Industry backs RHA over rates before fuel duty rise
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By Roger Brown
THE ROAD HAULAGE Association (RHA) has urged hauliers to raise their rates in the face of the third increase in fuel duty in nine months – and received backing from the industry as a result.
Furthermore, businesses that object to haulage irms putting up their rates as a result of the rise – which comes into effect on 1 September – should instead “focus their attention on Treasury ministers who are fuelling cost inlation”.
RHA policy director Jack Semple says: “The haulage industry knows the dificulties facing many of its customers, but hauliers must have haulage rates that are sustainable”.
Robert Wilcox, managing director at Massey Wilcox Transport, says that the swathe of transport business failures will reduce the supply of services to customers, and the lack of supply to demand will increase rates regardless of fuel duty rises.
Steve Bowles, director at Berkshirebased Roy Bowles Transport, says: “Every time fuel goes up, we have to increase our surcharge to all our most-valued clients. I am sure this will push more hauliers closer to the scrap heap.” Ian Jarman, environmental and legislation manager at Owens Road Services, argues: “The cost will always be passed on and iltered down to the end user.”