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".The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the robgkNeSt of the roads over which it runs,"—John Beattie Crozier.
Railway Schemes to Combat Road Transport Competition.
It will be remembered that in our issue dated September 13th last we gave some detaiLe concerning the scheme devised by the Great Western Railway Co. to aid farmers, whereby lorry services were run in certain Welsh dietricts. We are now in a position to supplement these particulars with the news that the scheme has proved so eminently successful that the railway company is contemplating its extension to many more areas—to date, the scheme is being worked in about 100 centres of agricultural importance.
Two-ton and four-ton lorries are used on these services. The rates charged for transport by the four-tonners are approximately 2s. 6d. per ton for two miles, 3s. 6d. per ton for five miles, 6s. 6d. per ton for seven to nine miles, whilst those for the smaller type of vehicle are 3s.. per ton for two miles, 5s. 6c1. per ton for five miles and 8s. 6d. per ton for seven to nine miles. With regard to smaller loads, parcels weighing 71b. are carried two miles for 3(1, and heavier packages are charged for according to their weight, the scale for this class extending up to 1s. 6d. for carrying 1 cwt. a distance of 12 miles.
It is interesting to note that the London and North-Eastern Railway Co. is embarking upon a similar scheme, having recently announced that arrangements have been made with local hauliers for the purpose of transporting loads of farm produce and other goods at unusually lovr rates to and from about 600 of the stations on its system.
Another Licensing Difficulty at Newcastle.
At Newcastle, where licensing difficulties seem to be on the increase, there is a likelihood, in the near future, of still another Ministry of Transport in
quiry. In this instance the trouble centres on the Newcastle to Fawdon route. The corporation having refused to grant the Fawdon Omnibus Co. the necessary licences to ply for hire in Newcastle, the undertaking is operating on the return-ticket system, and states that it is likely to place its application for licences before the Ministry of -Transport The corporation, after having refused the licences, has, it is alleged, prolonged its Coxiodee service to include Fawdon.
Accessories Manufacture in Canada.
According to a statement recently issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics at Ottawa, production from the automobile parts and accessories industry in Canada during 1926 was valued at 13,914,965 dollars, an increase of 21 per cent, over the figure for the previous years. Of the 77 concerns reporting in this industry, 47 were located in Ontario, 12 in British Columbia, 7 In Quebec, (1 in Alberta, 4 in Manitoba and 1 in Saskatchewan. These concerns represented a capital investment In Canada of 10,501,725 dollars, employed a monthly average of. 2,770 people who received 3,680,021 dollars In wages, and by manufacturing pro ceases added 6,181,829 dollars to the value of purchased materials, which cost 7,730,136 dollars. Articles made in this industry included wheels, springs, bodies, tops, bumpers, radiators, tyre rims, covers for tyres, seats, windshields, bearings, shock absorbers, trailers and many other parts and accessories for the motor trade.
Slump in Italian Industry.
The automobile industry of Italy complains of orders being slack. Although certain losses have been incurred in the effort to hold foreign trade, considerable contracts have been booked for meter lorries for the Russian arid Greek Governments. in consequence of the depression in the motor trade the Minister of National Economy will shortly be interrogated as to what steps the Government proposesto take in order to stop the increasing use of foreign vehicles by Italians, especially those of American metriefacture.
Time-table Observance.
Carlisle 7 Watch Committee has decided to inform all proprietors of motorbuses licensed to ply for hire in the city that, in accordance with the conditions upon which the licences were granted, such vehicles must run in conformity with the time-tables submitted to and approved by the committee, and that any proposed alterations of the time-tables must be submitted to the chief constable for the approval of the committee at least 14 days prior to the date when the new times are to take effect.
An Electrical Engineer Available.
We know of a sound electrical engineer who is desirous of making a change and any maker who requires a man acquainted with rolling stock in all its branches, including buses, and with workshop and traffic experience, should addrese imp-dries j.," care of The Editor. His experience has he mainly in India.
Northfieet's Opinion on Taxation.
Northfleet Urban District Council expresses the opinion that motor vehicles used by local authorities should be exempt from tax, having regard to the fact that such vehicles are used for the community at large and not for profit and that H.M. Government he Urged to institute legislation accordingly.
The Non-county Boroughs ASSOCiaCm is taking stepa to oppose the Road Transport Bill being promoted by the various railway companies.
Licence Renewals : New Forms for CommercialUsers.
It is estimated that approximately 14 million motor-vehicle licences will expire on December 31st, of which the majority will be renewed for the quarter, or year, commencing January 1st, 1928. It has been possible to effect the renewal of licences from December 17th.
The Minister of Transport says that it has been found necessary to revise and increase the number of declaration forms for use in connection with applications for licences for the year 1928. The new aeries, eo far as they affect commercial users are as follow :— R.F.4, petrol and steam goods vehicles (general) ; electric goods vehicles; R.F.4/2, showmen's special vehicles; R.F.4/3, agricultural vans and lorries ; R.F.5, agricultural engines and tractors ; R.F.5/1, tractors (general); R.F.8, hackneys; R.F.4A, bulk declaration for goods vehicles; R.P.8A, bulk declaration for hackney vehicles.
Weil-tried Fire-fighting Equipment.
John Morris and SODS, Ltd., Salford Fire Engine Works, Manchester, the well-known manufacturer of fire-fighting equipment of many classes, including fiieengiues, is this year celebrating. the jubilee of the Morris instantanewie coupling which, invented by the lath John .Morris, -has withstood the test of five decades. When the coupling was introduced, 50 years ago, it proved superior to the couplings then in use and in the interveningperiod its merits have received • the full recognition of lire engineers in all parts of the world. Thesea facts are referred to in an interesting -brochure which the company has recently published, wherein it is also mentioned that the year 1927 also witnesses the introduction of the Morris patent release action, an important feature of which is that it enables the coupling to be disconnected while under
water pressure. The brochure gives brief details and illustrations of this device and of other fire appliances produced by the company.
A "Model" Six-wheeler.
The London. General Omnibus Co., Ltd., has just issued a navel poster designed by Mr. Frank Mason. It takes the form of a cut-out model dl sie-wheeled motorbus which can be built up to form a replica of the latest type of " General " passenger-carrying vehicle. Working directions are printed on the poster, as well as a small diagram of the skeleton framework upon which the model must be built.
The "Motor Ship" for January.
Everybody at all interested in ships driven by internal-combustion engines should make a point of seeing the New Year Number of The Motor Ship, which will be on sale on January 2nd, 1928. It contains particulars of every big motor vessel constructed during 1927, and much other useful data and many special articles. There are also over 100 pages of announcements by manufacturers and builders.