Passenger News
Page 19

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has applied to the South Wale: Traffic Commissioners for row service licences to run three cir cular bus services in the Taff El' area.
The new services will cornpet in part with services regarded a unprofitable yet served by th municipal Taff Ely bus undertal+ ing. The new services also brin public transport to areas at prE sent with none.
Mr Jones considers that h can run the services withoL revenue support and feels thE this would reduce the likelihoo of his application being rejecte as it could enable the loci authority undertaking to wit[ draw parts of its unprofitabl routes and transfer the subsid to help other services.
Additionally, the propose service could offset cuts in th National Welsh route network i the Rhondda Valley (CM, Augu: 20).
The Clayton Jones servic would offer a better frequenc than at present and would ak re-introduce Sunday services part of the area. He proposes 1 use 25 seat midi-buses on ft services.
The company lost an earth, attempt to establish stage se vices in the area (CM, April 23).