News of the Week Stabilized Rates Overtures Meet With Rebuff
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OVERTURES which were made on behalf of hauliers' organizations in Yorkshire to L.M.S. and L.N.E. railway officials in the county, for interviews on the subject of railway rates for the hire of road operators' vehicles, have not been successful. Replies unfavourable to the proposal have been received by the Bradford Horse and Motor Owners' Association, which approached the officials on behalf of the organizations concerned.
This negative result is the outcome of a mOvement begun nearly six months, ago, as we have previously reported. with the object of securing stabilization of the rates paid at L.M.S. and L.N.E. depots in Yorkshire for the hire of rohd vehicles. It was at a Bradford conference, held last July, that steps were initiated to bring about standardization which, eliminating present variations in rates paid in one Yorkshire district as • against another, would ensure that all the hauliers concerned would receive a hiring rate which could be regarded as reasonable in he light of increased . costs. The organizations represented at this conference included the Bradford Horse and Motor Owners' Association, the Heavy Woollen District Transport Owners' Association, the Halifax Transport Owners' Association, the Yorkshire Area of A.R.O., and the North-Eastern Division of the C.M.U.A. The conference passed a resolution that an approach on the matter be made to the Yorkshire Road-Rail Conference, and a copy was forwarded to the Central Road-Rail Conference, but the ultimate result was a recommendation from the latter that the hauliers' organizations should take the matter up direct with railway officials in Yorkshire.
The delay in the railway decision was criticized at a recent meeting of the Heavy Woollen District Transport Association. It is expected that the unfavourable replies recently received will be brought before another conference of representatives of the hauliers' organizations. Further representations on the subject will probably then be made. "'THE AEROPLANE SPOTTER "A NEW " T.P." WEEKLY
U ALF a million people are probably 1 'concerned to-day with spotting aeroplanes. Besides officers and men in the R.A.F., A.A. Batteries, Searchlight Companies and the Observer Corps, many thousands of roof watchers now have to be sure they can distinguish between friendly and enemy aeroplanes. A heavy .demand for the latest news on aircraft development and for clear and accurate photographs and drawings has led to the founding, with official approval, of a new publication, 'THE AEROPLANE SPOTTER." It will appear on January 2 and will be published every Thursday at 3d.
Ask your newsagent to reserve a copy for you now. Acute shortage of paper does not allow newsagents to carry extra stock to meet immediate requirements. .
THE Minister of Transport has now made the Regulations, which were . foreshadowed in our issue dated October 25 last, raising from 2i. tons to 3 tons the maximum unladen weight of goods vehicles which are allowed to travel at 30 m.p.h. A correspondingincrease from 3 tons to 3i tons is permitted in respect of goods vehicles which have been fitted with producer• gas plant or gas cylinders for their propulsion. The concessions will offset the increased 'weight of replacement parts made from heavier substitute materials.
A •further reprieve is granted for solid-tyred vehicles built before 1938;• Under the existing regulations these vehicles were due to be fitted with pneumatic tyres by the end of this year.
AWELL KNOWN road transport contracting concern requires the services of a man capable of dealing with claims in conection with deliveries of smalls, etc. Such a man is sometimes known as a tracer or a claims manager. Letters should be addressed " Tracer," care of the Editor.
AN important meeting of the Industrial Transport Association is to he held on Saturday, January 4, at 2.15 -p.m., at St. Ermin's Hotel, Caxton Street, London, W.1. The subject to -be considered will be Port Emergency Pools, and Mr. H. Scott Hall, M.I.A.E., M.I.T.A. (S.T.R. of The Commercial Motor), is to open the discussion.
PrillE secretary, Metropolitan Area, 1 A.R.O., Mr. S. H. Jardine, makes the excellent suggestion that hauliers engaged on long-distance work who have made no provision for return loads and are finding difficulties in obtaining them, -should instruct their drivers to get into communication with the secretary of that area of A.R.O. in which they may happen, to be at the time when a return load could be conveniently accepted. RESERVATION OF DRIVERCONDUCTORS A PARAGRAPH in the C.M.U.A.
Bulletin refers to the reservation age for driver-conductors. This concerns men normally employed as conductors or garage hands who have been trained and are employed, as required, as drivers of public-service vehicles, trams and trolley vehicles and are licensed or hold permits as such.
Such men will be dealt with, for the purpose of the Schedule of Reserved Occupations, on the same basis as actual drivers of the corresponding vehicles, the reservation age at present being 25 years. Each man should be furnished by his employer with a certificate giving the employer's name and address, the man's name and address and date of birth, the registration number (if the man has already registered), and stating, " This is to certify that Mr is employed as a relief or reserve driver when required." This certificate should be presented when registering, or, if already registered as conductor, etc., forwarded to the Employment Exchange shown on the back of Form N.S.2 given to the employee when he registered; the occupational classification can then be altered. A similar procedure should be adopted when an employee completes a future period of training after he has registered.
ACCOUNTS of the Northern Ireland Road .Transport Board for the year , ended September 30, 1940, show an operatiag profit of E67,473, representing an advance of E59,780 on 1939. After setting aside £125,480 towards depreciation on vehicles, buildings and equipment, there is an available surplus of £66,459 to meet interest charges, which amount to £156,078.
The revenue available is thus deficient by £89,619; after adding this deficiency to the debit balance of £521,935 on September 30, 1939, there is a debit balance to be carried forward of £611,554.
Mr. D. L. Clarke, chairman of the Board, states:—" It is recognized that there is considerable ground yet to cover before rationalization of road transport is complete, but it is of consequence that the past year has contributed so materially towards the fulfilment of that aim."
rOMMENTING, last week, on the k.-etransport position in the area, Sir John Maxwell, Northern Regional Transport Commissioner, said that there were no road vehicles idle. The fuel situation was easier, and trade was not being choked for lack of transport. The only trouble experienced was shortage of tipping vehicles.
HAULIERS in the West Midland Area are complaining that outside operators, chiefly • from London, are coming into that district and approaching the loca41 tileries for return loads which they are offering to carry at rates which are less than those agreed upon by local operators. Accordingly, we have been requested to give publicity to the rates, which are as follow :—
For a minimum load of 10 tons, machine weighed, one delivery, £1 5s. per ton to North London, and El 7s. 6d. per ton within a 10-mile radius south of Charing Cross.
For loads of under 10 tons, machine weighed, one delivery, el 10s, per ton to North London, and £1 12s. 6d, per ton, within a 10-mile radius south of Charing Cross.
HALILIERS who have applied for spare parts, or tyres, and are having difficulty in obtaining them, should supply information as set out below when the A.R.O. will take steps to assist them. This offer: is not to be taken as being a definite promise of success, but it is none the less useful on that account. It is hoped, however, that members will refrain from asking for help unless the spares or tyres be . urgently required.
The following is the information required besides, of course, the owner's name and address:—Make of. vehicle, year, type, and other particulars; nature of traffic carried; detail's of spares required (manufacturer's number and all other information); name of usual supplier; date when spares or tyres where ordered; reason given by supplier for non-delivery; if the vehicle has been laid up and, if so, for what period; any further remarks.
The information should be sent to Mr. Collick, at A.R.O. headquarters, 120, Pall Mall, London, S.W...1.
1912 COMNIER THAT HAS NOT YET COME TO A FULL STOP ANOTHER instance of the longevity of Commer products concerns a 1912 6-tonner, which, in the hands of the Bedfordshire County Council, is still going strong. This vehicle, a KCtype with four-cylindered engine and
• preselective gearbox, gave good service on the road until 1928, when, after 16 years, along with others of its type, A. was replaced by newer Commers. As, at the time, the council was in need of a shunting engine, it was decided not to part with the old chassis, but to 'give it a new leas of life, A railway bogie Was purchased, into which the council's engineers built the • major units of the chassis and, thus converted, it has, for the past 12 years, done useful work for the council, being capable of shunting rail loads up to 180 tons.
rFHE president of the National " .S a f ety First " Association, Lord McGowan, makes a strong appeal to every road user, whether he he driver, cyclist or pedestrian, to give the fullest possible personal co-operation during this National Road Safety Month. Last December, he points out, 1,155 people lost their lives in road accidents. We must not have a repetition of that dreadful total.
Every life lost and every injury inflicted, apart from the dislocation and trouble caused, are just as much gains to the enemy as if an air raid were the cause.
WE understand from Mr. Frederick W Bilton, managing director of the Vigzol Oil Refining Co. (London), Ltd., that this month marks the 21st birthday of the company, which was founded in Ormskirlr, Lancashire, in December, 1919, Progress was continuous, and in 1924 the company opened separate works, offices and organization in Dublin, I.F.S. Four years later the registered office was opened at Bilton House, 113, Park Street, London, W.1. Normally, the company employs about 60 full-time representatives on the road throughout Great Britain and Eire.
Vigzol oils, owing to their excellent lubricating properties, have gained much popularity amongst both manufacturers and operators.
ANEW Year's •greeting and message from Mr, S. H. Jardine, secretary, Metropolitan Area, A.R.O., to members, deserves wide publicity. Thanking all those who have paid their subscriptions promptly, he warns them, in effect, that the Association willaleed all the funds it can collect, that matters are trending in such a way that someone, as never before, has got to cdlne out into the open, and fight for the salvation of the industry. In his opinion, there is far too much "passing the buck" and hiding behind the hackneyed phrase, " Well, there is a war on." There is no reason why many injustices to the road-transport industry should not be tackled and removed, deSpite the war. '
Q OME interesting data of the work of
Manchester Corporation's fleet of refuse collecting and street-sweeping vehicles are contained in the annual r6port of the cleansing committee, which has recently been published.
Collections of house and trade refuse from 238,870 premises, totalled 201,884 tons and were effected at a cost of £209,994; 753 miles of streets were regularly' cleansed and maintained; 22,375 tons of street sweepings were removed, and about 3,058,750 gallons of water, 2,362 tons of sand and chip. pings distributed.
Toe department has accelerated the execution of its programme to substitute motor vehicles for horse-drawn carts. During the heavy snowfall of January last it was necessary to hire 2,243 vehicles for work in connection with snow shifting.
Cleansing of 981,435,840 sq. yds. of roads cost £150,957, an average of 3s. 0.9d. per 1,000 sq. yds., as against 2s. 6.6d. per 1,000 sq. yds. in the previous year. Both comparative figures include the cost of snow removal.
The department now has under its control a fleet comprising 165 motor vehicles.