Boss who failed to turn up turned down for O-licence
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If you've noticed an error in this article please click here to report it so we can fix it. THE BOSS OF Glasgow operator Green Market (Scotland), who told the Trafic Commissioner (TC) he could not attend a rescheduled public inquiry (PI) because his car had broken down, has been refused an O-licence for two vehicles.
Joan Aitken, TC for Scotland, said in a written decision following the December hearing in Edinburgh, that Azzam Mohamad, director of the irm based in Blochairn Road, Glasgow, should have been more attentive and business-like in his behaviour.
Mohamad had been director at Global Distribution (Scotland), which went into compulsory liquidation in February 2009. Its licence was revoked in July that year.
Mohamad failed to turn up at the initial PI in Edinburgh in September 2010 to consider the application from Green Market (Scotland) and the hearing was put back until 14 December.
However, when Mohamad failed to attend the morning hearing, the PI clerk called his mobile.
Mohamad answered, and said that due to the icy conditions there was a problem with his car that needed to be ixed.
He was still in Glasgow and might turn up at the PI but could not say for sure that he would.
When the clerk told him this was not appropriate, Mohamad asked for a new PI date.
The clerk told him to conirm his request by email, but the TC’s ofice failed to receive a reply. Aitken added: “Calls to PI are not casual matters. PIs take administration and expense to convene. If the applicant’s director or shareholder are to make any future applications, they should learn from their experience of this application and be attentive and business-like to the administrative aspects of operator licensing and what is required if one is to hold an O-licence.”