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Organizing Gas Equipment Industry.
The new Motor Gas Equipreent Assos ciation which resulted from the trade meeting called three weeks ago by the Editor of TH.E COMMERCIAL MOTOR, has made rapid strides, and can now be counted among the most vigorous and promising associations connected with the motor industry. The committee elected at the trade meeting at which the Aksoeiation was -formed,' has proved to be a strong and businesslike one. The usual administrative officers have been appointed (with the exception of paid secretary, who is to take over the duties from the present pro tem. secretary); and the 'active negoi 'talon set up with the owner of Barton's patent has resulted in a• most sensible working agreement beimg entered into, whereby the royalty is fixed at a lower figure than was claimed ; but on the other hand, the Association having taken the best advice, has agreed to pay such royally rather than waste valuable time and .money in long drawn-out patent contestein the courts of law, the result of which would be very problematical.
The Association hat already taken up °. some propaganda and other work, and has been invited to give evidence before the Government committee in January. Notwithstanding the strong personnel of the present committee, they have deemed it well to invite one or two gentlemen of prominence and influence to join thorn under their powers of co-option.
The temporary offices "of the Association are at 7, Sackville Street, Piccadilly, London, W.
Amongst other things passed at one of tbe recent, committee meetings, was a resolution to approach the Motor Trade Association with reference to a. special scheme of price-maintenance for gas bags. In addition to the original membership number of other concerns in the in-. dustry have joined the Association. The annual subscription was inlaid-, mangy fixed at five guineas, but the larger revenue of the Association will be produced by certain other channels which have been agreed upen.
Agricultural Machinery—New. Regulations: It is officially announced that in .pursuance of the powers conferred upoil them by the several Proclamations prohibiting the importation' of certain articles into the United Kingdnro, the Board of Trade will issue-licences for the impoitation of machinery for agricultural and dairy purposes from the U.S.A. and Canada on the oecommendation of the Agricultural Machinery Department of the Ministry of Munitions, 8, Northumberland Avenue, London, W.C. 2.
Persons or firms desiring to import machinery and implements for these parposes must apply to the Agricultural Machinery Department of the Ministry of Munitions for the necessary' perrrit to arrange for the import of such articles.
Permits, when granted, will be forwarded to the Board of Trade,„ Departinent of Import Restrictions, 22, Carlisle Place, S.W. 1, for the issue of the necessary licences.
Such imports will be carried at Government rates of sea freight, and their price to 'users must not exceed the total cost of the article landed in this country, plus 25 per cent. The provisions as to freights and prices do not apply to articles retailed snider 404
Austin's and Agrimotor .Development.
M. B. G. Panks,• of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd:, had recently undertaken to deliver two agrimotors—a Bates Steel. Mule and an Inter-State—to Messrs. George Heath, Ltd., at Birmingham, and decided to run them 'under their own power for the seven miles from Northfield. Inquiries from the local police as to their requirements produced the advice thst, as the ainfotors• did not appear to come under the Heavy Motor Car' Act, allthatwould he,neeessary Would. be the painting 44 the name and address of the owner upon each. As Messrs. George Heath had undertaken to pay for. them on delivery, the name of Sir Herbert Austin was suitably inscribed in the eors reet place. The journey Was made without a hitch and the transaction–completed. Mr. Panks informs us that the ,agrimotor business is going well in spite of many and considerable sethackss.that seem to have been unavoidable—or, 0.t Soy rate, not avoided by those in authority. • In Gloucestershire, the .Austin Co., working • with a local agent, has been demonstrating with a Killen-Strait agrimotor, and in Mr. Panks's opinion the Machine has done the best work that. has ever been done in the county. Good orders were secured, and .not only was there lot a single adverse criticism throughout the week, but instead there were •universal' expressions of approbation.
Coal-gas Decision.
Just 'as this issue is closing for press we learn, from an announcement by the Board of Trade, that. the use ,of gas for motor vehicles is to be brought under the same regulations and restrictions as the use of motor spirit—in other words, it shall be available for essential Deeds in substitution..efspetrol, with the object Of reducing the consumption of the latter and e'onserVing ttocks. • A new order on the whole subject of fuel for motor vehicles will be issued shortly.
Electric Trucks Release Men.
It has been estimated that over 1,000,000,000 tons of freight are handled yearly in the United States. During the past three years the electric truck has aided materially_in systematically hand ling this mass of material. Statistics prove that thiS little poWer trolley can replace from three to five 'men.
New uses for the industrial truck are constantly , being •foUnd. Several veal's ago the .U.S.. Government adopted 'them for use in the arsenals, and,following this cOuhtry's precedent; practically all of the 'factories making munition& are now using these electries, and are finding them indispensable...Special Models have been designed with .separate compartments for the transportation of shrapnel and other shell. As the demand has been created, varied types of these trucks have been placed On the market. They are made small enough to Operate in the aisles of factories and storage.warehOusetS, to run on elevators and into freight cars, yet their standard capacity is two tons. Many carry loads up to 20,000 lb., and they can climb grades too steep for hand trucks. Elevating transfer trucks have
also been developed which can pick up, carry away, and set down loaded interchangeable platforms, thus eliminating the hand labour in loading and Unloading the trucks.
B30 A prominent American motor-manufacturing company has a fleet of 49 of these trolleysi. In its plant, which covers about 110 acres of floor spate, tho average hauls are 150 ft. These little trucks successfully pull loads up 12 per cent. grades. Their entire fleet is housed in an 90 ft. square garage. The operating record of a two-ton truck was kept during one month, and the average cost Per ton-mile was 2.133, or, say, 'Ss. 6d. including labour.
This•truck averaged 3.7 miles per day loaded, plus the same mileage empty, and its average -daily total tonnage was 14.1: A single example of the labbur saving effected in one department Of this plant plainly proves the economy of the industrial truck. Eighteen men were formerly needed to unload storage batteries from freight cars, and eight.men with one elec. trie, industrial truck now do the same
work, and do it more quickly. •
" Some " Stamping.
. Some very fine steel stampings made by the Reliance Manufacturing Co., of Lower Broughton, Manchester, came under our notice last week. This firm has made et traordinary progress in radiator manufacture, duo mostly tmthe untiring energies and practical kriewledge of the founder and principal proprietor, Mr. Frederick Foy.
Simple Heating Gloves.
Owners of vehicles equipped with electric-lighting sets might profit by the experience of the F.I.A.T. testers and obtain a heating arrangement at practically no cost: These men are callad upon to
test ears at extremes of temperature, and as test chassis tannOt be fitted with windscreens, the probleni of keeping warm on Alpine roads is one of no small order. The E.T.A:T. testers Are now supplied with electrically-heated gloves deriving current from the lighting system on the car. The gloves have resistance wires set in the back; between two layers of thin sheet asbestos. Conneetion is made to the electrie light: teftninals at the most cOnvenient points, and the fine flexible Wires ettaehed-to'the WriSt of the gloves by pressure' buttons. The wires are of sufficient length, and are stifficiently flexible not to interfere in any way with driving, and the current passim through the resistance keeps the hands at a warm temperature on the coldest day. If it is neceSsary to leave the wheel, the wires can be disconnected from the gloves merely by a pull on the push-button connections. There is no reason why this
system of heating should sot be applied to the waistcoat and boots; indeed, in the aviation service of some of the Allied forces electric heating for all the clothing has already been adopted.
U.S. Women Workers.
A round 1000 menhaving been called to the colours from among the Packard Motor Car Co.'s employees, this 'American motor manufacturing company has established a school to train women in upholstering, trimming and other work. Most of the women employed areLin the carriage division, as their natural ability can be utilized ,to better advantage in that department. They are nowmaking tops and curtains, doing all sorts of inspection work and handling various small chassis parts. A large number are operating drill presses and :aritomatic screw machines. The Safety
First Department in the factory has preacribed costumes for the women . workers.
Scottish Laundry • 'Ambulance.
The Scottish section of the National Federation of Laundry Associations is subscribing to a fund for the presentation of an Army ambulance in the interests of the Scottish regiments at the Front. This fund is distinct ' from that contributed by the National Federation which pre rented two ambulances to the Red 'Cross Society on the 18th just. It may be mentioned that a large sum has already been subscribed, and art announcement will be Made shortlywith regard to the gift it will be possible to make. The movement is being keenly -supported ayont the Tweed. .
Recent Registraii3ns.
Eclipse Novelties, Ltd. Capital £2000 in £1 shares. Manufacturers of and dealers in industrial, engineering and other appliances, portable and other gas bags etc. Registered office: 26, Leeds Bridge, Leeds.
Plessey. Co.,. Ltd. with a capital of £3000 hi 29d0 ordinarY shares of £1 each and 2009 deferred shares of is. each, to take over the, business carried on at 9, Bell Street, Marylebone, as Plessey and Co, and to carry on the business of engineers, maChinists, fitters, millwrights, founders, wire drawers, tube makers, etc. The registered office ., of the company is at 9, Bell Street, Mary , leborie, W. .
. Will Farmers Apply
Colmore Depot, 49, John Bright Street, Birmingham, is ready to lend a hand towards ploughing the 2,500,000 'acres so urgently required for food production next year. If any of oar farming readers residing in the Birmingham district will communicate with the ATM at the above address, stating acreage, nature of soil, local rates paid for ploughing and other details, Cohnore Depot will help him out with the breaking of his arable land by furnishing tractor -facilities for the purpose. .Early application should be made as facilities are limited.
Messrs. Brown Bros. Ltd have issued to their 'customers an exceedingly neat desk mirror bearing a .date panel-changeable at each month's beginning. The neatness and usefulness of the gift will ensure that it shall be the ornament of many a desk in the Motor trade. • •
Petrol Prices Reduced.
Following upon the; recent 2d. per gallon reduction (26th November) the companies forming the Pool Board (Petroleum Supplies) announced just too late for our last issue that owing to a further reduction in the Government War Risk Insurance upon vessels the wholesale price of all grades ef War Motor Spirit was reduced as from 18th December.
The now wholesale prices effect a reduction of Id. ing the retail prices to the public of War Motor Spirit, the current prices of which in England and Wales will be as follow :—No. 2 War Motor Spirit-, 3s. 6d. per gallon; No. 3 War Motor Spirit, 3s. 5d.
per gallon. Scotland and Ire
land id. additional.
American Ambulance Subscription.
The manner in which the -various trade organizations. of
• the country have 'Supported the . Red Cross Society by gifts of ambulances is commendable, and the contributions have beers drawn from, all parts of the world. In connection with the fund inaugurated by the
National Federation of Laundry Associations to the ambulance presentation,. of which . we referred in our issue dated 13th .December, may be mentioned a well-knowni American launderer, Mr. W. Frew Long,-eX-President, of the Nation-al Laundrymen's' Association of-Americas who forwarded a donation of £10.
Local Proceedings.
Sheerness u.g.c. is pm chasing an Aveling and•Porter-tismtor at a cost of £725. When net required for municipal work, the
machine will be hired out. machine will be hired out.
With t • he American Ambulanciers in France: Blaydon 1.T.D.C. is considering (1) The Parisians display a keen interest in the ambuthe purchase of a motor for firelanciers' activities. (2) Distributing supplies among the brigade purposes.
citizens in a poor quarter of Paris. (3) The ambulanciers The F.I.A.T. Co, at Turin, taking a breather after a big distribution. (4) A White Italy, .a few days ago absorbed lorry doing duty with the American ambulance service. the Ferriere Piemontesi Steel
and IronFou'ndries, Rolling Mills., etc., capital 9,000,000 liras; the Officine gin Fili Matto Railways and Trams Rolling Stock Works, with a capital of 4,090,000 liras; and the Industrie Metallargiche _Torino Steel and Iron Works, with a capital amounting to 4,000,000