife smith Gate, Chesterfield.
September —1:*leugh Hotel, Huddersfield. September 13—George Hotel, Selby. September 16—Golden Fleece klotel, Pavement, York.
September 17—Irwin's Cafe, Westborough, Scarborough.
September 23--Black Swan Hotel, Snig Hill, Sheffield.
September 8—Central Division, Griffin Hotel, Leeds. September /6—South Division, Black Swan Hotel, Sate Hill; Sheffield.
September 23—South-East Division, Bay Horse lintel, Fretchgate, Doncaster.
September 24—East Division, Irwin's Café, wettbeiougli, Scarborough.
Stabilizing Rates in Forest of Dean.
Good progress was made at a meeting of the Forest of Dean Subarea of A.R.O., last Friday, in drawing up a rates schedule for haulage from the local collieries.
A deputation is being arranged to meet the Forest of Dean coal owners at an early date to obtain an agreement upon the suggested schedule.
Activity in A.R.O. Eastern Area.
Scunthorpe Sub-area of A.R.O., with which is incorporated the northern branch of the Lincolnshire Transport Association, has appointed Mr. C. H. Jefferson, of Holder Chambers, 118, High St., Scunthorpe, as hon. secretary.
Lincoln Sub-area, with which is combined the Southern Section of the L.T.A., continues under Mr. Jesse Hind.
Considerable activity is taking place in both these sub-areas, and arrangements as to boundaries and membership are being adjusted with Mr. Thurman, secretary of the East Midland Area.
We understand that the East Midland Area has also recently set up a legal fund under the control of Mr. A. Sevier, of 4, Queen Street, Derby, and that the scheme follows closely on the • lines of the Yorkshire arrangement. '
Ulster Association to Turn Political?
At a further meeting in September, the Provincial Hauliers' Association of Northern Ireland may finally decide whether to join up with the Progressive Unionist Party. A, meeting, last week, was unable to reach a definite conclusion on the subject.
South Wales Starts Autumn Campaign.
A series of meetings has been arranged in the South Wales Area of A.R.O. for next month. Major Eric Long, J.P., T.D. is booked to speak at Newport on September 13, whilst Mr. R. W. Sewill, national director, will speak at Cardiff on September 15 and Swansea on September 18.
Another B.R.F. Booklet.
At the end of this nionth, the B.R.F. is issuing a new booklet entitled " New Roads for Old." The booklet will be sent to a wide public, and the case for new roads and the practical aspects of cost and construction will be discussed.
Big Ancillary User Joins A.R.O.
Among applications for membership accepted by the executive committee of A.R.O. at its meeting last week was that of the Liverpool Co-operative Society, which operates a fleet of 84 vehicles.
Mr. K. Masheder, traffic manager of the Society, has been elected to the National Council of A.R.O. as one of the representatives from the ancillary users' .section.
A.R.O. to Study Mass Production. A visit tO the Ford Works, Dagenham, has been arranged for the National Council of AR.O., on September 1. The party will travel to the works on the rri.v. " New Dagenham.'
Yorkshire Legal Scheme Announced.
Following the licensing and free legal-defence Scheme introduced recently in the North-Western and East Lanes Areas of A.R.O.„. it is now announced that the Yorkshire Area has set up a legal department, which will come into operation on September 1.
Mr. Stanley Pitts has been appointed whole-time solicitor to the department, and, after several years as an advocate, he has for the past 2i years specialized in transport matters.
The legal department is arranging for representation not only of members, but of their drivers, in every police court in Yorkshire, as well as in areas outside the county. • Mr. Pitts will have his headquarters at the area office-52, Basinghall Street, Leeds. A FULL PROGRAMME FOR B.R.F. NEXT MONTH.
Continuing the B.R.F. programme of talks to rotary dubs, chambers of commerce, etc., the following is a list of meetings arranged for September (unless otherwise mentioned, the engagements are rotary club meetings, and the speaker's names are given in brackets) : September 1, Brighton (Mr. F. G. Bristow); September 2, Barnstaple (Mr. 0. Vincent);. September 7, East London Hauliers' Association (Mr. R. Greshain Cooke); September 8, Preston (Mr. W. A. Gibson-Martin); September El, Cupar (Mr. T. Worsley); September 13, Northampton Chamber of Commerce ILL-Col. D. C. McLagan); September 14, Croydon (Mr. R. Gresham cloaks); September 16, Accrington (Mr. W. A. Gibson-Martin); September 20, Redhill (Mr. R. Gresham Cooke); September 21, Hastings Round Table (Major Eric -Long); September 21, Wigan Round Table (Mr. W. A. G(bson-Martin); September 22, Selby (Mr. Et. W. Se-will); September 27, Burnley I Mr. W. A. Gibson-Martin).
C.M.U.A. Combines Business with Pleasure.
Mansfield Sub-area of the C.M.U.A. has arranged its first annual summer outing to Colverton Lido, on September 4. The day's trip will include short local tours of interest, followed by a rally of members.
At the last-named function, Mr. J. E. Berney, chairman of the subarea, will preside, and he will be supported by Mr. Donaldson Wright, chairman of the East Midland Division, and Mr. E. 0. Gray,"divisional secretary. The-chief speaker will be Mr. J. L. Kinder, national organizer.
Attractive Programme for Plymouth A.R.O. Members. _ A mock traffic inquiry, to be held in the New Year, is one of the features of the programme for the winter drafted by the entertainments committee of A.R.O. Plymouth Sub-area. Major Eric Long, political adviser, and Mr. Roger Sewn national director, are to be invited to visit Plymouth during October; there will be a supper in November, a debate in February and a
paper by a member in March. A social entertainment in April will roiled off the season. "
It is reported that good prospects of increased membership are opening up near Plymouth.
Report Railway Obstruction.
In the September Bulletin issued by the London and Home Counties Haulage Contractors'. Association, members are asked to pass to the national secretary any information they may have regarding any discrimination which may be shown at railway docks in favour of railways and railway-owned vehicles.
Scenting the possibilities of there being something orportenebehind this request, we approached Mr, R. P. Bailey, the secretary. He informed us that the inquiry was put out purely for his own information and that there was nothing sinister behind it.