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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Conference of National Organizations Continues its Activities.
The conference of national organizations, which recently published " The Case of Trade and Industry Against the Report of the Conference on Rail and Road Transport "—the most damning indictment of the Salter Report which has yet been published—held a third meeting in London last Monday. The conference authorized the committee to make representations to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and other members of the Government against any general increase in the taxation of motor road vehicles.
It was further agreed that the only fair way by which the present controversy between rail and road transport can be solved is by setting up a judicial and impartial body to inquire into the facts and circumstances of rail and road transport, so that they may be ascertained, the issues clearly stated and recommendations made on the information which has been obtained in this more satisfactory manner.
The Tramways, Light Railways and Transport Association Annual Congress. The 23rd congress of this association will be held at Leeds between Tune 7 and 9, and the headquarters will be at
the Queen's Hatel. The official welcome by the Lord Mayor will take place on Thursday morning, June 8, when the 37th annual general meeting of the association will also be held, this being followed by a paper on "Modern Mass Transportation Methods," to be read by Mr. W. Vane Morland, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., M.Inst.T., general manager and engineer of Leeds City Tramways. In the afternoon there will be an excursion to Temple Newson. The annual dinner will be held at the Queen's Hotel on the same evening, under the chairmanship of the president, the Hon. Sir
Arthur Stanley, G.B.E.,. C.B., M.V.O., who it is hoped will be well enough to attend in person on this occasion.
On Friday Mr. W. A. Stevens, M.Inst.T., will give a paper entitled "Regeneration on Trolley Vehicles "; a further paper, the title of which will be announced later, will also be presented. The arrangements provide for a luncheon at Harrogate and an excursion to Fountains Abbey. In the evening there will be a reception and dance at the Town Hal
Clearing Houses and Hauliers : An Important Meeting.
A general meeting of clearing houses is to be held at the Hotel Metropole, Northumberland " Avenue, London, W.02, on Thursday, February 2, at 2.30 p.m., to receive the report of the Clearing House (Open) Committee and to approve the terms and conditions agreed betwee.i the committee and the council of the Road Haulage Association.
Most clearing houses throughout the country have been notified of the meeting, but as all the names and addresses are not known at the R.H.A. offices, clearing houses which may not have received the notice are invited to send representatiN es.
It is expected that the terms of agreement will be acceptable to the majority of clearing hoaser and will be the commencement of a better and fairer basis of business as between clearing houses and road hauliers.
Leyland's Dividend Maintained.
Leyland Motors, Ltd., reports a gross trading profit of £296,500 for the year ended September 30, 1932, as compared with a trading profit of £525,172 in the previous year. The directors recommend the payment of a dividend of 10 per cent. (less tax) on the ordinary shares, the same as for 1931. A sum of £93,000 is to be carried forward, as against £95,406 in the previous year.
Over 60,000 Commercial Vehicles Produced Last Year.
According to S.M.M. and T. figures, 61,475 commercial vehicles were produced in this country during the year ended September, 1032. Of this number 7,452 vehicles were exported, the proportion of exports to production being 12.1 per cent.