Fire-Brigade Matters.
Page 9

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Brighouse Corporation (Yorks.) has taken delivery of its Morris.
The Watch Committee of West Bromwich T.C. has in hand an ipplicittion to the L.G.B. for sanction to borrow £860 to pay for a new petrol fire-engine.
Southend Town Council has been coque,tting with the subject of motor fire-engines. Some local people harked back to unhappy motorbus experiences. Now, however, application is to be made to Ilie L.G.B. for permission to borrow 1800 odd.
The Fire Brigade Committee of Willesden Urban District Council reports having had under consideration tenders for the supply of a motor fire-engine, and has appointed a sub-committee to inspect tile engines proposed to be supplied by Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., and Dennis Bros., Ltd.
Early on the morning of Tuesday of last week a very interesting test was conducted with two of the latest Dennis fire engines belonging to the London County Council Fire Brigade. Lieut. Sladen, the chief officer, was in command, and under his direction a hose was hoisted to the Lop of the dome. When the en, gines were got to work, a stream of water was sent above the cross.
At Leicester.
Leicester Town Council, whose newest (sic) fire-fighting plant is no less than 17 years old, shortly expects L.G.B. sanction to its expenditure of £2,712 on motors.
L.C.C. Wants 211 Motors.
In regard to the, intention of the L.C.C., already reported in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, to substitute motors entirely for horses, particulars of the. proposed programme for
the next few years, in regard to the purchase of motor fire appliances, have been prepared. The accompanying table shows the number of various appliances likely to be re• quired for the complete conversion of the equipment of the Metropolitan Eire Brigade to mechanical transport, and the total approximate cost.
The Council has accepted the tender of Dennis Bros., Ltd., at £360, for the supply of a 20 h.p. motor chassis required in the motor-instruction class of the Fire Brigade. The "Cedes" Electric Traction, Ltd., whose tender was accepted in May last, at 2.5,471 18s. 7d., for the supply of six electrically-driven motor (escape.) vans for the Fire Brigade, is to be allowed to sub-let part of its contract to Bayley's, Ltd., or to such other person or firm as may bean
proved by the Chief Officer und.:11the contract.. The sum of £5,471 18s. 7d. is to be reduced to :.2,291 1Ss. 7d. owing to the non-requirement of certain spare-battery sec firms, etc., which were included. in the first-mentioned sum.
Tenders have been invited for eight more petrol-driven vehicles, and they must be delivered at or before H. a.m. on the 29th inst. Sa In rday next.